This is my first Harry Potter fan fiction so tell me what you think. Any suggestions are also welcome

Disclaimer: I am not J K Rowling (even though I wish I had that amount of money)

Harry woke to the sound of an engine. The sun shone on his eyes, squinting to find his glasses he fell out of bed. Quickly he got up to make sure he didn't wake up his horrible uncle and aunt. He put his glasses on to find Hermione sitting on his bed. She smiled at the shocked look he had. His heart began to beat faster. He replied with a smile that turned out goofier then expected she laughed in return.

Standing up she walked to him and planted a kiss on his cheek then whispered into his ear. "Happy Birthday Harry. You're an adult now." His heart fluttered as she said his name. He loved the way it rolled off her tongue. It sounded like the most beautiful music he had ever heard.

He jumped as he heard her speak again. This time in an excited voice. "Come on Harry you're coming with me and Ronald." She pronounced the last name as if it was poison. A voice interrupted his thoughts. It belonged to his best friend. "Come on Harry we're gonna run out of fuel soon."

Harry didn't know what to do so Hermione began to magically pack all his belongings into his trunk. Harry shot into action and put Hedwig in the cage then began to change. Hermione chose this moment to turn around and ask Harry if there was anything else. She caught a site of his smooth bum. Automatically she conjured up a screen so Harry had more privacy. Harry noticed that he was now surrounded by a screen and regretted not going to the bathroom. At least I wasn't facing the other way that would be worse. He thought thinking this at least would be private but Hermione heard it in her head. She shot around to see if Harry had been talking to her but saw the screen that was still up. What just happened? She thought. How come I heard Harry's thoughts? Oh God he might be able to hear mine. Harry too heard her thoughts. The screen magically disappeared as Harry had finished changing. Turning around he met her beautiful face that was now red. "Come on," Ron screeched from outside. Harry pulled his gaze away and locked Hedwig's cage and the trunk. Lifting it up he placed it perfectly in the boot then jumped inside right after Hermione.

His mind was racing as they made the short rip to the Burrow. Something inside him told him that he should have at least left a note saying goodbye to the Dursleys. They after all had looked after him for the last 10 years and 7 summers. It felt weird to be finally leaving them behind. Hermione looked over at him and he realised that she had been listening in her head to him. Her hand moved on to his and she squeezed it. He gratefully looked into her eyes. But this was a mistake as they began to edge closer to each other. There bodies were touching and he was leaning in. There faces were about an inch or less apart. She closed her eyes and forgetting thought. My first kiss. And with Harry Potter. Harry froze at this and she realised then silently swore in her head. He laughed t this because he had never heard Hermione swear.

They began to get closer and the breathing became in unison. Please Harry hurry up you're killing me. Just kiss me. Harry heard. Their lips touched slightly when a voice broke the moment. "And we are here the new and improved Burrow," came Ron's proud voice. They pulled apart and looked out their separate windows.

The Burrow stood proudly upon the hill. It looked new and the garden had been tamed. Harry smiled, this was his home for the next few weeks. "There's a room for both of you but they have a joined bathroom. Sorry," he said looking at Harry. Hermione's face screwed up at this comment. "You can't speak Ronald, you're as bad as me or even worse. With your face washes and deodorant everywhere. I'm happy I don't have to share with you. Harry probably isn't as bad. He looks like he has better hygiene than you anyway," she said getting out of the car.


Harry and Hermione entered their rooms, dropping their bags they went to the bathroom. It was huge. There was a sap/bath, an extra large shower and two basins. They were shocked. Hermione jumped with joy and without thinking pashed Harry. Harry was shocked the kiss was so full of passion and heat but it also included desperation. Getting over the shock he began to kiss back. He slightly nibbled on her lip to ask to be let in. She opened her mouth and his tongue gently slid in. She moaned as there tongues began to dance. He led her backwards and she lay down on the bed.

He stopped and saw that her face was red. Inside his head he said breathe Mione breathe I don't want you to faint. She replied Sorry I was just caught up. You're just such a good kisser I didn't want to stop. He signalled for her to get comfortable on the bed. She moved into the middle and he came and joined her. Slowly he kissed down her jaw bone. He moved down and began to unbutton her shirt. He got aggravated when he couldn't undo the last button so made it disappear. He hungrily looked down and saw her lace bra. He began to fumble with the back. Finally he got undone and revealed her breasts.

They were perfect, round and soft. She placed his hand on one, begging him to play. He squeezed and sucked on her nipple. She moaned and started to say his name in her head. This urged him on ad he gently bit her left breast. She squealed in pain at first then delight. Pulling back to see the lovely girl he held in his arms he saw the mark that was left on her breast redden. Moving back down he began to bit and suck on her neck. She moaned as his hands gently traced her body.

She had had enough. In one swift movement she rolled on top of him. She liked t be in control. She ripped open his shirt to expose a well toned chest. This is the good aspect of Quiditch she thought forgetting that Harry could hear. He smiled and she began to run her tongue down his chest. It was perfect and hardly had any hair. She began to unbuckle his belt. Unconsciously she kept sweeping her hand over his man hood driving him crazy. She began to pull it out when there as a knock on the door. Hermione quickly rolled off Harry and grabbed her clothes. She ran into the bathroom and Harry heard the door lock. Harry pulled out a new top and put it on then went to open the door. Ron stood there with a disgusted face. "What were you doing? The whole house could hear groans and moans. The walls aren't sound proof you know."

"Sorry I was sleeping, must have had a bad dream. I can't remember."

"Harry it sounded more like a good dream, a very good dream. Anyway dinners ready can you tell Hermione."

"Ok, I'll see you down there in a minute." Its safe he said to Hermione in his head after the door shut. She came out with a flushed look. She was now wearing a dress no doubt one of Ginny's but it looked great on her. She walked past him as though nothing had happened. Harry stood still not sure what to do. She turned, "Aren't you coming. Dinners ready. We don't want to keep them waiting especially after what we just did to them." He nodded in reply. She turned to leave but said to Harry we'll talk later. And why do you looked so shocked? Do I look that horrible?

No, you look extremely beautiful. She smiled at herself. He was enchanted by her. Harry Potter the boy who lived, was enchanted by her.

Hope you liked it. Any suggestions comment, criticism is welcome. Just push the GO button below and review.