Tragedies of Love and War


Ginny stood on the edge of the woods ready to charge out into the open bloody battlefield. Terrified, she walked onto the field her pale was gripped tightly around the hilt of her sword. Her wand was held in her other hand.

Moments later Ginny was clashing swords and wand dueling with Death Eaters and other followers of Voldemort. She had been stricken in the side by a stray hex and fell to the ground. The opposing army was retreating without consent and was being killed off. Ginny knew that they were the ones winning. The battle had turned in their favor.

She sensed Harry nearby and had at one point seen her brothers, Fred and George, as well as a close friend, Hermione, also vigorously engaged in battle. She heard a muffled cry and she whipped her head in the direction it came from, and blindly ran that way. Once she was close enough she was Harry desperately fighting off two Death Eaters, Greyback, and the Dementors were heading his way.

Her adrenaline was pulsating throughout her body. Wand held tightly in her balled fist she made a bee-line towards him, completely forgetting everything but the spells she knew and his life. Ginny perceived his groaning and saw him being hit by curse after curse, primarily the Cruciatus Curse. He was fighting them off but soon he wouldn't be able to take much more.

Suddenly dread washed over her and she focused her attention on a particular blissful moment, Harry's kiss to her in the common room, some time ago. She was ready to perform the Patronus Charm that Harry himself had taught her three years ago. She had believed it to be cute, now it would save his life. The pale blue badger erupted from the end of her wand as she shouted the charm, repelling all the Dementors.

Ginny turned her attention back to Harry and rushed his way. She began advanced body-binding spells and even a few unremorseful Unforgivable Curses. The ones that could were fleeing, the others were killed by Ron and Hermione. Ron nailed Greyback, as he tried to escape, with the Killing Curse.

Ginny ran forth to Harry's side letting her sword fall with a sickening thud and stuffing her wand into her pocket. He had fallen to the ground shortly before Ron and Hermione had arrived.

She landed on the grassy terrain next to him, clutched up his limp body, and for a heart-wrenching second she believed him to be dead; then his face contorted in pain.

"Oh, Harry." She sighed in grief.

"Ginny?" he whispered.

"Yes, it's me," she began to cry, "You're safe now."

Ron and Hermione stood back a ways to give them room.

In and instant and out of nowhere a 'dead' body rolled over and a flashing purple light shot Harry's way with words, unrecognizable. He was hit square in his chest. Harry belted out the Killing Curse and with a flash of emerald light he was dead and crumpled on the ground. Harry had won. The man on the ground had been Voldemort. The Great War was over.

Ginny never had time to react, and Harry was hit with a strange spell that would cause him the most unbearable death, in only a matter of minutes, that would seem like hours to him. It was irreversible.

A/N: This is sort of a spin-off from my When Tomorrow Comes, But I have always wanted to write this story. And now….it's been there in my head. Let me know what you think. And I'll write more. I already have chapter 1 written and chapter 2 planned out. xoxo