Fairy Tales
Chapter One: The Key to An A: Part One
IMPORTANT AUTHORS NOTE: Please read this before the story!
I've finally gotten the first chapter up to Fairy Tales! I've literally gone through over 18 different versions of this story, finally resting on this one. At first, it didn't start off this way, but with the memories you see in here, and the story was Robinhood, but I decided to change it!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give me input on this story. What should I change, what should I add, are my descriptions good enough, does it move to fast? Is it cheesy?
This beginning is sorta fast, but it gets better once they realize what's going on. In the next chapter, things will start moving along once they figure out everything after the beginning of Chapter two.
(This following note was posted atfer the story was posted) Everybody thank Lacey52 for helping me with the old English in the dialog!
Also, I now have a forum (link in my profile) where you can talk about this, and my other stories with other reviwers and ask me questions I can't answer over reviews!
xOx This is a memory xOx
"These are words."
'These are thoughts, or quotes inside the words.'
These are written words in a memory
Danny saw the ground rushing at him at an amazingly fast rate.
During his free fall, he took in the landscape around him. There was a giant castle luxuriously lounging on a tall hill bordered with a high wall, with tall towers poking out from the roofs. Just past the wall going down in a slope was a thick healthy green forest with a noticeable path leading out of it to a new town a ways off. Next to the forest was a small medieval town and a few shops branching off away from it in order to save room for future houses.
Just when Danny thought he would speed up faster in the plummet, his body was engulfed in a bright light. Next to him, Sam gave a squeak of surprise, telling him it was happening to her too. He didn't dare move his head to look behind at her, afraid that at the rate he was falling he neck would snap. Tucker was ether choking on a bug, speechless, or choose not to speak.
Suddenly, they came to an abrupt halt. The light consumed them until each individual person was a ball of light. Although it was very bright, his eyes clouded over black. He felt his conscious being stripped away from him ever so slowly as white turned to complete black. Then, as fast as they stopped, a giant invisible forced tugged at their bodies and jerked them off in separate directions of the area like a bullet.
Most people don't understand the impact Fairy Tales have on society. They give little kids something to dream about. They made Walt Disney rich. When Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm wrote some of the first tales, they were polished and changed by editors until they revealed a soft sugar coating for Children to hear and read about.
Danny leaned back away from his computer and sighed heavily. "No… no this is just bad writing!" He looked around the basement his parents had molded into a lab, and gave a weak smile when he saw Sam sitting on the floor with books scattered all around her. Fairy Tale books.
She looked up at him when she felt his gaze. She gave him an annoyed looked and went back to her books. "Break it down." she said to Danny. Sam was always a good writer. "Read it out loud to me."
"Okay," Danny shrugged. "Most people don't understand the impact Fairy Tales have on society. They give little kids something to dream about. They made Walt Disney rich. When Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm wrote some of the first tales, they were polished and changed by editors until they revealed a soft sugar coating for Children to hear and read about." He looked at her for approval or rejection.
"Okay, well first of all," she stood up, smoothed down her skirt and walked over behind him. She leaned foreword, pointing to the screen with her left hand and balancing on the chair with her right. "Right here where you say They made Walt Disney Rich explain how. Or better yet even, explain about the Grimm brothers first and introduce Walt Disney when you talk about how editors polished the stories and made them sweet for little kids. The Grimm Brothers also helped in that too, they saw how the stories attracted people and made them nicer. Later on Walt Disney made a gold mine after them, you can even talk about the stories they wrote that are now famous. Like Hänsel and Grethel, or The Frog King, or Rapunzel!" Sam walked back over to her spot on the floor. "Really, you got the idea, you just suck at writing."
"Gee, thanks." Danny said sarcastically.
"I'm serious! It's a good start." She said, and then sighed heavily. "Look, at least you have a start, okay? I don't even know what I'm going to do for this stupid project!" she huffed and crossed her arms. "What are we doing anyways?"
