Ginny stared critically at herself in the full bodied mirror. Bending just a bit to get a better look at herself, she inwardly cursed her pale appearance. Even after she had put a thin layer of makeup on her face, she still looked pale; and then there was the sprinkling of pesky freckles around her nose. She might look halfway decent if it wasn't for those blasted freckles. She really couldn't complain about the dress, however, which was a deep shimmering gold material that Fleur had chosen for her bride's maids. It clung to her curves nicely and did a wonderful job of accenting her long rich red wavy curls that fell around her shoulders.

Sighing, she went over by her window to slip on her gold high heels. Just at that moment there was a loud knock on her door.

"Come in!" she called.

Hermione entered her room carrying a bouquet of white roses. She stopped and stared at Ginny. "Ginny, you are so beautiful!"

Ginny felt herself begin to blush. "Hermione…"

Hermione smiled and placed the flowers on Ginny's bed before making her way over to stand in front of Ginny. "Ginny, you really do look amazingly beautiful. Are you wearing make up?" She picked up a lock of Ginny's hair and examined it. "You have such lovely hair." She sighed.

A small grin tugged at the corner of Ginny's mouth. "Yea, I'm wearing makeup. Fleur's mother did it. You like?"

Hermione grinned. "You look amazing. Do you think she'd do my makeup?"

"I'm sure she would; she was overjoyed when Gabrielle suggested she should do mine."

Hermione laughed.

"When are you planning on starting to get ready?" Ginny asked, going to stand in front of the mirror again to admire herself once more.

"Whenever Ron gets out of the bathroom."

"I swear that boy spends more time in the bathroom than I do, and that's saying something." She saw Hermione chuckle in the reflection of the mirror.

Just then they heard the bathroom door open from down the hall.

"That's my queue."

Ginny grinned and picked up a long gold shimmering hair clip, and secured a wave away from her face. She wanted to look ravishing.

The reception was in full swing and everyone was either eating or dancing. She had been sitting alone at her assigned table, people watching. Neville and Luna danced very close indeed, she wasn't sure if either of them could breath, let along move with the music. Lupin and Tonks stood by the beverage table, leaning towards each other and talking in hushed voices. The sight of them, so much in love, made her stomach turn over in regret and envy.

"Gin! Wanna dance? You look so lonely all alone over here," said a masculine voice from behind her. Turning around she was surprised to see Ron offering her his hand. Smiling, she placed her hand in his and let him lead her to the dance floor.

"Thanks Ron. Where's Hermione?"

Ron blushed deep crimson before motioning to where she was dancing with Victor Krum, whom he had apparently not known was invited to the celebration.

Ginny laughed and hugged Ron tightly. "When do you intend on telling her?"

"Telling her what?" he muttered turning even redder if that was at all possible.

Ginny gently patted his arm.

"You know, Harry has wanted to dance with you all night."

"Has he?" she muttered.

"He has."

"And he couldn't pluck up enough courage to ask me?" she teased.

"I guess not. I had to show him how easy it truly was."

Ginny laughed at that. "Alas, dear brother, could it be because you do not fear rejection from your own sister?"

Ron shrugged. "I had to be better at something."

Ginny shook her head. A few seconds later, Harry himself actually came up behind Ron and tapped his shoulder.

"May I cut in?" he asked politely.

Ron smiled at Ginny, before slipping away.

Harry placed his arm around Ginny's waist and pulled her in closer.

"I see you've gained the courage to ask me to dance," Ginny teased again.

"Well, you see, I must approach such situations with caution. I can't very well just ask the most beautiful girl at this wedding to dance without a plan," he chuckled.

"The most beautiful? I think you flatter me too much, Mr. Potter."

"Is it working?" he asked, grinning like mad.

"I think it might be," she blushed.

"Then I think I've done a job well done." He grinned and moved his hand up back to rest between her shoulder blades.

Ginny felt herself flush under his intense gaze.

"Oi! Potter! Put a little distance between yourself and my sister!" Fred shouted jovially as he passed on the dance floor.

