Disclamer: i dont own inuyasha, the fan mail you might send me, or even the idea! cry I dont own anything! Wait Iown myself!Yay!

This is my first fanfic! Plz be nice! I got the idea from Foamy the squirrel!

Inuyasha Fan mail!

Inu: hi! I'm inuyasha!

Midget-fan1: and I'm……well you should know unless your dumb.

Inu: im doing this because all the fan mail you idiots have sent me!

Midget-fan1: and now your going to respond right?

Inu; hell n-

I take out an axe

Inu: sure! Why not! I mean its already here!

I put away the axe

Midget-fan1: that's better

Inu: ok! First letter


I like what your doing! Its good! I have troubles. Can you help me



Inu: ooookk

Dear loser,

What the hell is wrong with you! Im not writing some stupid advice page! This is fan mail! Got that! Next time read before you do! And how am I going to sent this to you if you put anonymous! Seriously think loser!

go away loser,


Midget-fan1: that wasn't very nice

Inu: am I here to be nice? NO!

Inu: ok next letter

Dear Inuyasha,

I love your show! I watch it everyday! WHY CANT YOU SEE THAT KAGOME IS CHEATING ON YOU! SHE SHOULD BURN IN HELL! Calm down... Breath in... Breath out. plz cut Kagome out of the show!

A Friend,


Inu:What!peoplewatch me on TV! well i thought i saw cameras when i was taking a dump.

people start laughing out of nowhere

Inu:noooooo! maybe if i respond they will stop!

dear person who watches me take a dump,

What the hell are you talking about! What TV show!And if I had the power to cut Kagome out of the show, I would have already! She's anoying! oh...and take medication! Crazy lady!

You burn in hell,


Inu: finally! only a few more left!

Midgetfan1: dont worry! I'll pay people to write more fanmail!

Inu: Nooooooooooooooo! ok next letter (this next letter is not mine! got off Foamy)

Dear Inuyasha,

Dude can I see kagome naked



Inu:What the hell! she's mine loser!

dear homosextual idiot,

what the hell is wrong with you! you want to see a fictional character naked! what the hell! she dosnt exsist! you a tipical Miroku!

Burn in hell with Kagomemustburninhell28462862194735,


Inu: yay! thers no more fan mail!

Midgetfan1 comes in with a garbage truck full of fanmail

Midgetfan1: look what I found!

Inu: thats it!

Inu takes out a match and burns all the fanmail


Midgetfan1:ooooook.maybe you need medication. Oh well! Send some fan mail so I can write!

Inu: nooooooooo!

Midgetfan1: yes! send lots and lots! press that pritty purple button! you know you want to!