Sam sat up slowly placing a numb hand to her throbbing head. That was the last thing Sam remembered before the freefall. On her way down, she remembered seeing a castle but-… there weren't any castles in Amity Park. Well, there was that wooden one the prop manager had constructed for the last Play the school has preformed, but that didn't count.
She took her hand off her throbbing head and looked around her surroundings slowly. She was in a luxurious medieval room with a light and dark blue color scheme. She would have preferred black, but the blue was good too.
Sam was lying in a large soft bed, with wood head and foot board. She was covered in a thick blanket, and a curtain around her bed was pulled open. Her legs felt like lead, but she swung them over the side of the bed slowly. She noticed her fingernails were very clean and trim, and that she wasn't wearing her mandatory Gothic outfit anymore. Now, Sam had on a silky white medieval looking gown.
Silky white. Sam made a face. She'd have to change that. Some black die would fix it. She leaned over to see how far the dress went down and the floor tilted up at her quickly before falling back down. Why was she so dizzy? Sam reached a numb, weak hand up to run a hand through her hair to push it away and was surprised to see long black locks fall back in front of her face when she finished. Sam reached up to her hair and tucked it behind her ears, tracing the length of her hair down to an inch above her chest.
She had to find a mirror.
Sam stood up slowly, and went to take a step forward when suddenly her legs felt weak and her knees gave out under her, causing her to tumble onto the ground with a loud thud. Her cheek collided with the creaky wood floor painfully. "Ow! Damnit!" she cursed.
From behind the closed door to the room she was in, she heard footsteps. The doorknob shook, but the door remained closed. It was almost as if the person was unsure weather or not to open the door. She held her breath, waiting to see who was out there. Was it a friend or foe? Maybe it was Danny or Tucker brining her answers to how she got into this freak-o room? A moment passed by before Sam was sure they made up their mind, and opened the door.
"Sam? Are you okay?"
Tucker was uncomfortable. That was the first thing that registered in his head. His eyes were closed, and he was sitting down on something hard and rough, leaning his back against it too. He opened his eyes slowly, wincing at the bright sunlight that blinded him at first. He rubbed his eyes to clear his vision.
Once he could see and his eyes were adjusted to the light, he looked at where he was. Looking down, he saw the ground a long way below him. He gasped in surprise and jerked backwards crying out in horror when he realized there was nothing he could scoot back onto to except air.
His heart raced as he fell backwards, giving out an involuntary high pitched scream that highly resembled that of a young girl. The air was knocked out of him when his back collided with the ground painfully.
A large man walked out from an old house next to him. He had on dirty peasant clothes, and a long bushy beard with an odd black shine to his eyes."Seame! Come hither lad!" he said with a strange accent in his large booming deep voice.
Tucker blinked, confused. He looked around and saw that he was the only one within earshot, and the man was looking at him. "Umm… yes sir?" he gasped, rolling over and wincing at the pain on his back. Why did that man call him Seame? He glanced up to see that he had fallen out of an apple tree, but Tucker didn't remember even being in an apple tree.
The man gave a sigh of annoyance and walked over to him, picking him up by the arm and dragging him inside. "Art thou so awkward incessantly?" he asked, as he dragged him up to a seat. Tucker pretended to understand what he said and nodded uncertainly."Thou fell asleep in thy tree again, I assume?"
Tucker sat down in the chair, wincing slightly, but relaxed nonetheless. "I think you have me mistaken for someone else." Tucker said. "My name is Tucker."
The man gave him a strange look. "No, thou are Seame." he said, then ignored the looks Tucker gave him as he leaned his head out the window. "UELE! HANS!" He shouted. "GATHER ROUND!"
Tucker looked up to see who would walk through the door. After a moment, still no one came. The man gave a sigh of annoyance again and stepped out of the house briefly. "YES THEE! Now come my sons!" he shouted.
The man turned back into the house, grabbing a towel and wiping his hands on it, though they were not dirty. He looked up, hearing two men shuffle into the small hut. He motioned to the two chairs next to Tucker. "Sit sit." he said.
Tucker's eyes widened as he saw Dash and Nathan sit down next to him.
