Pairings: Sirius/Harry

NOTE: This is just an experimental story to see if i can do slash!

Chapter 1

Darkness Caused by Floo

Harry Potter the wizarding world's saviour stood outside number four Privet Drive contemplating which direction he should travel in, right or left. If he chooses the right it would lead him to the park, choosing the left would mean ending up in the middle of town. Harry scuffed his shoe against the cement path as he thought. Harry bit down on his lip and was about to turn right when a cold shudder tingled down his back, hairs standing up on end. Instinctively his hand went straight to his wand in his jeans pocket, fingers curling around the wood. Harry stood rigid as he listened and scanned Privet Drive for the source of his discomfort. Harry loosened his grip on the wand and withdrew his hand after a few moments and started to walk towards the park, keeping his eye out for the slightest disturbance.

Once Harry reached the park, he made a beeline for the swings, sitting on his favourite one and wrapping an arm around the chain. The trees moved lightly with the nearly nonexistent wind and the birds singing to an unknown tune. Harry's thoughts drifted to his godfather, Sirius Black who narrowly missed death at the end of Harry's fifth year, while fighting Death Eaters at the Department of Mysteries. Harry thought of how glad he was that Sirius was still alive, seeing Harry just found out he was in love with the man a couple of weeks ago; no one knew that he preferred the same sex to the opposite.

Harry loved the way Sirius hair would shine blue-black in the light, how his dark blue eyes always sparkled in amusement and mischievousness, the way he carried himself, the smoothness of his voice and the way he smiled, though Harry had no idea why he loved Sirius; he just did. Harry smiled to himself and gripped tightly onto the swings chain.

Harry noticed the quickly darkening sky and stood from the swing and walked back to his aunt and uncle's, he knew the order was still watching him and did not want to worry them. Harry made it to the doorstep of number four just as the last lingering strand of daylight diminished into night. Harry opened the door slowly and walked into the house carefully to avoid making noise; he didn't want to be locked up in his room like last year again. Harry walked into the kitchen to find a note on the bench; Harry glanced at it cautiously then picked it up and read;


Dudley, Petunia and I have gone to Amherst to visit Marge for the weekend. DO NOT destroy the house and DO NOT pig out on the food.

Harry snorted then jumped for joy when he realized he had a weekend to himself. Harry opened the refrigerator door to find it empty. How was he meant to pig out when there was no food? Harry smirked as he remembered the muggle money that was stashed in the bottom of his trunk. Harry walked over to the phone and dialled for pizza, ordered peperoni pizza with extra olives and coca cola.

An hour later Harry sat in the living room with a steaming hot pizza and a Bottle of coke in front of him, the T.V blaring away with, so far he hated the show, but kept it on as there was nothing else on and he really didn't want to watch the news, or start his homework. Harry began to settle in the lounge when the fireplace in front of him blazed green. Harry shot up from his seat effectively knocking the coffee table and causing the bottle of coke to tip over; spilling all its contents on the floor. Harry cursed inwardly and pointed his wand at the fire as a figure started to emerge. Harry watched as Sirius emerged from the fire, the smile that was on Sirius's face disappeared as he noticed the wand pointed directly at him.

"Er…Hi Harry" Sirius greets and swallows nervously, eyeing the wand pointed at him in caution.

If Harry Potter had a wand pointed at you might as well stay out of his way, you did not want to mess with him.

Harry eyes Sirius carefully, taking in the man before him and dropping his wand slightly. Harry smiles at Sirius who pulls him into a hug. Harry pulls back first to look at Sirius once more.

"What you doing here?" Harry asks confused

Sirius walks over to the seat Harry had previously been occupying and sank into the softness.

"What I can't just come and see my Godson?" Sirius asks innocently

Harry flinches at the word Godson causing Sirius to look at Harry in confusion then shakes his head.

"No Sirius you can't" Harry sits down beside Sirius and draws his feet up to rest on the edge of the lounge, wraps his arms around his legs and looks at Sirius shyly

"So, really, why are you here?" Harry asks again

"Well, to come and take you to Grimmauld Place of course!"

Harry looks at Sirius with a wide smile

"I'll just go get my things!" Harry says and runs up the stairs four at a time.

Ten minutes later Harry was looking at a tin can in Sirius hands cautiously, Harry looks up at Sirius with a pleading look "Do we have to?" Sirius smiles apologetically at Harry and wraps an arm around Harry's shoulders and kisses his cheek "Afraid So Har" Sirius turns his attention to activating the Porrtkey and missing the blissful expression on Harry's face and a hand lingering on his cheek.

Sirius turns to Harry and smiles "3", "2", "1" and Harry feels the hated feel of his navel being tugged backwards then forward and then landing with a thud on the floor of Grimmauld Place, seeing familiar faces smiling brightly at him before he plunges into darkness.

Please review, cause my confindence in this story is not so high!

love magic-and-love