Disclaimer: Ok here is a list of stuff I don't own: a laptop, fruit loops, Disneyland, and Oh, Inuyasha.
A/N: Ok, this is it the epilogue. Thanks for reading, and sometimes reviewing… I have no idea what so ever what my next fic will be about….sorry 'bout this being so short…
Dear diary,
I can't believe it! Inuyasha loves me back! And he actually killed KIKYO, I just can't believe it... I'm so happy that I think my heads gonna explode, or maybe it's just because I slept with a rock under my pillow… Oh, Sango and Miroku are at it again, when will they ever get together? I guess it's time to leave…
two months later
Dear diary,
He's dead, gone, never to be seen again; finally Naraku is gone forever. Miroku's Kazanna is gone, Sango's family as well as Koga's comrades have been avenged and Kikyo has fully been put to rest. I guess she was right about us defeating Naraku… But now what, I wonder if Inuyasha will mind if I come back to visit every once and a while….
A few years later
Dear diary,
It is officially my nineteenth birthday, four years since I fell down the well and travelled back into the feudal era. Today is also the day of Miroku and Sango's wedding, finally. Right now I can see him (Miroku) making a rut in the ground by pacing and chewing on his fingers as he has run out of fingernails to chew on… Oh here comes Sango to tell me that the wedding is about to start…
A year later
Dear diary,
I'm so happy; it's my wedding and birthday. My head is gonna explode from happiness, and this time it's not because I slept on top of a rock. Although I wish Sango could be my bride's maid, but she's still a little too busy with her newborn baby, Maiya. I guess Rin will have to do… Oh mama's coming in here with my dress, it's so pretty….
a few days later
Dear diary,
Finally, a moment just to my self… my life has been so busy after my wedding. But I guess it was to be expected… but I think things will die down a little now, a week and a half later. My life is at an all time high with my wonderful family and friends. Things couldn't get much better…