Everything in the fifth season happened except she didn't steal the yacht and she didn't quit Yale. But, Mitchum did tell her she wasn't a good journalist. However, she told Logan and he told her his Dad was totally wrong. Strobe Hayden didn't die; he just had a health scare but is better now. Rory's birth certificate says Lorelai Leigh Gilmore-Hayden. Takes place at the beginning of her third year at Yale.

I own nothing!

The Other Grandparents

Logan Huntzberger was happy. Sure, it was his birthday, but that nothing to do with it. What had made him so happy was he had woken up next to the girl he loved, who was conveniently standing next to him. He usually hated his birthday. His mother would always throw a party inviting every important figure in Hartford society. This year, she had actually invited his friends. He was in the corner of the room with Finn, Colin, Stephanie, Seth, Robert, and Rory. They were just about to sneak away to his fathers study to form one of their sub parties when his father and a man that was somewhat familiar to him approached the group. He then knew who it was; it was Strobe Hayden, the Supreme Court Justice. He felt Rory's entire body tense up. At first he thought it was because if his Dad, then he noticed that it was Judge Hayden's eyes that were locked with hers.

"Judge Hayden, I would like you to meet my son, Logan."

Strobe Hayden had kept tabs on his granddaughter. How could he not have? He couldn't let the Heiress of the Hayden fortunes just wander around. It had surprised him that she went Yale. At that disastrous dinner four years ago, he could have sworn Richard said something or other about her going to Harvard. He knew she got it. The Hayden's had a legacy at Harvard.

"Nice to meet you Logan, Happy Birthday."

"Thank you sir."

He turned to his granddaughter.

"Lorelai, it's nice to see you again."

He knew he wasn't going to get away with that. If this girl was anything like her mother she would let him have it; and left him have it she did.

"It's Rory." She said coldly, to the surprise of everyone around her.

"Right. I see you attend Yale. Why?"

"Gilmore's go to Yale."

"Hayden's go to Harvard."

"I'm a Gilmore."

"You're a Hayden too."

Mitchum's face went white. Logan looked back and forth from Judge Hayden to Rory.

"Legally and biologically but I haven't seen you since I was sixteen and Dad and I aren't exactly on speaking terms."

She saw the jaws of her friends drop

"Your grandmother and I would like to have dinner would you tomorrow night."

"I have dinner with my grandparents on Friday nights."

"Fine then," he grimaced, "How about Saturday?"

Rory couldn't believe her ears. The man standing in front of her was the same man who, when she was sixteen, looked at her like she was beneath him. Now, he's acting like he had been there all those years; like nothing had happened. He actually chastised her for going to the wrong college. Now he wants dinner?

"Sure, what time?"

"Seven o'clock."

"See you then." Rory looked at her friends, "Could you excuse me for a second? Thank you."

She walked passed the party and walked out of the party. After realizing she had left her coat in the house and was now standing outside in the middle of fall, she felt a coat fall over her shoulders. Logan was there.

"Hey Ace."

She smiled at him.

"Did you see how white your fathers face turned?" she tried to stop the involuntary tears from overflowing her eyes.

"Are you okay Ace?"

"I'm fine, just a little shocked."

"You're shocked? Need I remind you of my fathers face?" she laughed

"It was cool to see Mitchum Huntzberger at a complete loss for words."



"I'm not going to press you on this, but I would really like it if you told me."

"He's the other grandfather. Let's just say he isn't too happy about my existence and has no problem with showing it. And now I have to have dinner with him and Francine."

"Hey," he pulled her into him, "Everything will be fine."

He kissed her.

"Happy Birthday." Was all she said before he pushed her up against the said of the house, and kissed her again.


Mitchum Huntzberger was petrified. He had told the granddaughter of one of the most powerful people in the country that she was a horrible journalist. To make matters worse, his family had said that she wasn't good enough to marry into his family. The party had ended about an hour ago and he and his wife were getting ready to go to sleep.

"What were you discussing with Judge Hayden dear?" asked Shira.

"Just introducing him to Logan, who, it turns out, is dating his granddaughter."

"I thought he was dating that Gilmore girl." She had a hint of disgust in her voice.

"He is. It turns out that she is also Christopher's daughter."

Shira looked at her husband liked he was crazy. It couldn't be possible. How could she have told a Hayden that she wasn't good enough to date her son?


Francine Hayden had always wanted a relationship with her eldest granddaughter. She remembered that horrible dinner where she had first laid eyes on her since she was a baby. Of course, the dinner was also impossible to forget because it was also on the day that Strobe had found out about his cancer. He hadn't told her until after the dinner when she demanded an explanation for his behavior. She knew her husband had always regretted his not to be in her life, as did she. Francine was excited that her granddaughter was going to be over for dinner, she knew about the weekly Friday night Dinners she had with the Gilmore's, and was always kind of jealous. Hopefully, with some work, they could have the relationship they always wanted with their granddaughter.


After their rendezvous outside, Rory and Logan met up with their friends and formed their sub party. They had found her lineage fascinating. Logan still couldn't believe that his Ace was as blue blooded as they come.

At least there would be one entry in the pro column of the future pro/con list that Rory Gilmore would soon be making; At least now his parents would like her.

This was an idea that had been in my head for a while. Please review!