Kwan looked down at Sam, sprawled out on the floor. "Sam? Are you okay?" he asked, walking over to her and kneeling down to her height on the floor.
Sam nodded slowly. "Yeah… where are we?" she tried to get up on her knees but fell back down to the ground. She inhaled a lungful of dust and started coughing. She looked Kwan up and down and was surprised to see him looking like… well, royalty. The main hint was the gleaming crown on his head. Her coughs settled down, leaving her feeling weaker than before.
Kwan shrugged slowly. "I don't know. It looks like a castle and everyone's bowing down to me and calling me 'Your Highness'. It's pretty cool actually."
The door opened again, but this time a women in midevil servant garb walked in, her face beaming. "Ah, Princess!" she exclaimed, her smile-if possible- widening, "Thou art awake! How art thou feeling this morn?" she asked, walking over, curtsying before Kwan, "Your Highness," she said sweetly, and then respectively helped Sam up, "Does this dawn find Your Majesty in health as well?"
"Umm… fine." Kwan said numbly.
Sam blinked slowly. "Princess?" she asked. "I'm a princess?" Silently she was happy Danny and Tucker- mainly Tucker-weren't around to hear this. Tucker would never let her live it down with how much she shunned the princess in almost all the stories she'd read for being helpless maidens waiting to be married by the first handsome prince they meet. They never saved the prince, the prince always saved them. So how do they repay them? By marrying them. They could only know the prince for a day and suddenly think that they're the best for them.
The servant paused for a second, and then helped her sit down on her bed. "Why yes, of course!" she said, then frowned. "Art thou hallucinating from thy sickness?" she asked gently. Then gasped, turning to Kwan. "This reminds me Your Highness! I was told toremind thee of the doctor who will come to aid the priness at high noon."
Kwan looked out the window. "That should be soon, right?" he asked.
Sam wanted to kick him, in fact, if she had enough strength, she would. "The sun rose a few hours ago, idiot!"
The servant gasped and her hands shot up to her face as she looked from Sam to Kwan, expecting him to yell at her or something for the disrespect. Instead, he just shrugged. "Oh. I never passed astrology anyways." He said casually.
Sam slapped her forehead. "That's Astronomy! And I don't think we covered that." she rolled her eyes.
Another knock on the door signaled they had more visitors. Well, Sam had more visitors. "Come in!" Kwan yelled, as if it were his own room and not Sam's.
Another servant, this time in her mid 20's walked in, and curtsied before Kwan, and again at Sam. "Your Highness," she started, turning back to Kwan. "The doctor has come before time." she said.
Kwan nodded. "Okay?" he said slowly. "I'm supposed to do what with this information?" he asked, as if he forgot that he was suddenly King of some nobody court.
The maids stared at him. "Your Highness...with all due respect...wouldst thou like to have the doctor visit thee as well? Verily, thou act not like thyself."
Kwan shook his head. "Nah, I'm not sick." he pointed to Sam. "She is."
Sam glared at him and crossed her arms. "I am NOT sick!" she said, only to sneeze and prove herself wrong. She sniffle loudly and wipe her nose on the back of her hand.
Kwan walked out of the room with the two servants. "Just let the doctor in her room when he comes." he said dismissively as he closed the door behind them.
Sam sat on her bed, flipping through a book she found in her nightstand earlier, only looking up when she heard a knock on the door. She went back to her book, her eyes glued to the text. "Come in." She said absently mindedly.
Slowly the door opened and a familiar voice floated over to Sam's ears. "Sam?" It was Danny. Her head snapped up, whatever she had been reading forgotten. Danny stepped fully inside the room and quickly shut the door behind him, running at Sam in one swift motion.
Sam beamed. "Danny!" she cried. She would have gotten up, if she didn't know that she couldn't walk. Instead she let him run to her.
He ran up to her and hugged her. "Sam! I was beginning to think I was the only person in this freaky place!" he said, tightening his grip as if she would disappear if he let go of her.
Sam pulled away reluctantly, her hands still staying on his arms to keep contact. "What happened?"
