As Time Goes By

Disclaimer: I am a poor, struggling college student and cannot afford a lawsuit on my hands. All credit goes to the creator of Gravitation: Maki Murakai.

(Note: Dialogue key:

-In English or languages familiar to both speakers.

-Character thoughts

- xSudden switch of languagex

Chapter 1


A gentle breeze passed through the air, brushing the ebony streaked blonde hair from the young man's amethyst eyes. He sighed half-heartedly against the wind's gentle touch as he looked out to the white sands of the beach before him, the tides lapping at the edges. It was mid-November and he was, naturally, the only person out on the beach during this time of the year in that sort of whether in Southern California. Clad in a large, gray hoodie and baggy, black denim pants, he searched his pockets for his pack of cigarettes. As he took note that he only had two cigarettes left, he cursed himself for not having bought another carton earlier that week. He put the cigarette in his mouth, lit it and took a long drag of the cigarette before letting the smoke leave his mouth. He didn't even bother to take the object out of his mouth.

A small smile formed on his lips as he realized just who he took this habit from. Hell, he was probably worse than that person now. Rubbing a hand through his blonde hair, he contemplated running out into the water just to get his feet wet for fun. What could it hurt? He sort of missed being silly and random at times. But he was scared of returning to that part of himself, for fear of being found.

Suddenly, his cell phone jingled that all-too familiar Nittle Grasper melody and he smiled. He removed the cell from his pocket and answered calmly, his voice no longer up beat and peppy as it had once been 4 years ago. "Yeah, this is Ken." he spoke in his now medium baritone voice. He'd been practicing on it.

"Kenneth Davis! Get off the beach before you catch a cold or something you crazy thing you!" squealed an annoyed female voice on the other line.

The long ash fell from Kenneth's cigarette as his eyes widened. He turned his head to look in every direction but the speaker was nowhere in site. "Alright Maya, where are you hiding?"

Gales of laughter erupted on the other end. "Like I'd tell you! Why don't you try looking a bit harder?"

Kenneth began walking away from the beach's edge and headed back towards the entrance gate. "Maya, this isn't funny. Now where the hell are you?"

Suddenly Kenneth felt himself being knocked down from behind, his face now smack in the middle of the sand. He struggled to turn his head to the side so that he wouldn't breath the grains of sand into his nose. He found himself glaring into the face of a beautiful, slender girl around 19 years old straddling his back. Her raven hair fell down the small of her back and her blonde tipped banes accented her equally beautiful hazel eyes. Her skin was a light brown color because of her mixed ethnic background. Clad in her white turtleneck sweater and dark blue jeans, she held a peace sign to Kenneth's face.

"Hiya Ken! Miss me?" Maya asked enthusiastically.

"Well I didn't miss your tackles. Now get off me will you? I kinda can't breathe."

Her eyes widened slightly. "Oops! Sorry there Ken! Here, let me help you." she apologized, then offered her hand to him and pulled him off the ground.

"How did you find me Maya?" Ken asked, dusting off the sand on his jeans. He glanced down and noticed that his cigarette was now totally ruined…he hadn't even gotten a chance to finish it halfway. "This had better be good Maya because I didn't even get to finish my cigarette and that was one of the two I had left." He stated, making sure to cut his eyes at her.

Maya stuck her tongue out at him. "Oh geez! I'll buy you a new carton of them Ken! I say you should quit. It's not good for you anyway!"

He smiled at hearing that remark. How many times had he said the exact same words to that certain someone of his past? Ken shook off those memories rather quickly, picked up his phone and, while putting it in his pocket, reached down and pulled out his pack and placed his last cigarette in his mouth. Since Maya had offered to buy him a new carton, he could smoke this last cigarette happily. His habit wasn't exactly cost effective.

He lit the cigarette and took another long drag, this time removing the item from his lips before releasing the smoke from his mouth. "I'll decide what's good for me. Anyway, you still haven't answered my question. How did you find me?"

Maya smiled. "Oh please Ken! We've been roommates for nearly 2 years now! You honestly think I don't know where your 'time to think' moments take you? Besides, I've been worried about you these last couple of days." She stated, then paused. "Why did you leave the house all of a sudden and not tell me where you were going for the past 5 days? I was worried sick! I was surprised you finally decided to cut on your damn phone!"

Ken shrugged. "Dunno…just had some things on my minds is all. I needed time alone."

Maya was about to say some witty remark to that last statement, but decided to leave it alone. She sighed. "Well, I guess it doesn't matter now. I'm just glad to know that you're alright. Where are your things?"

"On my bike."

"Okay, well let's go home. Did you bring an extra helmet? I took the bus to get here."

"No, but you can wear mine." Ken said, then smirked as he smoked the last remnant of his cigarette and tossed the butt away. "I'll try not to get us pulled over."

Maya arched an eyebrow. "That's comforting. I'd appreciate it very much thanks."

Ken chuckled and took Maya by the hand, leading her up the hill towards his dark red, Suzuki motorcycle. After securing the helmet onto her head, he patted her contentedly and laughed as she made a face that looked similar to a child about to have a tantrum. He leaped onto his bike and waited for Maya to wrap her arms around his waist and rest her head against his shoulder blade. Ken knew that when she did this, it was safe for him to take off. After revving up the engine a few times, he sped off the curb and raced down the road, heading toward their apartment inside the bustling metropolis of San Diego California.

x"Damn it all to hell!"x screamed Yuki Eiri as he deleted yet another document that was supposed to have been a new novel.

For some reason he just wasn't getting his bearings today. His editor was going to kill him for real this time. This was the fourth possible novel he'd scrapped in the past 3 months. Every time he would get inspired to write a new novel and the ideas seemed as though they would piece together perfectly. As soon as Yuki began to type, however, all those ideas seemed to vanish with a drop of a hat.

