A/N: Okay I did say that I would be redoing the story, so I really am. I hope you like it…. again and there will be added things. I was tempted to delete the story and go on with the other stories that I did but then I thought that it would be very unfair so, I decided to redo. At first you might see corrected things and stuff and then there will be added things or different thing. Oh and for the mature scene it will be placed on another web site so you can view it when I am done. I hope you like it. Review…again! lol!


Disclaimer: Don't own anything that has to do with Inuyasha and co.

Summary: She was beautiful and smart, everything he could ask for in a girlfriend, possibly a mate. He liked her and may even loved her, but there was one problem…she was his adopted SISTER!

O.O……On with the story…..O.O

Chapter one: Nightmares and Morning's with Fluffy

A little girl at the age of nine slept peacefully in her room, dreaming of ponies and candy. Her hair fanned out around her as she tossed to her side, facing her door. Then she woke up to the sound of a gun being fired and an ear-piercing scream. Quickly she got out of her bed and ran to her door, slightly opening it. There in her silk pink nightgown she watches helplessly as someone pointed a gun at her father's head. There on her father's left side laid her mother's dead body, blood around her in a circle. Her mother was wearing her favorite white nightgown and she never ever wanted it to get dirty, but somehow she thought it wouldn't matter anymore.

'Mother' she thought sadly as she turned to look at the man who was still pointing his gun at her father's head. He was wearing black baggy pants and shirt with his long black wavy hair going down his shoulders

"James, you and I both know that this would not have happened if you had paid me my money," the man said while he held the gun closely to her father's head. Her father had tears brimming at the edge of his eyes, what is he going to do? This man had killed his wife and now he is going to kill him and maybe his daughter.

"I told you I was going to get you your money" James said, he closed his eyes and opened them again, and looked to the left and saw his daughter peering slightly through her door and quickly looked back at the man. 'I don't want her seeing this' he thought 'but I don't have a choice'.

"Come on James you know how I am with my money. You didn't do as you were told and therefore I had to take care of you myself. You fucked up this time," he said angrily as he shoved the gun harshly towards his forehead. "Goodbye James" he said as he pulled the trigger. One last thought before he hit the ground eyes open wide, seemly staring at his daughter.

'Kagome, I love you'.

"FATHER" she screamed.

Kagome woke up in her bed drenched in sweat. She had been having this dream every day since it happened, the night her parents where killed right before her very own eyes. She had remembered that night after she had screamed out to her father. That man had walked up to her and told her that he would be back for her. He left and she started to cry that's when everything started to go into a blur. Someone came and took her into the adoption agency and was adopted within a year by the Yoshi's. They were nice people but they were also youkai, but they still adopted her. Why? She didn't know.

They had two sons, one named Inuyasha and another named Sesshoumaru. You would probably think that they were twins; well they are but have different attitudes and such. Sesshoumaru is cold, shows no emotion and doesn't really like to be called fluffy. Inuyasha on the other hand is an arrogant, cocky, self-centered ass. He had cute little doggy ears on the top of his head; he is a hanyou. But for his brother he had elf ears and was a full fledge demon. But the things they did have in common are their long silver hair, piercing golden eyes like their father, and the constant need to kill each other.

Sesshoumaru however, might be a cold-hearted at times but always seemed to warm up to her……. sometimes.

Kagome looked over at her clock and saw that it was eight o' clock and groaned at the fact that she had to go to school today. 'Joy' she thought, getting out of her comfy blue blanket and walked over to her closet trying to find something to wear. After 10 minutes of debating she decided on wearing, black Levis jeans that flared out at the bottom, a tight gray shirt that had a bunny on it with him smiling with his hand to his face. Under it in white letters it said, "Let's focus on me", with black Converse to match.

She went to her bathroom and took a shower. After 15 minutes of showering she came out only in a towel with her hair wet and sticking to her face and shoulder. She was about to remove her towel when she finally noticed him, sitting on her bed. His golden eyes fixed on her form with a small smile on his face. She made sure that her towel was in place and put her hands on her hips.

"What the fuck are you doing in here Sesshoumaru?" she asked calmly. For some reason he liked coming into her room, when she was in little clothing, that annoyed her to no end but it made her excited. So in a way she was used to this, it was sort of like a routine with him.

Sesshoumaru got up from her bed and walked to her, he was wearing black baggy pants and a red muscle shirt. "Do not talk to this Sesshoumaru like that woman," he said, his jaw set and staring at her with his intense golden eyes. Kagome could feel her legs almost give out from the stare he was giving her, almost being used here.

'Don't back down Kagome! Come up with something to say to him!' Kagome thought, a small smile forming her lips. "You don't own me Sesshoumaru! I can say anything I want to you." Kagome said stepping up to him with a determined glaze in her eyes. Sesshoumaru was shocked, but it never showed on his face. Never has he heard her step up to him like this. Sometimes it would be something like; "Shut up" or "piss off". This was a different side of Kagome, something he found…interesting?

With lightening speed, he pinned her against the wall near the door. He could hear her heart beat speed up and he couldn't help but smirk. 'Interesting, indeed' he thought as he nuzzled her neck. Strawberries and Vanilla filled his senses and he sighed. He loved her scent; it made him calm and oddly relaxed.

Kagome didn't know what was up with him, first he is distant and being an asshole and the next he is all touchy-feelly and wanting to smell her. 'He must have mood swings. I wonder if he is pregnant?' she thought amusingly and then she imagining him with a 5 month stomach. His voice broke her out of her thoughts.

"As a matter of fact, I do own you Kagome." He whispers in her ear and got off her to move towards the door. Opening the door he pauses and says "I'll be giving you a ride to school, don't take to long or I will leave your ass". Closing the door behind him, he headed for his room.

'What an asshole! Who is he to order me around?' Kagome thought angrily as she went to her bed and got dressed.

'Today is going to be a long day…with Sesshoumaru to start my day' Kagome thought sadly as she headed down the stairs to eat breakfast, putting her hair in a high pony tail.


Okay so as you can tell I added some things and I made Kagome more defensive towards Sesshoumaru…I think. Anyway I hope you like the changes and please tell me if you do or don't. Thanks again for your support.
