A/N: Here is a long interlude because you all waited so long for chapter seven!
All the while hundreds of meetings and phone calls were going all across Konoha. The word was being spread very fast and no one could stop it. Women were contemplating either jumping out of the Hokage tower or sharpening all their weapons. Uchiha Sasuke had fallen in love. None could bare the jealousy and some would even wring anyone's neck that said he was. The panic was immense in the female population and Tsunade was hard pressed to keep all the shinobi on real missions. Mission Get Uchiha Sasuke was not a real mission and she was about at her wits end with them all.
"He's mine! If I can't have him, no one will!" A crazed woman screamed as Anko dragged her away from the Hokage. Just about every kunoichi that was between the ages of sixteen and thirty were screaming for death contracts on either Sasuke himself or the woman that had cast her evil spell. Finally having enough of it, Tsunade stood.
"OUT!!" She yelled and pointed to the door. But of course no one listened, so she had to take drastic measures.
"I SAID OUT!!" She yelled again and threw her desk at them all. They all scrambled and fled. Only one person could stand up to the Hokage when she was angry, and none of them were said person.
Two hours later almost the whole population of women was standing outside the hokage monument. One woman who seemed to be in charge, and the most homicidal of them all, called for quiet. The chanting for death finally stopped and she took out a microphone.
"We finally have a plan. With the help of our wonderful strategy team," She swept her hand toward a table with five women. Sakura was among them looking smug.
"Our defense team," she swept her hand to yet another table with seven women, "and our offence team," She swept her hand over a table with at least fifteen women.
"We were able to come up with a fool proof plan to not only find out who the witch is, but eliminate her as well. Our special ops team," she pointed to a few ANBU.
"Will be making sure Sasuke himself cannot interfere." She looked giddy, as did many of the other females.
"Come take one of these books and make sure you do what you can to help." She held up a book the size of Konoha's Phone Number Manual.
"Part One of the plan Get Sasuke's Love To Die will commence in three days time. Please read the detailed plan in your books and be here on the dot!" The woman tossed the microphone behind her and carelessly walked off the makeshift stage. Immediately all the woman scrambled to get one of the books while others talked over it. There were so many people Tsunade could do naught but watch in dismay.
--- Neji Other than the full view of a very nice leg, Neji had had a pretty normal day. Lee and Gai-sensei had cooked up a new training strategy involving flying purple stuffed rabbits. Tenten was offended as usual and proceeded to put a sharp weapon through all the purple travesties. It wasn't until he had gone to the Hokage tower to see if any new missions were available when things started to get weird. The first indication was the women swamping it. Then when he saw some of them literally jump from high windows screaming 'Sasuke-kun!' all the way down, he wondered what had happened to the sanity in this village. Shaking his head he waded through the crowd and finally managed to get to the Hokage's office. She would probably need him. Before he could knock however, he heard screams and a crash vibrating the wall. The door opened and at least fifty women ran away. Standing stunned for a few seconds he debated going in there or not.
Hesitantly pushing open the ajar door he was ready to poof out at any sign of anger from the formidable Hokage. Though he would never admit such a thing.
"Hokage-sama." He greeted when she seemed like she would throw the only thing left near her, the sake bottle she had been holding. Hearing the male voice Tsunade's shoulders slumped. She was way to old for this kind of stress.
"Neji." She greeted in return, obviously relived.
"I see you have your hands full." He commented, looking around. Her desk was in a small crater in the wall and just about everything non-breakable was strewn across the office, no doubt by her own hands. Tsunade-sama's temper tantrums were legendary.
"Who would have known Uchiha Sasuke's love life would make everyone insane." Tsunade sighed and sat on the floor right where she was standing. Neji raised his eyebrow.
"I heard rumors of a huge meeting at the monument. You might want to see what they are planning. Kami knows Uchiha won't do anything about it." Neji said a bit distastefully. The Hokage nodded and ordered him to come along, he could see things no one else could after all.
--- Naruto Now, our favorite ramen loving ninja wasn't too good with details. He was more of a whole picture kind of guy everyone knew that. Everyone also knew he made no distinction between genders other than the physical appearance. Today however, he couldn't help but notice that there were no females in sight beside the children and old people. Trying not to think about it too much he proceeded to do his normal day. On the way to the Hokage monument however, he was surprised to see all the missing women assembled there. Hiding behind a tree he listened with horror as the woman announced the plan. Sasuke would need to know.
"But before that..." Naruto said happily to himself and skipped off to Ichiraku. Ahhh, ramen sounded real nice at the moment. Of course nothing could go as planned and before he knew it he had agreed to try out Lee's new training method, something to do with stuffed flying purple rabbits. He was of course happy to try it, but the thought of all that ramen the old man was making that wasn't going into his stomach was a bit depressing.
--- Shikamaru "Sigh. Why is this village so troublesome?" The laziest ninja in Konoha asked himself for the two hundred and fifty-third time that day. For some reason he had become the village's personal love life problem solver. He had no time to deal with troublesome girls and their troublesome feelings, but no matter what he did they wouldn't leave him alone until he gave them the information they wanted. Now the craziest of them all, Haruno had dragged him to some sort of meeting about how to kill Sasuke's interest. Why she didn't just tell them was somewhat of a mystery but he really didn't want to know.
"PLAN IT NOW!" Sakura yelled on the top of her lungs. Shikamaru sat there stone faced, like he was supposed to if he was getting interrogated. It was one thing to finally give in to love advice, but he would not in a million years plot to hurt another member of the village. He had morals, and he had thought Haruno did too. Obviously he was wrong. Finally a fuming Sakura stormed out of the room forgetting the smartest ninja was in there alone. He of course got away but he would have to inform a few people about it. Sigh.
"So troublesome." He muttered.