Summary: Orochimaru died but before that, he gave Kabuto a death wish that he must fulfill for Orochimaru AND him. Kabutox? Vote a girl please.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and I would never dream of owning pokemon…

"Kabuto's Little Quest"

Chapter one: Death Wish

"Kabuto…" the hoarse voice of a snake sannin called for his right hand man.

The sound nin abruptly approached his master, "Y-yes, Orochimaru-sama?"

"Please," he coughed, "do me a favor…"

"Anything…" If you guys think this is some kind of OroKabu moment, then you're thinking wrongly. This fic ain't having any OroKabu, fortunately/ unfortunately, depending on how the way you look at it.

"Please Kabuto, get a girlfriend for Pete's sake!" Kabuto blinked. That wasn't really what he expected. "Get married, have a male child… and…"


"Name him Orochimaru…" Now he WAS NOT expecting THAT request.

Before he knew it, his master's life had slipped away. Black eyes widened, "NOOO!"

Okay now putting all that drama aside, let's fast forward to tomorrow.

Our hero had packed his bags and got ready for his girl-hunting the previous night. He didn't want to travel alone but luckily, he found a companion!

"Well then Kabuto, you know anything about girls?" I know what you're thinking, he's talking to himself, right? Well then you're wrong. It was worse than that. He was taking to a POKEMON named Kabuto, like him.

The brown pocket monster shook his head, "Ka-buto!"1

"Sad… You know where to find girls?"

"Ka-buto!" the pokemon nodded.


Human girls? No. The little creature led him to a bunch of female KABUTOS. Okay, not a bunch. A million Kabutos, and I'm not exaggerating. It was seriously a million.

The sound nin carefully approached one of them and decided to act gentleman-like.

"Hi. My name's Kabuto. And you?"

The pokemon bit him. And hissed. And if she had legs she would've kicked him in the groin. Ouch. Feisty one indeed. While he, the human Kabuto, was unsuccessful, his companion, the poke Kabuto, was a born lady's man. Because as you can see, the female Kabuto population was surrounding the said monster with hearts in their eyes.

The gray haired shinobi sighed. How was he gonna get a girl in the first place? He was very clueless when it comes to romance and love and stuff like that. But he was sure of one thing. He was a virgin. A virgin from head to toe. Come on, he never had his first kiss yet! Even if it's in some play or Spin the Bottle, his lips remained untouched. A very, very unlucky man.

Oh, what about the pokemon? He ditched him long before. That little bastard decided he would help those girl Kabutos in reproducing. Yuck. He doesn't even want think about it. So now he's going solo.

"How can I win a girl's heart…" He asked himself as if the answer would just pop out of no where. Which, fortunately, did. He fell flat on a bush of roses. Thorny roses. He got up, healed his wounds with his super medical abilities, and a lightbulb appeared above his head. "FLOWERS!"

Ah yes, flowers. A lot of girls like flowers. Just like that Yamanaka girl… or maybe even pinky(Sakura). Oh joy.

He whipped out a notepad and wrote his discovery with his pencil, Lee style.

"Yosh!" He exclaimed, eyes filled with determination. "I shall be the most charming guy ever!" …He should stay away from Lee and Gai, seriously.

First stop, Hidden Village of Leaf, Konohakagure.

Ah yes, village of many beautiful girls, perverted guys and of course, crazy Sasuke fangirls… and in some cases, fanboys.

Life was great here! I don't see why Orochimaru left…


…Okay, okay. I now see why that snake sannin left.

Anyways… To Kabuto!

The said shinobi was currently sitting on a bench, thinking. He took out his shinobi cards, no, it's not like Yu-Gi-Oh! or anything of that sort… it was info cards! Horrah for Kabuto's ultra genius brain!

"Okay, I have limited choices… One, people here hate sound nins and I'm a sound nin. Two, I hate lunatic fangirls which seems to inhabit in Konoha because of the good looking guys, a.k.a Uchiha Sasuke, Hyuuga Neji, etc… And three, I'm practically not the best bachelor around…"

The Yakushi checked out the girls available, best known as the girls us Naruto watchers know.

"First card, Haruno Sakura…" the gray haired man blinked. And blinked. And blinked once more. And finally he frowned. "I despise pink. " (A/N Sorry but I'm not particularly the biggest Sakura fan around…)

So… Pinky, OUT.

