Authoress: I like the reviews about the names. Tee-hee. And you really can't say anything because… Alucard, how many people do you think wont notice that your named spelled backwards is your real name?

Alucard: (mutters obscenities)

Authoress: On with the next chappy!!

Disclaimer: I don't own Hellsing (pulling daisies off a flower). I don't own Hellsing. I don't own Hellsing (pulls off last petal). Hey, look at that, I don't own Hellsing.

Chapter 5

Load Up

Vampires usually have to find that one spot in a house or manor that is all to themselves. One that others are not supposed to disturb or take. Like juvenile children, they may squabble over the thinking spot. Alucard was not an exception to the 'Spot' disease. At the moment, his own personal roof seat was being taken up by a certain red head who paid no attention to his silent flaring aura of discontent.

"There is plenty of roof, Alucard, find your own seat," she said, without taking her soft red eyes from the shining orb that hung lazily in the sky. The moon was full and beautiful. It had little effect on her thirst and more on her thoughts, willing her mind to wander and take flight towards the unknown.

Taking the hidden invitation, the master vampire plopped down beside her on the roof and looked up to the same milky sphere in the atmosphere. He took out a cigarette and lit it, letting the smoke twist and float upwards, drawing patterns and unforeseen designs in the sky above their heads, only to dissipate in the air above. There was a long silence that followed the clicking of a lighter.

Vampires never expect humans to understand this. When there is a silence and no one is uncomfortable, this is a kind of revered peace that, if disturbed, could be lost so simply and never recovered between two vampires. It didn't signify anything. It did not mean they were in love, were adoring each other, or even saying they were getting along. It was a simple contemplative silence that was respected by others. One vampire would know when the silence was to be broken.

"You're going to have to tell her soon about the up-coming season," Dramina said quietly, but not timidly. It was a statement that did not exactly need an answer.

"I'm aware," he answered anyway. He eyes, still hidden behind the yellow frames of his glasses, looks to her, curious about her concern for a certain blonde fledgling.

"It shall be strange," the female said, "For her I mean."

"She is strong and I know she will fight certain urges if she does not wish for them to over-come her," Alucard stated simply.

"You know best. You are her master," the eldest Harker said and stood. A pale, strong hand shot out and caught the female's hand in a stern, but gentle grip. A silence followed, and as if in slow motion Dramina looked to the elder vampire in confusion and wonder, before masking the emotions with indifference- a trait she received from his blood.

"And technically I am yours also," he tested his safe ground with his words around the vampire woman.

Dramina raised a brow and easily slipped her hand from his. "I'm sorry, but you lost that title when I was born. But that wasn't your fault. You were entombed. You no longer have any form of power over the blood in my veins," she confirmed and fazed through the roof. Alucard noted the slight up-turn on the corner of her lips; a mocking smirk that he was pretty sure she had learned on her own.

"Cheeky girl," Alucard muttered, flicking away the cigarette butt with a grin and fazed through the roof also as his master called for him.

"Infiltrate?" Dramina questioned skeptically. She didn't like her friend's new plan for getting information from the inside. Mostly because included actually going into the inside!

"Yes, Dramina. Infiltrate and gather information. From the vampire society and its covens," Integra clarified for the female vampire. Dramina groaned as Alucard just grinned like child receiving news on his new toy.

"Oh what are you grinning about. You haven't been in the society for about fifty years," Dramina shot at the older vampire, who just continued to grin. Dramina felt like slapping it off his smug little face. Seras stood bewildered beside the two older nosferatu.

"Sir, am I to go?" the blonde asked her superior curiously.

"N-" Alucard began, but was cut off rather violently ('violently' meaning Dramina shoved him aside).

"Hell yeah she's coming!!" Dramina grasped Seras's hands. "She can't leave me alone at the mercy of her cruel master! A lady such as I should not have to fend for myself, alone in the society of dominant vampire males!" Dramina emphasized with the biggest puppy-eyes Integra had ever seen.

"Officer Seras is to accompany you also, but in replacement, I must ask your sisters stay here. We may need Lillith in place of our weapons leaving," the Hellsing heir explained. Alucard and Dramina took minor offense to the 'weapons' comment, but shrugged it off rather quickly.

"Deal!" Dramina quipped happily.

"Hey, why don't we ask the girl in question what she would like to do!" Lillith said rather loudly as she stomped in through the door.

"This is grown-up talk, Lilly, dear," Dramina said, waving her sister off rather simply. "And you were eavesdropping anyways."

"It's a good thing too, Mina almighty. I object to you going and leaving us here. You need the book for your power," Lillith argued with a glare.

"I don't need the book for certain power. I'll be fine. And you need to stay here to take Alucard's place, though those boots will probably never be filled, nor wanted to be filled," Dramina commented. Lillith clenched her fists.

"If you leave, you'll come back like you did last time!" Lillith exclaimed. Dramina's eyes darkened.

Alucard was enjoying the show up to that point. Dramina's aura seemed to darken considerably. Her sister had pushed a button that should have been left alone. Alucard kept this information in his memory for future reference. Never know when you need to get a female angry.

"Lillith your orders are to stay here and aid Integra in any way possible. You will not disagree or argue with me any longer," the taller sister said, but the order came out more as a hiss and it took a trained vampire to see Lillith flinch at her sister's tone.

The middle sister growled before turning on her heel and stomping out angrily, but a lot more quiet than when she entered. Her sister's bad side had that effect on people. Dramina seemed to calm herself in seconds however and turned back to Integra with a smile. It was quite disarming seeing her switch so easy. Reminded Integra too much of someone in particular.