"Hey Fred!" Then he pulled Ginny in tighter to his chest. There was no space at all between them now. She felt his chin on top her head. She wound her arms around his waist and rested her hands on his shoulder blades. What would it hurt to lay her head on his chest for the remainder of the dance? They didn't speak, just slowly swayed to the music.

After a few minutes, she felt Harry sigh, and then speak, "Ginny, we're leaving tomorrow."

Ginny's stomach seemed to drop at his words. She pulled out of his embrace, suddenly feeling cold and scared. She stepped back and stared up at him, her eyes wide.

"But…but…I didn't think you were leaving until the end of the summer!" she stammered.

Looking beaten and downtrodden, Harry took a step closer to her. "We don't have very much time to waste! Things are getting so bad! The attacks are intensifying! We have to go before things get to far out of hand."

"But…but, Harry, that doesn't give me much time!"

He gave her a calculating look. Tears began to brim in her eyes. She wasn't prepared for this. She hadn't thought it was going to happen to quickly.

Harry reached out to her, but she pulled away. The noise, laughter, and people that encompassed the backyard festivities quickly died around her, only to be replaced by a deafening hum. Everything was blurred by the tears that were threatening, to any minute, fall.

"Ginny-please-please don't cry…" Harry croaked. He tried to reach out again, but in vain. Ginny had turned and began to walk away toward the trees that lead to the pond.

She didn't think he legs were stable enough to carry her weight for too long, and she was right. She collapsed when she reached the pond, her knees buckling beneath her as she sat in a crumpled heap of red hair and gold dress robes. She stared blankly at the inky black water of the pond, tears streaming down her face, willing for her brain to come into focus so she could begin to mentally prepare herself. She hadn't really put much thought into the spell, thinking that she could hold it off until the very last minute. Now she knew that this was the very last minute, and she didn't feel very prepared at all. If she was going to go through with what she had to do, she had to rest her mind, and come to grips with what she was destined to do.

She began to hear rustling in the trees behind her, but didn't bother to turn around.

"Ginny?" Harry asked tentatively.

Ginny didn't answer, although she did look behind her. Harry stood a few feet behind her, his hands jammed nervously in his trouser pockets.

"Er…are you ok?" he asked.

"Do I look ok?" She turned back to stare at the water.

She heard him approach her at her words. "Please Ginny! Please! Don't be like this! Please understand!" he pled. She felt him kneel next to her. "You know that I have to do this."

She nodded and swiped her hand over her tear streaked face. "Yes, I know. I just…I thought we'd have more time."


Turning to him, she grabbed his hands and pulled him down into sitting position. "Harry, what happens if we never see each other again? I can't go on living and wondering what could or would have happened between us. I'm scared!" Tears were now rushing down her face. "I'm so scared! For you! For me! For everyone! I want to be strong, Harry! I really do! But I'm just so Goddamn scared!" she sobbed and released Harry's hands, to double over and cry into the ground. She felt him lean over and hug her body to his chest. He was shaking with emotion as well. He placed small kisses on her hair and neck.

"I'm scared too, love. I'm scared too," he croaked. "But I'll never let anything happen to you. Never, do you hear me?" he promised.

She rose into sitting position, bringing him with her. She looked him directly in the eye.

"But what about you, Harry! What about you! Can you promise me that nothing will happen to you?"

He just stared at her, tears streaming down his face. She nodded and stood up, brushing off her dress robes. Harry stood up next to her. He didn't wait for her to protest and walk away, he wrapped his arms tightly around her, pulling her close and buried his face in her hair. "As long as you're with me, in my head, and in my heart; as long as I have love, a home, and a promise to come back to; then nothing will happen to me. I will make sure of it," he whispered, before leaning back slightly and bringing her face to meet his. He lowered his lips to hers and kissed her with all the pent up passion that he had been suppressing for the past few weeks; and Ginny kissed him back with equal passion. She wound her arms around his neck, trying to bring him closer to her, wishing that this simple contact would somehow meld their souls together.

When they pulled apart, each of them were crying.

"I love you Ginny with all my heart and soul. Wait for me?" he asked.

Smiling through watery eyes, she nodded and pulled him in for a desperate hug. "I love you too Harry; and you don't even have to ask."