"Second card, Yamanaka Ino…" Well, blondes aren't that bad… But blue eyed blondes strongly remind him of another blue eyed blonde who babbles a lot. A really cute blue eyed blonde. (A/N Three guesses who… XP 2) She can be a candidate.

Flower babe, IN.

"Third card, Hyuuga Hinata…" Oh yes, the shy one. She's very innocent making her irresistibly cute. She's not very confident but we can fix that. Her Byakugan can be useful, at least his offspring can have a bloodline technique.

Hyuuga girl, IN.

"Fourth card, Ten Ten…" (A/N I don't know her last name…) Weapon master… The tomboy, right? Well she looks fine. Not that pretty but not ugly. Average, I guess. Oh well.

Weapon chick, IN.

So in the Hidden Village of Leaf, three candidates. That can do.

He then felt someone in front of him. He looked up and saw the one and only Naruto. They stared for a while. Quite a while.

"Ermm… Kabuto, what are you doing here?" the Uzumaki innocently and adorably asked. The oto ninja could squeal and take him instead of the other girls if it weren't for Orochimaru's death wish. Sigh. Life is plain cruel.

"I'm here to find a girlfriend…" Kabuto replied.

"I suggest you go," the whiskered boy scratched his head. "You're not the most popular guy, you know."

"Oohh… I'm so scared! What are ya gonna do? Kick me in the ass? With a bunch of gennins?" He mockingly said, forgetting the fact that he himself was also a gennin and that the boy in front of him had defeated him once and can defeat him again.

"No, actually, a bunch ANBUs and jounins, thank you very much…" Kakashi boringly appeared with a dozen ANBUs and jounins.

"Oh shit."

"Yes shit."

And Kabuto was punched and kicked to the next village! Village of Sand! YAY-NESS!

Next stop, Hidden Village of Sand, Sunakagure.

Well at least he didn't land on the Kazekage, Gaara. He'll probably still be mad because the Sound tricked them, hardiharhar.

Anyways, apparently, there was only one good female here and she had her advantages and disadvantages.

"Fifth card, Temari." The only girl with the ultra sized fan. The only one who tied her hair up like that. The second blonde candidate. Advantages? Fairly good fighter. Not one of those girls that thinks more of her looks than training. At least he doesn't need to keep on saving her in the future. Disadvantages? Well, her brother was Gaara. Can be tough to get. Her brother was Gaara. She has two brothers and one of them is Gaara. Her brother was Gaara. And her brother was Gaara… Oh he'll be so dead before he can even ask her to be his girlfriend. Oh, well. Better get what you've got!

Fan user, IN.

Hidden Village of Sand, one candidate.

Just when he thought he was safe, he had to bump into a certain Sand nin.

Even though Gaara was shorter than him, he seemed to make Kabuto smaller with that glare. Shudders. Only one thing came to his mind.

He. Was. So. Dead.

And once more, he was seriously pummeled to the next village.

Practically his last stop, the Village of Sound, his home!

Last stop, Hidden Village of Sound, Otokagure.

Ah yes, home sweet home. Why he didn't start here? I have no idea!

And once again, he had a few choices. Erm… Actually, he has only one choice here.

"Sixth card, Tayuya…" The weakest of the Sound Five. The only female in the Sound Five. The firey red head of the Sound Five. A fellow oto nin. Ah yes. A nice candidate. She obeys Orochimaru and she'll understand why they have to name him after their master if they get together. This is beautiful!

Red head, IN.

So now he has… five girls to chose from! Horrah Horrah!

Now let's see how he'll be able to take them on…


This first chapter went well…

I'm not sure of what Kabuto the pokemon says…

Oh, sorry about that. I couldn't help but put a little KabutoNaruto there. ; I strongly support AnyoneNaruto… with a few exceptions of course.

Yes dear readers, you shall vote on who this guy's gonna end up with. And sorry Sakura fans, don't hate me but Sakura won't be available for she'll end up with Lee.


Yamanaka Ino

Hyuuga Hinata

Ten Ten



…and any other candidate suggestions are welcome. Please vote!

Thank you, readers, for reading. Please review for dear me!

Hope to see you next chapter!