Authors Note: I know that it's been a long time since I updated anything. And I'm very sorry for that. What I'm going to do so that it doesn't seem like this story is going to take forever to do. I'm going to finish the stories in order. So hopefully I can finish this story by the end of May. There will be about 2 more chapters along with this chapter that I will update on Saturday…well it's hard to explain but you'll see what I'm trying to say. Next chapter will be questions answered that I forgot to answer…oh and feel free to ask anything and I'll answer them.

Disclaimer: Don't own anything that has to do with Inuyasha and Co.

Only You

By: Sesshy-chan

Chapter 5: Not an imitation

Inuyasha was speechless. Sesshoumaru and Kagome were still sleeping in her bed when he had opened the door! What really shocked him was that Sesshoumaru didn't hear him knock on the door or his loud mouth calling them or at least smelt him came in the room. He didn't expect Kagome to wake up because whenever she was really sleepy, no one could wake her up. She slept like a dead person!

'Maybe his old age is affecting his hearing and sense of smell.' Inuyasha thought snickering to himself in his head. Sesshoumaru looked so peaceful with Kagome sleeping with him. It was the first time since ever he had seen Sesshoumaru looked so relaxed and calm in his whole life. It made him sick to even look at the two, while not Kagome…he would never get tired of seeing her. It should have been him holding Kagome like that and having peaceful dreams of the future they would possibly have together. But he wasn't, he was lost in his own emotions and didn't know if he was coming or going. Inuyasha knew for sure that he wanted Kagome to be happy and if she was happy with that son of a bitch he called a brother, what could he do but be happy for her and wish them luck.

Inuyasha was about to go downstairs and get a cup of water to throw on them to wake 'em up, but got a better idea to blackmail on Sesshoumaru. Reaching into his pocket, Inuyasha get his cell phone and clicked the camera button. Zooming in, from where he was, Inuyasha didn't know how long Sesshoumaru would finally notice that he was there. Taking about 2 or 3 pictures of the lovely couple, Inuyasha was about to leave the room when Sesshoumaru's voice stopped him.

"I should kill you for coming in here and taking pictures of us sleeping without wither one of our consent, but I wont. You need to see what a real couple looks like together and not the imitation you try and pull off." With his back still towards Sesshoumaru and the still sleeping Kagome, Inuyasha said; "She is slowly making you soft, brother. And I wouldn't call you two a couple just yet because someone could easily come take her since she's not marked yet. Now wake her up so you guys won't be late for school." Satisfied with him-self when he heard Sesshoumaru start to growl lowly, Inuyasha exited the room, went down stairs, grabbed his book bag and was out the door.

'He better make his move quick on her and let everyone know that she is taken before someone will take her away from him and show her all the affection Sesshoumaru could have shown her.' Inuyasha thought to himself as he entered his car, started the ignition and headed off to school.

Inside the house in Kagome's room

Sesshoumaru removed his arms from Kagome's waist and he thought about what Inuyasha had said to him. He was right, she was making him slightly soft and the even thought of someone taking her away from him made his blood boil. He would have to talk to her about him placing a courting mark on her. That way the demons and humans at school would know that she was his and not to be approached the wrong way if they didn't want to die. Sesshoumaru however didn't like the demand Inuyasha threw his way.

'Now wake her up so you guys won't be late for school.'

'Who the hell did that half-breed think he was talking to? Ordering this Sesshoumaru around' Sesshoumaru thought, rolling his eyes. The next time he was alone with Inuyasha in the house he will show him how much Kagome hasn't affected him. Sighing, Sesshoumaru looked at the time and shook his head. They were an hour late for school and he debated on whether or not he would wake Kagome up or not. It was really his fault for them being late. He should have never told her to go back to sleep after turning the alarm off. 'Better ask her' Sesshoumaru thought, shaking Kagome.

"MmMmM" Kagome moaned. She was actually having a pretty nice dream that she didn't want to wake up from. It was the first time in a long time that she didn't have the nightmare of when her parents died and she tried to remember why? 'Oh yeah that's right, Sesshoumaru came into my room and asked if I was still made at me and then we went to sleep together. I never knew that he would save me from my nightmare.' Kagome slowly opened her eyes and saw Sesshoumaru look at her with a small smile, one that met his eyes. Stretching her arms over her head and arching her back, Kagome asked; "What time is it?"

Sesshoumaru's eyes went from her face to her breast in 0.5 seconds. 'Damn her and her girl antics!' Sesshoumaru shook his head and averted his eyes to her face. Kagome held a slight smile on her face and gave out a small laugh. Sesshoumaru cleared his throat; "We are about an hour late. I woke you up to ask if you wanted to go to school? We could just stay here and hang out or go to the movies, it's up to you."

Kagome looked over at the clock and thought about it for a second or two.

'Me spending the entire day with Sesshoumaru? Hmmm'

At School

"Where the hell is Kagome?' Sango asked as she walked down the hallway to her 2nd mod class with Inuyasha right beside her. Sango was wearing a black shirt with 'Baby Girl' written on it in red letters and a denim skirt that reached her knees. Inuyasha was wearing dark blue jeans with a white tank top.

"I don't know. I told them to wake up this morning. Not after I took some pictures of them sleeping together. They didn't do anything otherwise I would have smelt it before going in the room." Inuyasha replied weaving in and out of the crowded people. Reaching to Sango's 2nd mod class, she asked to see the pictures. Inuyasha had told her that he deleted them, saying that his phone would have broke down by Sesshoumaru's ugly-ness. But in truth he still had them, what Sesshoumaru said did piss him off to no end but he was somewhat right. He did try to hard in the relationship with girls because he wanted to be happy. Instead of taking it slow he would speed up, just to see if he could be happy and possibly fall in love.

'Maybe it will be different with Sango. Maybe this time I'll take it slow and see if it'll work out. But first I have to see if she is really interested in me. No first I need to bump Kikyo' Inuyasha thought, wishing that he could take the disappointed look from her face when he told her that he deleted the pictures.

"Aww man! They must have looked really cute! They make such a cute couple and I wonder when they are going to go together." Sango said, leaning up against the wall next to her class with Inuyasha in front of her. It was about 2 minutes before 2nd mod started and he need to get going, before his old ass teacher started bitching at him for being late…yet again.

"I'll see you later then, okay." Inuyasha said, stepping forward to kiss her on her lips. Sango's eyes went wide when she felt his soft lips on hers. She didn't even think he would do that! Inuyasha pulled back, gave her a smile and walked off to his next class, leaving Sango looking stunned. Sure it wasn't her first kiss but it kind of shocked her to no end that Inuyasha would openly kiss her.

'Weird' she thought going into her class. Little did they know that someone was watching them with a pained expression on their face around the corner.

At Lunch

Sango entered the cafeteria along with the rest of the students in her class. She felt so alone only because Shippou, Rin and even Kagome wasn't here. But she did have Inuyasha and Miroku. "Now all I have to do is find the two of them." Sango muttered as she scanned the tables for the two boys.

And then she found them…….

Author's Note part 2: Yeah I know that's its only 3 pages but think of it this way. Right now I'm writing 2 more chapters to go with it that's going to be up soon. I'm sorry for leaving a cliffhanger! I couldn't help it and I hope you guys liked the chapter cause I wasn't even sure if I could get in the mood to write anything. I seriously lost my writing mojo. I guess I'll know if I lost it or not by the reviews I get for this chapter. So from all the reviews that I got and the questions in them, I will answer in the next chapter. Okay…well see you guys soon. Oh and if there are any mistakes I'll fix them, probably tomorrow.