His last novel was a greatest hit compared to the two he had released two years prior. Yuki's last book, titled "Reunion" was about the emotional reuniting of lovers who'd been separated because of misunderstandings in the past. The girl, too shocked by her lover's actions, had fled from the country and hidden herself away so well that no matter how strong the bond was between the two, he could not find her. But, after years of searching, he passes by her in the street. It was as if God himself had chosen to smile down on him at that moment and allowed to two lovers to be reunited once more. They had longed for the other so passionately and all past qualms were forgiven. It was a great way to end the book.

This was when Yuki had decided to find Shuichi no matter what the cost. Because of his stupid actions, he'd hurt Shuichi beyond all known reason and caused his lover to flee without a second thought. For over a year he'd been island hopping across Japan, avoiding the others at all cost. It wasn't until recently that they'd discovered he fled to America and for nearly 2 years! He'd left his band, Bad Luck, in total disarray. Shuichi's sudden decision to leave caused Bad Luck to go on hiatus. After all, none of the others could sing and Hiro and Fujisaki firmly disagreed on the idea of a replacement for Shuichi. It just wasn't going to be Bad Luck without him.

Yuki lit a cigarette and was about to smoke it, but then suddenly cursed and put it out immediately. He had decided that if he really wanted to get Shuichi back, he'd have to make some changes on his personality. x"That damn baka Wait until I get my hands on him."x he muttered, shoving the ash tray far away from him. x"I'll drag him back to Japan kicking and screaming if I have to."x

Yuki got up from his desk and walked towards the window of his temporary apartment. He looked down at the busy streets of New York City. God, how he hated this city to its very pits. But, his sources said that someone had last spotted a person matching Shuichi's description in New York about a year ago. He figured the brat's income wasn't steady and knew he wouldn't touch his savings for fear of being traced. The novelist figured he was still living in New York under the guise of a new name and new physical appearance. Yuki had been here a full year and there was neither hide nor hair of Shuichi anywhere.

He pulled a photo out from his pocket and looked at the picture his P.I. had given him upon locating Shuichi. Shuichi's loud, pink hair was no more. He'd grown his hair out a little past his shoulders and had dyed it back to its natural black color. This time, however, he had dyed the tips royal blue. His left ear was pierced with a simple silver hoop. Shuichi was about 20 in the picture and, surprisingly, had an eye for fashion. This was a huge contrast to the once "color blind" imp who simply dressed in what was flashy and comfortable. Clad in a dark blue button up dress shirt and black slacks, he completed the outfit with a sharp black blazer and a black silk tie that accented his amethyst eyes beautifully.

xGod, he's changed so much. I barely even recognize him!x thought Yuki as he stared at the photo. xHe's gotten so handsome.x

He flipped the photo over and tried to make sense of the P.I.'s scribbles.

Name: Justin Chapman

Occupation: Record Store Manager

Age: 20

Mr. Eiri, I believe this might be the Shuichi Shindou you've been searching for. He arrived in New York about two years ago and was said to have bright pink hair when he went in for the job review. He turned in his resignation two years ago, but no one has reported him leaving the city yet. Good Luck Mr. Eiri. If you need any more information, you know to contact me and I'll help as best I can.


Mark Smith

Yuki flipped the photo over once more and smiled at the picture. Yeah, that was his Shuichi alright. He looked like a true businessman. But what disturbed Yuki was the serious expression on his face. It wasn't the look of a child wanting to throw a tantrum like he was used to. It was the look of a man who was hiding behind a dark veil to hide his feelings deep in his heart. Yuki wondered if he ever laughed even once after leaving him back in Japan.

Yuki's cell phone rang out with the melody "Glaring Dream," the song that Shuichi had written for him and the song that had saved him from committing suicide in that musky apartment in New York. He made his way over to the coffee table and answered the phone in his usual, gruff tone. "Hello? This is Eiri." There was slight pause and Yuki's eyes widened, a small gasp escaping his throat. x"Tohma! What did you just say! You found where Shuichi might be!"x

"Yes Eiri-san. I think we might have just located Shindou-san." replied the ever-calm Tohma.

"Well, where the hell is he? Is he in New York?" Yuki asked desperately.

"I'm afraid not. He recently removed some money from his bank account here in Japan. It wasn't much to be too noticeable. It was only four hundred dollars. Apparently he'd just recently bought a few motorcycle parts in San Diego, California."

Yuki's eyes widened. S-San Diego…California! How in the hell did he make it to California in a year without removing a drop of his savings? And why did he decide to pull money out for a few motorcycle parts?

"Eiri-san?. Eiri-san. Eiri-san!"

The novelist snapped back into reality, more determined than he had been before. Shuichi must have found out that he was looking for him and fled to the other side of the States! "Tohma! Take care of my business here in New York. I'm going to contact my realtor this instant and get this place sold and I'm going to find a new place in San Diego."

Tohma sighed on the other end of the phone. "Eiri-san. What if Shindou-san doesn't wish to be found? What if he doesn't want to come back with you Eiri-san? Do you think your will alone will change his mind?"

Yuki ran and snatched his black trench coat off the rack and slung it half hazardly over his shoulders, smiling. "xNo.x But it's a start."

To be continued…

Author's Notes: So, what did you guys think of that? Did you like it? Did you hate it? I'm attempting to write this story for a friend of mine for her birthday present and she's a huge fan of Gravitation. Hopefully I pulled the story off well, considering I'm a huge fan of Gravitation myself. Micheru I hope you like it! smiles Look forward to the next chapter: Title possibly going to be called – Just Around the Corner…