S.D.C. Sorceress: Hello everyone! S.D.C. Sorceress here! This is my first fan fic "The Dragon of Flames!" (This is the rewritten chapter; it makes more sense than the other first chapter!) I don't know if it's good, but here I go! Kimiko, would you please do the disclaimer!

Kimiko: Sure, S.D.C. Sorceress does not own Xiaolin Showdown and never will, or else I would always be with Rai (giggles), but she does own two new characters coming up in the later chapters!

S.D.C. Sorceress- Ssshh! Kimiko! Please be quiet and don't spoil the surprise! Enjoy the story!

'…' is Kimiko

"…" is Rai

"…" is also the mystery person


Kim has many crises in her life right now, she discovers that she has not one, but two elements, fire and icefire, and many other problems. Will Chase help her for her, or for the prophecy to be fulfilled? What is the prophecy?

Pairings: KimxRai (of course!)

Chapter One: Kimiko's Broken Heart

Kimiko P.O.V.

Why, why did he do this to me? I thought, walking towards the crystal cleared lake during the night. I fell on my knees on the ground.

'WHY! WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME RAI!' I sobbed, remembering what happened perfectly with tears falling from my eyes, it was just yesterday when it happened.


She was in her room on her bed, checking her mails in her laptop, which was from her sister and cousins. She was finally finished. She went outside for fresh air. It was nine o'clock at night. While she was walking, she heard someone giggling; she hid behind the pillar and saw Rai making out with no other than Katnappe! Tears began to fill her eyes and she ran away, but what she didn't see was that Rai and Katnappe disappeared like it was some illusion, while a shadow chuckled from a tree and disappeared too.

Flashback ends

Kimiko P.O.V.

Yeah, out of nowhere he does that, with Katnappe, I thought. 'Nobody cares about me,' and I fell asleep on the floor from depression, what I did not notice was that someone was walked towards me and picked me up.

"Perfect, the next prophecy will soon be fulfilled," he chuckled, thinking what the prophecy says,

The Prophecy:

The evil dark prince will take the one as his bride, who loves the Dragon of Wind, but leaves him and finds out that she is pregnant with his children, the one will turn from good to evil, the one will raise her children with the evil dark prince, the one is the Dragon of Flames, descendant of the Dragon of Fire, but the Dragon of Flames has two powers, fire and ice fire, the most destructive elements known, she will be able to shimmer with the flames and anything that she can do with flames, and both the Dragon of Flames and the evil dark prince will rule the world together with her children

"My master plan is working smoothly, soon I will be able to rule the world," he said and walked back to the castle, with Kimiko in his arms.

But what he doesn't know is that this was only half of what the prophecy says.

S.D.C. Sorceress-Well, how was it? Was the flashback better than the first one? Tell me what you think! Don't forget to R&R! Flames are accepted since I have no idea if this story is good or not! Can you guess who the mystery person is? Well, of course you know, but find out in the next chapter if you have no clue!