A/N: Hello, my dears. I hope you're all doing well! I have missed you all terribly! So…bad news is… Financial Aid won't give me money unless I do A…B…C…and I won't…so…I have to wait for another month to get a computer… Good news is…I bought a USB keyboard …however…I'm sure that my hard drive is going to go soon. Oh jeez… on with the chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha.

Sango followed the so-called Monk as he led them around the festival grounds. People were slowly dissipating because of the late hour. Their friends were still missing. The tanned monk had offered to help her find her ward, so to speak, if she would help him find his in return. She reluctantly agreed but decided it was in her, and his, best interest if he leads. 'There is no way he is getting behind me again…lecher.' She fought down the urge to lay bodily harm on the man and, instead, opted for a more practical route; imagining him strung up by his toes.

Miroku kicked a stray styrofoam cup from his path as he continued his search through the shrine's many buildings. He glanced back at his female companion and gulped back his fear at her withering glare. "So…Sango-san, you're a demon exterminator?" Sango stopped in her tracks and eyed his back warily.

"Yes, I am…How did you know?" She ran a few steps to catch up with him, his stride seeming to increase.

"Well, it's kind of obvious from the way you carry yourself, not to say someone who has not studied up on such a thing would know." He scratched the back of his head and looked around.

"What is it?"
His eyes widened as he felt a surge of demonic power coming from the south west side of the grounds. "The Demon Lord! He's over there!"

Miroku broke out into a run towards a huge grouping of trees, while Sango hung back a bit. 'Well, I did say I'd help him…'

Sango took off after the robed man and stopped short behind him. "Why did you stop?" She looked around. They had come upon a small wooded area with a small stream that ran through it. All of a sudden, she felt Miroku on top of her. "What are you doing?" she cried, feeling his body weight press her down. The sound of splintering wood invaded her ears.

Miroku felt pieces of debris falling atop him as he shielded Sango. When he felt it was safe, he removed himself and offered her a hand up.

"What the fuck just happened?" They brushed the dirt off of themselves.

"It had to be Inuyasha! That's his demonic aura I feel and-" he went rigid, doubling over and clutching his stomach. "Miroku!" Sango threw her arm around his shoulder to steady him. A fine sheen of sweat coated his face and he gasped for breath. "Incredible." He wheezed out.

"What is?" He stumbled to his feet and continued onwards.

"A surge of spiritual power just lanced through me. I've never felt anything like it before!"

Sango quirked an eyebrow. 'Spiritual power? That must mean…' Sango shoved past the monk.


Miroku caught up to her and they rounded the building. There in front of them were their friends.

"There you are!"

Sango turned, mouth gaping at her companion, while he exhibited the same reaction.

"That's your friend?" They mouthed to each other.

They both turned to see their friends, mouths gaping open, staring at them. Inuysaha coughed, straightening to his full height and backed away from Kagome. A pretty rose red crept up and into her cheeks as she realized how close they had been.

Folding his arms into his haori, the demon lord glared at his friend. "You finally regained consciousness?" He smirked as he received a glare.

"For your information, this beautiful woman came to my rescue. One day, I am going to marry her!" He declared as he swung his clothed arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer.

"Excuse me? I have a say in this!" She grabbed the monk's arm and twisted it, forcing him to the ground. She continued her assault.

Kagome giggled and Inuyasha's ear tweaked in her direction. "Keh."

She glanced at him out from under her lowered lashes and smiled. He looked at her and looked away just as quickly, scratching at his slightly reddening cheek.

He focused his attention back on Miroku, now unconscious again, and the unknown woman.

"Who are you?" His voice seemed to still the air around them and Sango looked up. Her eyes all but screamed defiance. He sniffed the air around her as she stalked over and grabbed Kagome. A low growl burst out from him before he could stop it. He coughed, trying to cover it but the woman inserted herself in front of Kagome.

The young girl put a reassuring hand on Sango's shoulder and introduced her: "This is Sango. She's my friend, Inuyasha!" Sango gasped.

"Kagome! Why are you acting so familiar with him? Show some respect!" She stiffened and bowed to the man and Sango followed suit.

Inuyasha quirked his brow at the action. He didn't feel it necessary to point out that they hadn't exactly been conversing in the usual way that was customary for the demon lord. Don't get him wrong. He didn't mind it, in the first place. The long haired girl spoke.

"Kagome, it's almost midnight…we better get going." She eyed the hanyou and he narrowed his eyes at her.

"Yes, I suppose so…my parents will be worried…" she trailed off.

"I better take my leave too." He plucked Miroku from the ground and slung him over his shoulder. "and Kagome…"

"Yes?" She looked up as he walked over to her. He lifted her chin with the crook of his finger and leaned forward. She could feel his hot breath fanning over her face and she shivered with excitement. 'What's he doing?' she gulped back the unfamiliar feeling willing its self up inside of her.

"There's something peculiar about you…I will be seeing you again really soon, wench." He leaned in the last few inches and placed a chaste kiss at the corner of her mouth.

Thunder crackled in the distance and a stalk of lightning crashed. The grounds lit up and Kagome felt herself tugged against a feminine form. Squeezing her eyes shut, she buried her face into Sango's shoulder, to block out the bright flash of light.

When she opened them, Inuyasha was gone but the place that he had kissed her still tingled.

"Kagome, let's go!" Sango whined, dragging her away from the grounds.

Lost in her thoughts, she put a hand to her lips and sighed.

Inuyasha paced around his quarters. The room was dimly lit with candles, and his four poster bed resided against the eastern wall. He sighed and took his place at its edge and buried his face in his clawed hands.

The girl that he had met at the festival…she was beyond beautiful. The way her eyes had shined when she smiled at him had caused his heart to beat like a humming bird's wings. He sighed and went to blow out the room's only light source. He was conflicted. He shouldn't be affected so strongly by a human girl after just meeting her. He beat his fist against his head…then again, he was a demon. 'I need a drink…this festival really took its toll on me.'

Bidding goodnight to her female companion, Kagome returned home to her family after her exciting adventure at the grounds. Oh, how wonderful! The demon lord was quite the catch. 'I just want to run my fingers through his silvery locks…' She opened the door and closed it softly so she wouldn't wake up her parents. She turned around to walk up the stairs to her room but was momentarily blinded as the living room light flashed on.

She rubbed her eyes a few times before removing her hands from her face.

"Kagome…" her father started.

"Dad! Wow, it's late! Why are you still up? Shouldn't you be in bed?" she asked nervously. She played with the obi of her kimono and gave him a questioning look.

Cho picked up a glass filled with a brownish liquid, which she could only presume to be whiskey. His eyes were half lidded as he gazed up at her from over the rim. "It's late…" he hiccupped.

She felt goose bumps run up her arm as she surveyed her father's appearance. His eyes were glazed over and bloodshot, and his clothing was wrinkled and disheveled.

"…you should be in bed…" he trailed off as his eyes traveled the length of her body. He moved to stand from his resting place as Kagome retreated to the stairs.

"Kagome…" he slurred as he took a step.

Uttering a hasty "good night" she quickly retreated up the stairs and locked the door behind her.

A/N: Well, there you go. I try my best to answer all of the reviews I get (whether it is just to thank you for reading!) Please, go thank my beta (he kicked my ass to get me to finish this) by reading/reviewing his story (.net/s/7640033/6/A_Diamond_in_the_Rough). I beta it for him! Until next time~