AN: New story! I will update Let the good times roll in like maybe a week at the most. Sorry for the wait. I'm really excited about this story. It just came to me. Ok, without further ado...

Rory Gilmore hard working journalism major. Twenty years old. Goes to Yale. Bright, sensible girl. Loves that damn coffee of hers. Dates a Dean Forresstor. We hope she gets over that phase soon.

Logan Huntzberger. Also known as Professor Huntzberger. 29 years old. Professor at Yale. Single. Looks to kill. Teaches a literature class. Rory takes that class. We like Logan a lot more than we like Dean. Not saying much but still. The story begins.

Rory was about to accept the nobel peace prize when an annoying sound went off. Great, the alarm, Rory thought. She glanced at the clock. 9:45. Forty five minutes to class. Good. Now why did she get up again. Oh right the alarm is still going off. She flicked it off and dragged herself out of bed. First she had to plan ahead.

"Paris!" She bellowed.

"What!" Rory smiled in satisfaction that Paris was indeed there.

"Could you please start a pot of coffee. Use the beans that have the post-it on them." Rory said in her most innocent voice and added another "please" to seal the deal.

"Fine, Gilmore but that's because Queer eye just went to commercial." Rory shuddered. She took this time to hop in the shower. Nice and hot. She let it warm her body. She applied some strawberry shampoo and conditioner. She hopped out of the shower ten minutes later and got dressed. She opened her window a bit to see the weather. Hmm, cloudy and not really chilly. She put on a light blue gold beaded cashmere sweater that her mom had bought her last Christmas. She couldn't decide on her next item of clothing. Then it hit her. Literally, Paris came in. Paris was returning Rory a jean skirt that came just below the knee. Paris had borrowed it to make her feel shorter. She met more of Doyle's family. Rory slipped that on. Now Rory knew why she woke up so much earlier for her class. She hadn't picked shoes yet.After 10 more minutes of indecisiveness she decided on a pair of upper calf black low heeled boots. After that she wandered over to the coffee pot and poured herself some. She smiled at the coffee bag. It had a pink post-it marked Lukes. She savored hte flavor a bit too long though. She made a mad dash to her class. It was American literatue. She forgot the professor's name. Crap. She wrote it down somewhere. She knew she did. It was Hunt or Huntsbegger, no Huntzberger. Duh! His parents are the Newspaper people. He gave that up to be a teacher. Yep, it's true. Rory Googled Professor Huntzberger.

Rory walked into the classroom. She glanced down to the front. Wow. Professor Huntzberger is a babe. No, she did not just think that. Just concentrate on what he's saying Gilmore. His nice looking lips..Stop, Rory thought.

It was Logan's first day on the job. He was excited. He for the life of him couldn't decide what to wear though. He called on his best friends who he shared a penthouse with a little off campus with, Colin and Finn.

"Wear a sweater vest like Colin does." Finn said and snickered earning a smack from Colin. Finn worked at the local campus pub. He had no need to work but he liked to be around as he said it "his kind of people". Logan understood. It was kind of like an asylum.

"Don't listen to him. Wear fleece. I hear the college girls go for that." Colin offered. Colin was a professor too. That's what worried Logan. Professor McCrae out checking out his class. Logan shuddered. He didn't pick this job for college girls. He was finally serious about something.

"Colin, i'm not doing this for college girls. I'm a grown man after all." Finn snorted at that. Logan whipped his head around from his closte to glare at Finn who simply turned his head and started whistling.

"Okay, enough of this doddling. I know what you should wear." Colin said pulling out a white polo shirt, a gray sweater, a black sports coat, and grayish black pants. Logan examined the ensemble for a second before nodding his head in approval.

"Wow, i'm impressed, Colin." Colin looked to the floor and blushed. "Not that impressed, man." Colin cleared his throat.

"So, what about shoes? I need shoes to teach." Logan said getting freaked out again.

"Relax, Colin's been doing it for two years so it cant be that hard," smack from Colin, " I'll take care of your damn shoes." Finn said going into Logan's spacious penthouse closet. He came out a second later holding a pair of black oxfords.

"Buisness/casual. Thanks, Finn." He got dressed and was off to give the world knowledge. Well, his class.

He set up the classroom. He was very pleased at the size of the desk.Nothing to put on the desk though. Note to self: get pictures for desk. Maybe of Honor, he thought. He sat down and glanced at his watch. Ten minutest till class begins. Deep breaths Huntzberger, depp breaths.

The students started filing in. Normal looking he thought. He grinned at his pupils. His smile got bigger when he saw a gorgeous brunette with blue eyes sit down in the 8th row. Kepp your focus, he thought. This would be harder than he thought. Let class begin.

AN: Out of all the chapters of ALL my stories. This is my favorite. It came from the top of my head and I spent the most time on it. The outfits from the story are on my blog. Enjoy and review! Thanks!