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Chapter 6: A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing

Jumba placed Stitch gently on the couch, making sure that nothing touched his wound. "There you are being," Jumba said before he walked away. He passed Lilo on her way to Stitch. She caught his eye and he smiled, reassuring her that everything would be fine. As he walked by the kitchen, he saw Nani sitting at the table, sipping a cup of coffee. Jumba thought about going in to see if she was all right, but then he saw that Pleakley had already taken care of it. So Jumba proceeded to his room and fell down on Pleakley's bed, not having the energy to climb up to his bunk.

Although he most likely wouldn't admit it, he was completely wiped out. His body ached all over from the fight that he hadn't really fought. Jumba let out small scoff. A fight with a creature that didn't really exist. Almost as reassurance, he put his hand into the pocket of the lab coat that he still wore. But when his hand felt nothing, Jumba panicked. He was sure that he had put the venom in his pocket.

"Looking for these?" came a voice. Jumba sat up as fast as he could, and hit his head against the bottom of the top bunk. The voice let out a small chuckle and a, "That had to hurt." When Jumba looked, he saw from whom the voice came. It was the man he had met in his mind. He was sitting on the desk, holding the vials of venom between his fingers.

"You give those back!" Jumba ordered, pushing off of the bed and grabbing at the vials. But as his hand closed around one of the vials, both it and the man vanished.

"Now, now. You know that I can't let you keep these," came the man's voice from behind him. Jumba spun around to see the man now sitting on the top bunk of the bed. The man slid off of the bed and landed soundlessly in front of Jumba. "The poison came from a monster that isn't supposed to exist. So therefore, this poison shouldn't exist either," he said sarcastically, slipping the vials into the pocket of his long, white coat. "But it's okay," he said, putting a gloved hand on Jumba's shoulder. As the hand touched him, Jumba felt all of his weariness wash away. "You know that the stone demon existed. And they know too," the man pointed his thumb at the door, indicating the rest of his ohana. "But no one else can. That's why I can't let you keep the poison."

Jumba opened his mouth to respond, but found that the man was already gone. He put his hand on his shoulder, where the man had put his, surprised that he hadn't felt the man disappear. Removing his lab coat, Jumba decided to go back out with his family. There was no reason for him not to; he was no longer tired, and he couldn't study the venom. So he walked out to the kitchen to pour himself a cup of coffee. But of course he couldn't escape from Pleakley's ever watching eye.

"There you are," the skinny alien said, looking up from Nani. "How is the Little Monster?"

"626 will be fine. Venom is all out, and wound will be gone by mourning," Jumba said as he sat down across from Nani. "Little Girl is doing okay as well," he responded to Nani's questioning look. "But real question is being, how are you?"

"Fine I guess," Nani answered, "Just a bit shaken up." By the looks of it, though, she was shaken up more than just a bit. She sat huddled in her chair, gripping the coffee mug like a lifeline. "What about you? You're the one that fought that thing."

"So I am being told," Jumba responded sarcastically. He was still trying to figure out what kind of tech that man had used to possess him. It had to have been some piece of advanced technology; nothing in nature even came close to simulating what he had experienced. "Jumba is fine," he said quickly in response to the confused stairs.

"Do you two mind watching Lilo and Stitch?" Nani asked after a few moments of silence, "I feel like I need to go to bed." Jumba and Pleakley both nodded, and Nani got up and went to bed.

A few hours later, Jumba was lying on the couch, watching T.V. It was some human show about a group of doctors solving very strange medical cases. He couldn't remember exactly what the show was, House…something. Jumba just liked the one doctor's sarcastic comments. As he laughed at another of the doctor's remarks, he felt a form on his stomach stir. Looking down, he saw Lilo, fast asleep atop his belly. He had nearly forgotten that she was there, and that Stitch was asleep in the crook of his arm. A little after Nani had gone to bed, he had sat down to check on Stitch's wound, and had never really gotten back up. Then Pleakley had gone to bed, and by the time it was the little ones' bedtime, they were already asleep. Just not in their beds. Jumba didn't see any need to wake them up just to tell them to go to sleep somewhere else.

Lilo settled down and fell back into restful sleep. A few quite minutes passed, until the silence was broken by the long howl of a wolf. Jumba heard a soft gasp, and looked down to see Lilo's eyes wide with wonder. Stitch was awake as well, his ears pointed strait up from the noise. "That sounded really close," Lilo said, "Like it might even be in the woods behind our house." Jumba nodded. Judging from the volume and the direction the howl came from, that stray wolf could certainly be in their back yard. "Come on, Stitch, let's go see," Lilo said as she slid off of Jumba's belly and onto the floor. Stitch, almost fully healed, started to climb over Jumba's arm.

"Through window only," Jumba ordered, picking up Stitch before he could scurry away. He didn't want him to reopen his wound. Lilo plastered her face to the glass of the window to the back yard, and Stitch leaned out from Jumba's grasp to get a better look.

There was nothing. Even Stitch, shifting through his array of visual filters, couldn't spot anything. "Must have moved on," Jumba reasoned, "Now Little Girl and 626 need to be getting to bed, or Larger Girl will be having my skin." He placed Stitch on the floor, and the two started to march off to bed. Lilo looked disappointed that it had been a false alarm. Jumba stole a glance out the window again, hoping against logic that there would be something there that he could show Lilo. His eyes immediately locked with a pair of golden eyes that stared back at him from the darkness. He was frozen with shock, unable to look way from the eyes. There was something so familiar about them. As Jumba's eyes adjusted to the darkness, he began to see the outline of the creature. Whatever it was, it was much too big to be a wolf.

"Good night," Lilo said, then turned when Jumba didn't answer her. Indeed, Jumba didn't even know she had spoken. He was busy trying to connect that sense of familiarity to something in his vast brain. But no matter how hard he thought, he just couldn't place it. There was something very unnerving about that. "Jumba?" The creature's eyes bore into him, almost taunting him with the fact that he couldn't recognize them. "Jumba?" The eyes suddenly broke contact with his, and Jumba snapped back into the real world. "Are you alright, Jumba?" Lilo asked, looking to see what he was looking at. The creature was already gone.

"Yes, I am alright. Now go to bed, and don't tell Larger Girl you were up so late," Jumba escorted them to the entrance to their dome. Stitch got onto the platform and there was a small hiss as it ascended. "Lilo," Jumba said as she boarded the small elevator, "We are going to go see that lady from the news tomorrow."

"The one whose baby got saved by the wolf? Why?"

"I am just having some questions about this wolf," Jumba answered, "Just a few questions."