"I don't know." Danny said, sitting down next to her on her bed. "I woke up in a carriage to some guy telling me we arrived at the castle and I had to see the princess- OH MY GOD! You're the princess?" he asked in disbelief. Sam? A Princess? It was almost impossible to believe with her Gothic Attitude towards everything.
Sam glared at him and crossed her arms, breaking the contact as a form of protest. "How's that so hard to believe?" she snapped.
Danny touched her arms again, a silent sorry. "It's not really, I guess it just surprised me." he shrugged. "What about you? How did you come to?"
"I just woke up here and discovered I can't walk, and apparently, I'm very sick." she sighed and glared at the wall. "They won't let me out of this room." she said bitterly. Sam had already grabbed the crutches that previously rested next to her bed on the wall and tried to escape the castle. After the third time they took her crutches away. Sam was actually surprised she could try to run three times before Danny made it to her room. Then again, when Sam took into account Danny's sense of direction… it wasn't that hard to believe.
"What's the last thing you remember?" Danny asked.
"Helping you with your essay, and asking what the project was. I remembered it right when I woke up." Sam said. "How did we get from an essay to some medieval castle where everybody calls you thou?" she asked to herself, then turned to Danny. "What about you? What's the last thing you remember?"
"More than you." he said, and began to explain.
"Look, at least you have a start, okay? I don't even know what I'm going to do for this stupid project!" she huffed and crossed her arms. "What are we doing anyways?"
Danny sighed at Sam. Normally, she was the one telling him the assignments. "We're doing a 4 week project about Fairy Tales and the impact they have on society. That's why we've been reading Fairy Tales in class and picking them apart, talking about symbolism, why the characters act and react they way they did. Making guesses on why the characters had the personality they had, for example was it;
a) The place they grew up in
b) their parents
c) how they were treated
Basically, we have to get inside the writers head and figure out why they made them do these things.
And so comes the end of the project, project. For 170 points we have to write an Essay about anything on Fairy Tales (I choose the impact they had), and rewrite our favorite Fairy Tale to take place in ether modern times or with a different outcome. Then we have to decorate a page with a character from a story using symbolism to describe what they were feeling using no words." Danny was surprised he even knew all of this.
"Joy." Sam said sarcastically.
"Maybe you could do your essay on The Grimm Brothers." Danny said. "You know enough about them."
Sam rolled her eyes. "That's what Lancer is expecting though! I need to surprise him with this Out-Of-Your-Mind good story so I can take 2 English classes next year!" Sam fell backwards on the ground staring up at the ceiling. "Why Fairy Tales?" she asked. "Why couldn't we depict The Scarlet Letter or Romeo and Juliet? It'd be easier!"
"Umm… no it wouldn't." He said.
Sam grabbed a book a threw it in the air angrily. "UUUUUUGGGGHHHHH!" she cried, using a bad impression of a cow dieing. The book flew at the Ghost Portal's OPEN button…
Sam's eyes widened upon hearing this. "So… do you think I let a ghost out and we somehow ended up here?" Danny was silent. "Wait, you think this is all my fault?" he opened his mouth to protest but she went on. "You do! You think I let a ghost out and we got transported back in time?"
Danny covered her mouth before she could rant more. "NO! No, I'm not saying that, honestly, Sam, I'm not!" he said. "Let's not jump to conclusions until we can remember just how we got here."
Sam sighed heavily and nodded. "Yeah… but I don't remember a ghost attack in your basement." she said. Fighting with Danny was the last thing she needed to do.
"Well, do you remember anything else? Or better yet, have you seen anyone else we know?" Danny asked, shifting his position on her bed so he was scooted back farther.
"Yeah, Kwan's the King." she grumbled.
Danny looked at her with a shocked expression on his face. "Kwan?" he asked.
Sam nodded. "Mhmm. Kwan."
Danny was silent for a moment. After thinking, he spoke up. "I just thought about it, and Kwan being a King is worse then a ghost being there. At least that we would have been able to handle a ghost. You don't think he's going to go power crazy, do you?"
Sam bit her lip. "Do you want the truth or one of those little white lies that don't hurt you?" she said.