"Alright, now that it's set we should speak about our rolls in the society, but I believe we would simply bore Sir Hellsing with that talk. Alucard?" she said, motioning to the door. "Seras, you should come too."
Integra nodded to Seras's questioning look and waved her off. The young officer saluted and scurried after the two older vampires, curious as to what this 'talk' was all about.

"We will need covers for this to work. Our biggest problem is people recognizing you, Alucard," Dramina mentioned as she slumped into one of the library's plush arm chairs by the fire. "You stick out like a red thumb," she commented, looking him up and down, lingering momentarily on his hair, making minor thoughts to herself.

"Enjoying the show? And how do you purpose I rectify that problem?" Alucard asked as he raised a brow and sat in a chair across from her, cross his leg and steepling his fingers in front of him and looking at her over them.

"You'll have to lose that outfit and get a new one. Do you plan on going with your old name?" she questioned, looking over him curiously. She had an idea what the answer would be. Vampires were that oblivious.

"No, I believe a different name would benefit our expedition, wouldn't it?" the red clad vampire mused to himself. "Very well, I shall come up with something. The other question is, what will our relationship be when we drop in unexpected? Vampire usually don't travel in groups unless you count servants or fledglings," he pointed out. His red eyes falling on a jittery looking Seras standing in the darkened corner of the room.

Dramina scrutinized the elder vampire. Her eyes roamed over his pale face, trying to read the smug smirk cemented to his lips. It was disconcerting and was setting off all kinds of bells and whistles everywhere in her mind. Then what he was implying fell on her like a ton of bricks. When the mighty fall, they fall pretty hard.

"No way!" she yelled and stood up, glaring at him with defiance. Her glare was like ice, trying to freeze him to the chair he lounged in, rather comfortably.

"It's the only way to not raise suspicion about our activities," the no-life king said with a grin, his garnet orbs dancing with mirth as he watch the eldest Harker. For emphasis to his suggestion, his eyes looked her up and down, as if she were a piece of meat.

"You would enjoy that you pompous ass," she growled.

"You mentioned all the alpha males running around. It would protect them from you," he mentioned correctly. Dramina nearly bit her own tongue at the thought of the monster she had unleashed. When you open your big mouth, it was always a good idea to consider the consequences.

"This is ridiculous," she sighed with a roll of her eyes and went over to the small table with a golden glass bottle of bourbon sitting upon it. She poured herself a glass and downed it quickly in one gulp.

"Um, master? What are you talking about?" Seras asked as she stepped forward. Her curiosity had peaked. Dramina was obviously distraught, and Alucard was enjoying being the one giving her the stress. It was like twisting the knife already plunged into the victim, and Alucard enjoyed every minute of it.

"Police Girl, you are my fledgling. No one will suspect anything from that. But, a adult female and male vampire, unclaimed by the other and not expressing intentions are liable for unwanted attention from the opposite sex (or in some cases the same sex). Plus, it looks… odd, for two such vampires to travel together and not be (pause) involved. Suspicion could be raised," Alucard explained, as if it was a simple problem, easily solved. Unfortunately, it wasn't an equation Dramina wanted to be included in.

"What does that mea- oh!" Seras suddenly also let the idea fall on her head, though it was less of a weight than when it fell on Dramina.

Dramina's amber red eyes darted to her "partner" for this mission and if looks could kill and Alucard could die easily the vampire would be 6 feet under.

"There is no way I'm going as your fiancé, mate-to-be, or whatever!" she nearly cried out in frustration.

"These are your passes for getting past human obstacles," Walter said, handing each their fake ID's.

"Mr. and Mrs. Lamia?" Dramina said as she looked at the pictures and information. "Next time we go undercover Alucard, I'm choosing the name. Not everyone in the world is oblivious to rewordings and word puns," she scoffed.

"You expect us to go undercover again after this, my dear?" Alucard questioned with a smirk and Dramina glared at him.

"Hey, my weight is not 140! I'm barely 120," Seras whined. Walter raised a brow and Seras muttered an apology and took what she gave him without more questioning.

"Your train arrives tonight at 9:45 sharp. I expect you to be on it," Integra said as she stood behind her desk, looking at the three she was placing so much hope in (she had no idea why).

"Don't get shot please," Lillith said with very put-out look at her older sister. She seemed to still be a little ticked off about the argument the other day.

"I'll try not to. Please watch over Lucy and I promise I'll be back in no time," Dramina said, reassuring her sister. "And please, for the good of everyone in this household, behave!"

"Of course, sister," Lillith sneered.

"Walter will drive you to the train station. Your orders are simple and you will follow them, understood? Infiltrate and collect information, that's it," Integra made herself very clear.

"Right, master," Alcuard said with a grin and they were ushered downstairs towards the door, some bags (mostly for disguise) were thrown into the car and they got in. Integra had made the arrangements for their coffins to be delivered promptly to their address. Dramina made sure Integra reserved a flat with three rooms.

According to Dramina, "There was no way in heaven or hell she was sharing a room with Alucard."

The car pulled away from the manor and drove out of the gates of iron and steal guarding the Hellsing estate. The rumble of the engine was all that they heard as they traveled. Silence dominated the air around the three no-life's riding in the back of the car.

'I hope it's not like this the whole trip,' Seras thought with a long sigh. She went back to reading the book she had grabbed for the ride.

'I hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the ass, big time,' Dramina pondered to herself as she watched the dark scenery of the passing night fly by through the dark tinted window of the Hellsing car.

'I hope this trip is fun,' Alucard thought with a smaller grin this time as he glanced at the two females in the car with him. 'Oh, so much fun.'

Authoress: FINALLY!! YAY!!! READ AND REVIEW PLEASE!! Next chapter comes faster with more reviews!

Alucard: In other words, you'll get around to the next chapter when you're not being so lazy.

Authoress: Ye- HEY NO!!