Disclaimer: Now as everyone knows or they should know I am in love with Leon. It would be my life's dream to own Leon…however I don't. Sometimes it gets me mad but I understand what they mean. Still I love him. As do many people. So unfortunately I don't own Leon or Vince or Jesse. I don't own the Fast and the Furious. So basically I don't own anything. Which is a shame because I would take good care of them.

Again I don't own anything. Please with all do respect don't sue. It's nearing Christmas and I've spent all my money on gifts.

Summary: Who says you can't go back home? Obviously the slamming door, inches away from his nose says you can't.

Pairings: Multiple pairings. Mostly Leon and a new character.

Avondale, Arizona.

Chapter 1: Who says you can't go home?

I went as far as I could, I tried to find a new face
There isn't one of these lines that I would erase
I left a million mile of memories on that road
And every step I take I know that I'm not alone
You take the home from the boy, but not the boy from his home
These are my streets, the only life I've ever known,
who says you can't go home

Who says you can't go home? – Bon Jovi.

The air was the same as it was when he'd left this place. He swore quietly, it's been a long time since he's been back. He wouldn't admit it to anyone but he missed this place. The buzzing of the people, the conversations that friends would have on the streets, water fights in the middle of a scorching summer, and he missed the people that would open their arms wide and envelope him into hugs.

He wondered if things would be the same.

He figured they wouldn't.

When he left he didn't only leave behind his home he left behind two younger brothers and one older sister. He left behind his mom and his dad. He left behind his two best friends. He left behind one of his best friends' ten year old sister who would follow him around and try acting like him.

It hit him that it was exactly seven years ago today that he left.

He stopped at a red light. He was having second thoughts. Maybe he should just turn around leave the way he came.

He shook his head.

If Jesse were still alive he'd kick him and tell him that he was acting like a chicken.

He felt the tears prick his eyes. Jesse wanted to come back home. He didn't always express his feelings, but Leon knew that he wanted to come back. Jesse always said that someday they'd come back. Leon believed him. He promised Jesse that one day they would go back.

Well, Leon's back but without Jesse.

He sighed. The last truck heist was horrible. Jesse was dead. Vince was still in the ICU, Brian left after he gave Dom the car, and Mia went with Dom and Letty down to Mexico. He remembered when they discussed where they were going to go after the heists.

It was Sunday dinner they were all crowded around the picnic table outside eating and talking loudly. It was Mia that brought up the question. "Where are we going to go if one of the heists goes wrong?"

Dom looked at her and Vince started to cough loudly. "The heists won't go wrong." Dom said.

Mia looked at him. "Something always goes wrong Dom. What are we going to do? Where are we going to go?"

"Mia, girl where's this coming from?" Letty asked.

"I'm just wondering." Mia defended.

Dom fell silent. Everyone all fell silent. They all stayed like that for a few minutes. "We'll go down to Mexico." Dom said.

"Leon and me won't be going down to Mexico." Leon choked on his food when he heard Jesse state that. No one else was supposed to know.

"What do you mean you won't be going down to Mexico?" Vince questioned.

"We're going back to Arizona."

Leon wanted the ground to open up and suck him in. Arizona. The only time that Leon even brought up Arizona was with Jesse.

"Why'd you suddenly bring up Arizona Jesse?" Letty asked.

Jesse shrugged his shoulders. "I was looking through pictures the other night and I saw Ryder and Owen in one of them. I want to go back and see them. I'm know for sure you want to see them too Leon. And your family. I miss mine I'm know you miss yours"

Leon looked at Jesse. He knew that one day they'd have to tell the team that they were going to go back to Arizona but Leon didn't want it to be now. He stared at Jesse for a long time. Leon knew that Jesse really wanted to go back home. To Avondale. "You know that I promised you that we were going to go back Jesse." Leon said.

"Who's Ryder and Owen?" Vince wondered scratching his head.

"Ryder's my older brother and Owen is my younger sister." Jesse said. He let a small smile creep onto his lips. "Owen was ten when we left and she followed Leon around like a puppy dog."

He snapped out of his memory when he heard cars honk their horns behind him. He looked at the light and saw that it was green. He didn't know for how long it was green but he hit the gas anyway. Right when he did cross the light it automatically turned yellow, then red. He heard the screams and curses that belonged to the other people in the cars behind him.

What's the worst thing that could happen? He could get rejected and he could start up another big fight that would cause a rift between families. He shook his head.

It's all in the past.

He sat in his car watching the house across the street. It was their house. Their nig house that Leon would always seem to get lost in, he remembered, and the house next to his was Jesse's. He felt a deep pang of guilt. He couldn't get up the courage to see his own family. How was he supposed to tell another family that because of him their son was dead?

He sighed and got out of his car. No time like the present. That's what Jesse always told him. That was before he chickened out and hung up the phone.

It was two years ago. Leon was holding the cordless phone in Jesse's room staring at it. "Just call them Leon." Jesse said.

"What the hell am I supposed to say dawg? 'Oh hey ma or dad or whoever it is on the phone, it's me Leon I'm just calling after five years to say hi and that I miss you?' Jesse it's never going to work." He tossed the phone to Jesse.

Jesse tossed it back. "There's no time like the present dawg."

Leon uneasily nodded and punched in the number that unbelievably he still had memorized. He waited for four rings.

I can do this, he kept telling himself.

I can do this.

"Hello?" It was his Madge his older sister.

Leon didn't answer.

"Hello?" Madge said again.

I can't do this. He hung up and tossed the phone on the bed. He looked at Jesse.

All Jesse said was; "Again?"

He went to the trunk of his car, stuck the keys in the lock, opened the trunk, took out his two duffle bags and shut the trunk door. He looked both ways before he crossed the street.

He quietly walked up the front door steps. He put his bags on the floor and rang the doorbell.

It was going to be okay.

The front door opened and Leon came face to face with a petite auburn haired girl. She couldn't have been more the seventeen years old. Automatically Leon knew that it wasn't his sister or his mother. "Owen?" He asked in disbelief.

Who says that you can't go back home again? Obviously the door slamming, inches away from his nose says you can't.

Okay so you guys have to let me know if this is good or not. Everything will be cleared up in the next chapter and so forth. It feels good to be writing on the Fast and the Furious board again. Not that I didn't love writing in the others because seriously, they're great all of you guys we're great but it still feels good to be back on the Fast and the Furious.

So if you want to review, even if it is to flame me. Hope this sounds original to you guys.



P.S. I'm not from Arizona. I was looking up states and came across Arizona and I found Avondale and it seemed like a cool place to start to I did. If anyone is from Avondale if you could please give me a couple of hints and help me out I will be forever grateful. Please do not take any offense if I did something wrong. Thanks muchos!