Insert disclaimer here. My wrists hurt.


"Ban-chan, Neko-chan! You all right?" He asked, only to pull up short and turn dark red. Felis pushed herself off of Ban, having covered him with her body when the blockade exploded.

"I'm fine. What about you, Ban-san?" She asked. Ban blinked a few times and smirked.

"I think I'm dreaming."


"Ummmm. Neko-chan? What…happened to your clothes?" Ginji squeaked. Felis sighed and stood, folding her arms across her bare chest.

"I got careless and shifted. Geez, you're acting like you've never seen a naked woman before."

"I'm not sure Ginji has," Ban sneered, going for his cigarettes. Ginji went chibi, clinging to Ban's head.

"BAAAAAN! That's so mean! Why are you so mean to me?"

"Stuff it, Ginji. You nearly lost it in there, didn't you?"

"No, not really." Ginji went back to normal, carefully not looking at Felis as she rummaged through her fabric scrap pile. "Once I heard what Magneto wanted, I got angry, but not enough to turn. I couldn't give him the satisfaction."

"Oh really? Guess you're getting better, then." Ban stood and shrugged out of his white jacket. He tossed it over Felis, who blinked up at him.

"Cover yourself before Ginji dies from a nosebleed."

"BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNN!" Felis snickered and drew on the jacket, stuffing something into the breast pocket.

"We'd better get out of here. Toothy won't be down long and I'm sure Maggy's called for reinforcements." She glanced at the older mutant, who had pushed himself to his feet.

"Remember your promise, Erik!" She said. He nodded and looked to the south. Felis' ears twitched at the sound of a chopper.

"Let's go."

"Here, Neko-chan." Ginji knelt, offering his back. "You can ride on me. The Limitless Fortress is too hard for bare feet. You'll get hurt."

"Nothing I can't handle, but if you insist." Felis hopped on and the trio ran for the nearest exit. As they ran, a helicopter appeared and swooped in to pick up the battered Brotherhood members. In the morning, children would wonder why there were so many bloodstains in their playground. But only for a moment. In their world, asking questions only led to trouble.


High above, in a room where blood still marred the floor, Kagame Kouji lowered the binoculars from his eyes and smirked. So the cat-woman had survived their encounter. How very interesting. He turned and walked into the gloom, heading upstairs. God would be interested in this information.


Ban, Ginji and Felis, now walking on her own, stumbled into the Honky Tonk. Paul, Natsumi, Hevn and Akabane were waiting for them. Everyone looked from Ban to Felis and back again.

"I don't want to know," Paul said, going back to his newspaper. Hevn just shook her head.

"Oh my goodness! Are you all right, Felis-san? Can I get you anything?" Natsumi gasped, rushing over. Felis waved the younger woman away.

"I sincerely doubt you have anything that will fit me, Kitten. Thank you for offering, but I'm fine."

"I take this to mean your mission was a success?" Akabane asked, going back to his coffee. Ginji spluttered and hid behind Ban.

"Yeah, we drove him off. No problem," Ban said, strolling to their preferred booth with Ginji practically in his pants pocket. Felis took her wallet out of the pocket she had stashed it in.

"So, Master, how much do I owe you?"

"Four thousand, five hundred and ninety-two yen, total." She nodded and gave him fifteen thousand yen. Paul blinked at her.

"Put the rest towards their tab. I want to make sure they don't starve for a little while."

"You're too generous."

"Not really." She turned to Akabane, still sipping his coffee. "Were you successful?"

"Of course, Lady Neko. I take it you are ready to depart?"

"In a few moments." While everyone else gaped at her, she walked over to the Get Backers and took off Ban's jacket. Gasps rang out, faces were hidden and blushes erupted on several cheeks. She handed the wallet and jacket to Ban, who kept his eyes glued to her face. He wasn't about to get scratched again!

"Please mail the wallet to the address on the license. There should be enough inside to cover the postage. Thank you both very much. It was an honor to work with you."

"Wait, Neko-chan! Where are you going?" Ginji asked, eyes slipping just a little. He turned deep red and steam came out of his ears as he looked away.

"To where I belong. Goodbye, Ginji, Ban." She turned to the group at the counter. Three averted their eyes. Akabane smirked and shrugged out of his coat, putting it around her shoulders. She slid her arms into the sleeves and buttoned it closed.

"It was very nice meeting all of you. I wish you all the best. Good bye."

"Good evening, everyone." Akabane tugged on his hat brim as he escorted Felis out the door and down the street. Five people exchanged stunned glances. Ban broke the silence.

"What the HELL was THAT!"


Akabane and Felis stopped at the edge of a wooded area. A large stone wall blocked their path. Felis sniffed the air and her ears perked.

"Lion?" She looked at Akabane curiously.

"I have it on good authority Fuyuki Shido only has one, and it is male."

"Fuyuki Shido. Ah yes, the Beast Master. Once again, you exceed expectations, Akabane-sama." She unbuttoned his coat and handed it back. Akabane draped it over his arm and tipped his hat.

"A pleasure, as always, Lady Neko."

"Wait, before you go." Akabane paused in the middle of turning away. Felis cut two whiskers from her face and handed them to him. He took them between two fingers and held them up, cocking one eyebrow in question.

"If you ever need me, for anything."

"Paul was right. You are too generous."

"Not really. I'm looking forward to tasting your blood." Akabane laughed.

"Too clever by far. Shall I help you over?"

"It would be appreciated." Akabane dropped his coat and cupped his hands. Felis stepped into them and he threw her up onto the wall. She saluted him before turning into a lioness and leaping down. Akabane twirled the two whiskers between his fingers and tucked them into his pants pocket. Pulling on his coat, he walked away, an amused smirk on his face.


Shido was puzzled. He had been sitting under his favorite tree, listening to his friends greet a new day, when the lion came up, demanding Shido meet someone. With a shrug, the Beast Master complied, getting to his feet and following his friend into the forest surrounding Madoka-chan's house. Hidden in the trees was a lioness, sitting calmly. What on earth was a lioness doing here?

"I found her last night. She was exhausted. Can I keep her?" Never had Shido heard such a tone from the big cat, half-excited, half-pleading. Shido knelt next to the lioness, extending his hand. She sniffed it delicately.

"Hello, beautiful one. How did you come to be here?"

"I was looking for a home. May I stay, Master?"

"Of course you can! But I'm not your Master. You can call me Shido."

"Shido. Thank you."

"Yay!" Shido glanced at the lion, who began happily licking the lioness's ears. Shrugging, he stood and walked back to the house, still a little puzzled. Unless he was mistaken, the newest member of his pack had purplish eyes.

Author's Notes: Yay! It's done! I want to thank everyone who reviewed this story, especially Apropros Knife and Luhma Klein Asakura for pointing out errors and agreeing to make sure Magneto was IC and reminding me about Kagame-san. You guys are great. Also, thank you to Lady Geuna for inspiring me on these last few scenes. Here's your big Akabane scene, hope it didn't disappoint. He's not the rescuing type, you know?

I have no idea when my next inspiration will strike, so until then, Ja ne!