A/N: I'm updating more rapidly now. Yay! Lol Well, im terribly sorry if this isn't making sense for you. It's kind of confusing for me. Read the first paragraph in my profile. I posted something new for the readers of this story.

Disclaimer: This is song is the property of Evanescence. The characters and places are not mine. They are the property of J.K. Rowling.

Tragedies of Love and War

Chapter Four

Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming

Cannot cease for the fear of silent nights

Oh how I long for the deep sleep dreaming

The Goddess of imaginary light

Ginny was now beginning to believe her world she had created was real. She was being consumed by her madness; she screamed in the nights for the silence was crushing. She wanted sleep, but she could not bring herself there. Battles replayed in her mind and she smelled death and blood in her nightmares. There was no comfort in Harry's ghost present.

In my field of paper flowers

And candy clouds of lullaby

I lie inside myself for hours

And watch my purple sky fly over me

"Ginny sees a different world than everyone else around here." Ron was in conversation with Hermione and a healer at St. Mungo's.

"She just, doesn't, she's grieving. She needs help. She's going to have a baby in about a month. Can we bring her here?" Hermione attempted.

"She's welcome to stay until she gets better. We'll have her watched over." The healer responded.

"No, she won't want to be watched over like a small child. She's a strong individual, this has just, taken such a toll on her." Hermione corrected him and stood up for Ginny.

"I understand. I'll let the staff know. She will be looked after well though."

"Thank you sir. We'll bring her in as soon as possible." Ron told him. "Good day."

"Good day sir." The healer answered.

I linger in the doorway

Of alarm clock screaming monsters calling my name

Let me stay where the wind will whisper to me

Where the raindrops, as they're falling, tell a story

Ginny leaned against the door frame. The alarm clock was going off and increasing its piercing cry. She heard voices, calling her name. They were unknown to her, voices of long ago, the ones she loved, but forgotten. She closed herself off to the haunted world she knew, where the soft wind would whisper to her of gentle repose. The rain began and she was taken to the Great Battle all over again. Her body, of its own free will slid down to the floor and she was sitting crouched on the ground. She felt her life was being told to the world, in every heavy drop; she did not want the world to know.

She felt invaded upon. There were too many burdens to bear. She saw her brothers, her mother and father, Hermione, Harry, Remus, and Sirius. The pain was intense. She hadn't eaten since the night before, which had consisted of a slice of stale bread and a few sips of soup. Ginny was now lying on the floor, she rested her head, and went to sleep.

If you need to leave the world you live in

Lay your head down and stay awhile

Though you may not remember dreaming

Something waits for you to breathe again

Ginny was able to seek refuge from her mind. She stayed sleeping, freeing herself from fear. She wasn't sure if it was real or not, or whether or not she would remember it all later. But she refused to let herself be taken away from it.

Footsteps came onto the stairs and climbed to the place where they knew she would be. It was Ron and Hermione. George was with them.

"Is she breathing?" George asked, scared to know the answer.

Ron tilted his ear to her mouth. "Yes, but whether or not she's breathing in this world, or her own,is what matters."

In my field of paper flowers

And candy clouds of lullaby

I lie inside myself for hours

And watch my purple sky fly over me

In her dreams she saw soft hushed fields of flowers. She was lying down and looking up at the calm blue sky, something she hadn't seen a long time. Somewhere in the distance music was being played.

"Ginny?" Hermione paused. "Ginny, wake up."

Each of the three attempted to wake her, with no success.

Ginny was transported to St. Mungo's that morning. It was there they created a mixture of liquid food. She was able to drink it although she was unconscious. Ginny Weasley lay in a coma. The healers said they did not understand why she was in her comatose state, her vitals were perfect, but she had to decide whether or not she would come back to them.

A/N: I say 'Harry's ghost'. But what you should ask yourself, is, "Is he really there? Or is it just in Ginny's thoughts, that he has become part of her twisted reality?" if you have any questions, i welcome them. just email me! xoxo RR