Danny rolled his eyes. He told Sam he had said that before and now she said it every time she had to choose between the truth or a lie. Danny switched the subject. "So you haven't seen Tucker?" he asked.
Sam shook her head no. Suddenly, she gasped as a giant migraine hit her straight behind the eyes. It felt as though a chisel were being jammed into her forehead. As she shut her eyes and fell backwards onto her bed so she was lying down, a scene played before her, in her head.
It was the next part of the memory.
Sam grabbed a book and threw it in the air angrily. "UUUUUUGGGGHHHHH!" she cried, using a bad impression of a cow dieing. The book flew at the Ghost Portal's OPEN button…
…and collided a few centimeters away from it.
Danny gave a sigh of relief as he saw it missed. He wasn't up to fighting a ghost at that moment. "Don't worry! You probably just have writers block." He shrugged.
Sam glared at him. "Don't worry? DON'T WORRY? Danny, this is my FUTURE we're talking about!" she paused then sighed, as if she couldn't believe she was actually freaking over this project. "I should go the library…" she mumbled, standing up and stacking her books on top of each other so high Danny thought they were going to fall.
"Sam, do-" he cut himself off. Danny was about to say 'don't worry' again. He just figured out those were the bad words that hit the ON button for Sam today. "Something will suck you in!" He said encouragingly.
Sam started shoving books in her backpack. "Thanks for the effort, but I have a feeling nothings going to suck me in anytime soon." She sighed and stood up with her backpack, slinging it over her shoulders. "I'll see you tomorrow." she said.
Sam opened her eyes slowly to see Danny leaning over her, his face a mere few centimeters apart from hers. "Sam?" he asked. "Are you okay?" He brought a hand to her cheek, touching it gently.
Sam realized she had tears falling from her eyes. "Ow…" she mumbled, rubbing her head gently, then bring her hand on top of Danny's. "I just got a killer migraine." she closed her eyes again, wincing slightly. "Second time since I woke up. I got it right after I remembered the first memory, and I just remembered the next part." She felt Danny lean back, away from her face. His hand lingered, it was warm to her cheek.
"Oh my God…" he said, sliding his hand up to her forehead, breaking contact with her hand. "You're burning up." he took his hand off her forehead and leaned over the bed, looking inside a small bag he had brought with him. "Here, tell me the memory while I see if there's anything in this bag that can help you."
Sam swallowed hard and nodded. "That book I threw didn't hit the open button. It missed. So I just left." she shrugged. "Not all important. But now we know it's not my fault. What happened, I mean."
Danny nodded, although Sam's eyes were still closed and she couldn't see. "You know…" he said slowly, making small talk. "This kinda reminds me of the story I'm rewriting for that project in our memories." he said. "It's called The Griffin by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. It's about this princess who's really sick and will only get better with an apple. So the king sends out a message that who ever brings the apple that makes her better, can marry her. Then a peasant with 3 sons hears it and sends out the oldest and all this other weird stuff happens." he said.
"Aren't you a great story teller?" Sam mumbled sarcastically
"Well, I don't want to give away the ending, you're going to proof read it for me when I'm done and it'll spoil the story." he said then winced holding a hand to his head painfully. "Aah!" he cried. "Now I've got a migraine!" He sucked in a breath, making a hissing sound and twisted his body to lay his head down onto the sheets for comfort.
Sam sat up. "What do you remember?" she demanded.
Well, this isn't a full chapter. But I wanted to at least get it up and get some input on this. I'm a little iffy about this whole flashback stuff. I know it's a little cheesy, but I have to get input before I continue. It'll speed up I promise. Are you guys gonna give this story a try?
Also, everyone give a very special thanks to C.E. Hobit who tried to help me upload this, until I figured out how to get it on my own! Give a thanks for trying, and go review her stories! (Which are very awesome by the way, my fellow readers)
ONE MORE THING; I'm working on a cute Oneshot with Danny and Sam fluff! I'm not gonna give to much away, but I WILL tell you that being snowed in causes some people to admit a few things…