---Sorrows of Yesterday---
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Hope you'd like a Kagome/Sasuke pairing…
Chapter 1: From the Beginning
A miko sighed, contemplating jumping into an old, dry well for good.
She wore hardly an outfit close to a miko a dark red turtleneck with long, flowing sleeves and comfortable, flared black pants with a white sash around her waist, loose ends falling by her leg.
A sword hung limply from her waist, and strangely, a wooden flute beside it. A tiny satchel of money was also tied on.
Kagome had long since completed her quest for the Shikon no Tama, and the well sealed up, thought not completely. Instead, it lead to a different dimension. Kagome was curious about this, and quickly sold the shrine 2 days prior to her leave. Souta and Kun-Loon understood. She no longer felt at home in the future, and she no longer thought about the past events that occured since her birthday that very year.
So now, there she was, standing beside the damned well that could change her future, depending on what would be on the other side. Though, there was only one more time through the well before it sealed up completely. She could feel it in her blood.
Kagome dug through the contents of her black, drawstring bag. There was some extra currency that she wasn't carrying, one or two eating utensils, two daggers, soap, food, extra clothing, flashlight, water bottle, lighter, towel, jacket, and darts.
'Why did I bring darts?' Kagome frowned. 'I guess it wouldn't hurt to bring them…' She carefully stuffed them in her pockets.
Now, you may be wondering, 'How could she fit all of that into a single, small drawstring bag?'
Kagome could use her miko energy to shrink things small enough so they could conveniently fit. Let's just say, she wasn't your normal, everyday miko. Kagome didn't reduce sizes too often though, because it took way more energy then healing a fever, and that took quite a lot of energy.
A round rock clattered against the bottom of the well as she bent over to look inside.
Looking back one last time, Kagome slung the bag over her shoulder and sighed, jumping into the great abyss of the well to her unknown future.
And hopefully, it was a good one.
It felt so lonely in here. There was never anyone else in the Uchiha mansion since that incident.
Sasuke let out an irritated sigh at the silence as he chose to take a walk, slamming the door behind him. The lock automatically clicked, securing the mansion.
Outside, he could see Naruto rounding the corner, but chose to ignore him.
"Sasuke! Hey, Sasuke-teme! Wait up!"
"What?" Sasuke stared at him and stated boredly, answering the annoying boy in orange.
"I just remembered that if you still want to restore your clan, you have to get married and have…eww! Anyways, that means you haven't completed your goal yet, so ha!" Naruto exclaimed in a loud voice, laughing. He then started running away before the Uchiha could make any move to strangle him.
"Wait!' Sakura cried out, trying to catch their attention before they could run off, "Tsunade-sama says that we have a new mission!"
It was right after the war with Orochimaru…Sasuke had returned after a year. He was accepted quite grudgingly back into the village after a series of events involving trust and where his loyalties lay. Luckily, the war was over then, and Orochimaru was dead.
Sakura started to date Lee, much to the guy's delight. After you got past all the physical faults, he was a great guy. She didn't regret it.
The missions have gotten more dangerous, so even though they were Chunin now, all of them were ordered to still travel with their teacher for safety precautions. Once in a while, there would be an exception, but that was mostly only for the reason that there was no teacher availiable at the time.
"What's our mission?" Naruto blabbered excitedly.
It was silent for a moment.
"Granny! Tell me!"
Tsunade just seemed to stare at the door, as if waiting for someone to come in.
Oh yeah, Kakashi.
But Naruto's thoughts were mixed up again when he saw that Kakashi was already in the room, waiting patiently in the corner, his book splayed open.
Whirling around again at the sound of a small click and footsteps, he saw Hyuuga Neji and Rock Lee walk into the room.
"What are you guys doing here?" Naruto asked, confused.
The once silent Hokage now spoke, "Everyone, now that you're all here, I can tell you the mission. Gai's team will be joining up with you for this mission; it's crucial that this is done correctly. Unfortunately, it's only Neji and Lee here. Tenten came down with a fever and I have to go check up on her, so she'll be staying here with Gai until she's better."
"Has it gotten even more dangerous now?" Sakura asked, frowning.
Tsunade opened her mouth to answer, but was interrupted by Naruto
"Fuzzy-brows is coming too?"
"Yes", Tsunade replied bitterly, "Hold on, actually, I think he should stay here to help guard the village."
"Okay!" Lee shouted eagerly, "I will protect this village, that's a promise!" He struck a 'good guy' pose and with that, ran out the door.
The group heard his enthusiastic jog down the hallway before his footsteps faded.
"But Tsunade-sama, why don't you just send a team of Jounin to do this since it's so dangerous?" Sakura questioned curiously.
"Most of them are currently on mission and unfortunately, the ANBU are too. That's why we need Lee to stay around with Shino and Kiba, with some others. Neji is a Jounin, remember?"
"Oh…yeah, sorry about that Neji."
'That's unusual…' Sasuke thought.
"Anyway, your mission is to hunt down a missing-nin and kill him. They say his voice sounds like a girl, and he's wearing an ANBU mask with a scratch across the left check. He has long, black hair and resembles a girl in appearance and speech. Don't fail." She concluded.
With that, the Hokage dismissed them to get packing.
Kagome continuously kicked a tiny rock down a worn-down dirt path as she pondered her surroundings.
'It can't be the feudal era because it's much neater out here... I'm assuming this is a bit after that. I don't sense any demons for miles so that would mean that there are no demons in this era or we're in a well-protected area... or maybe this isn't even in my time period at all? Maybe Tokyo will never exist here, and there was no such thing as the Shikon?'
'What's this?' Kagome raised an eyebrow, rubbing the blood off her shoe. She had stepped in a puddle of wine red. Eyeing the blood, Kagome followed its trail right up into a bush.
Cautiously stepping up to the foliage, she pushed down a branch and found a dead body with strange clothing and a white and red animal mask.
"What happened here...?" Kagome muttered, crouching down beside the body. She checked for a pulse and found none. His skin, which she had to look twice before confirming it a guy, was pale and cold.
He was dead.
Kagome concluded that bloodshed still occured in this area, and she had to stay on guard. She pried the mask off his face, and absently put it on to get it out of the way. Taking one last look at the poor man, Kagome purified his dead body and left.
After an hour or so, Kagome managed to build a makeshift shelter out of branches and leaves. Kagome plopped herself in the middle of it all and sighed.
A twig snapped and Kagome froze. "Why didn't I sense them before? I shouldn't be getting caught off guard. I need to train again or I'm going to get rusty."
There were a few voices and a hushing noise, and then it became eerily quiet.
Stealthily, Kagome slipped her two daggers out of her drawstring bag and tucked them into her belt beside her sword and flute, securing the sash. She loosened the darts up in her pocket and pulled her white gloves up a bit tighter. Apparently, she had forgotten about the mask that still hid her face. Kagome ducked out of her 'tent'.
"Ahh!" A loud voice exclaimed and a sharp, metal object whizzed startlingly by Kagome's head, thrown by a boy dressed in orange.
This is the first chapter… It will be a Sasuke/Kagome pairing.Reviews would be appreciated.