Chapter 1: Leaving Private Drive

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named Attacks Ministry

For the second time since his return, the Dark Lord attacked the Ministry of Magic. The attack was aimed at Aurors and the Minister of Magi, himself. The attack was a success in every way.

Death Eaters were successful in killing five Aurors and twelve other employs. The biggest hit was the murder of the Minister, Cornelius Fudge. Bellatrix Lestrange was responsible for his death. He was already set to be replaced by Dolores Umbridge who was also killed in the attack. It is believed that the spot will now go to current Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt. Shacklebolt survived the attack and also managed to kill six of the nine Death Eaters that attacked. Lestrange escaped the attack.

Harry couldn't read anymore. How could there be a successful attack on the ministry where all of the most powerful wizards were supposed to be working. The signs weren't looking good for the side of the light in this war. It appeared now that nowhere was safe aside from possibly Hogwartz.

Thinking about this attack brought back the memories of the previous attack on the ministry. That had been completely his fault. He nearly got all of his friends killed along with himself and it did get his Godfather killed. His own laziness in dealing with occlumency was the reason that he had lost the only person that had ever taken the part of his father in his whole life. That was more than enough reason to get to actually studying occlumency and practicing it like he was supposed to be doing before. It had been just a couple weeks since the death of Sirius and Harry had already improved greatly. For the first time since joining the wizarding world, his scar no longer hurt. The dreams had stopped coming to him as well, which he was very thankful for. Ever since his trip to the ministry he had been reliving that night over and over again. Every night Sirius would stop right before he fell through and ask Harry to help him. Harry would run to him and every time right before he made it to Sirius, he would fall through the veil and all Harry could hear was the crazed laugh of Bellatrix Lestrange before waking up sweaty.

In truth part of the reason that he taken up occlumency was so that he would no longer have to think about what he had done. He didn't want to have dreams about that night and watch Sirius fall through the veil. The memories were starting to leave him and he was feeling loads better, almost like he had before his death, but then a story would come out like this one and refresh his memory. The reality of the situation was that he couldn't move on because deep down inside he knew that it was completely his own fault and he just couldn't forgive himself for what he had done.

The Prophet had run a story telling the story of Sirius's innocence but it didn't really make Harry feel any better. He knew that it would make Sirius feel better that people would finally realize that he had nothing to do with the death of two of his best friends but Harry was still sad because it was his fault that Sirius wouldn't get to experience life as a free man. He wondered every now and then what his parents would think of him. He was sure that they would be ashamed of how careless he had treated that situation. Nothing hurt him more than to think about his parents ashamed looks toward their only son. His thoughts were interrupted by the yelling of his uncle from downstairs.

"Potter get down here right now!" yelled his uncle. Harry obliged and walked into the family room to find the Dursley's waiting for him. "You are leaving tonight correct?" his uncle finished.

"Yes. They should be here in about ten minutes. I was just finishing up my packing." answered Harry.

"How are they coming?" His uncle's tone was still nasty but not as bad as it had been on the sentence before as he now started to realize how close the time was for Harry to be gone for another year.

"Probably apparating as its not really safe to be flying anymore."

"Don't worry about it alright. They will just be here and you will be just fine. They won't touch your fireplace so just buzz off!" snapped Harry.

"Watch your tone with me boy. I will not be spoken to like that in my own house by anyone let alone a freak like you!" yelled back Vernon while getting up and taking a step toward Harry. Dudley followed suit and Harry knew then that it was time for him to get out of the room before things turned nasty.

"Go to Hell. One day you will be thanking me for saving your life. Actually you won't, but either way I will have saved it along with numerous others and you will still think of me as a useless waste of space so just do me a favor and shut up." Harry yelled at his uncle before turning around and running back up to his room. He didn't really want to talk to him anymore for the next year. He opened the door to find that he would be leaving sooner than he thought as Mr. Weasley was already in his room waiting for him.

"Hello Harry. Good to see you again."

"You too. I just said good-bye to my aunt and uncle so I am more than ready to get out of here seeing as you seem to have already sent my things over."

"Is that what you call that? Didn't sound like a very family like good-bye to me," said Mr. Weasley. He had a look on his face of what Harry interpreted as pity. He hated when people took pity on him because of how he had grown up. Sure it had been horrible, but he didn't want people to feel bad for him. He just wanted to put it behind him.

"You know how things are between us. They hate the sight of me and always will and frankly I don't think a whole lot higher of them," replied Harry.

"Ok, Harry, just grab my arm and hold on tight. I'm going to be apparating us both to Grimmauld Place. I know that you don't want to go there but you must realize that it is the only safe spot for you. We will be there for you if you need someone to talk to. Now just don't let go of my arm. 1,2,3…"

The sensation was something that Harry had never experienced and in truth could deal with never feeling again. He was being pulled through what felt like an invisible, tiny tube. Then the sensation was suddenly over and he was staring right at Grimmauld Place, the only place he wanted to be at less than Private Drive. The summer just couldn't be short enough for Harry this year.