Chapter 1…let's see if I lost it… 

Ginny Weasely stared miserably at the waiting train. It was all a test to see how much she could take before cracking. Hermione, Ron, and Harry stood next to her; however, she couldn't help but wish that they would just leave her. She had spent most of her youth trying to get INTO their group, and now all she wanted more than anything was to get out.

The train whistled and let out a burst of steam.

"Best be getting on," said Harry to her right; he placed a hand on her lower back and pushed her forward. Ginny sighed and move away from his hand. She didn't bother to look at the expression on his face. Ron and Hermione entered the train with Harry dragging behind; he kept looking back at Ginny, his eyes questioning.She looked away, and headed over to where Neville was standing with Luna Lovegood.

"Ginny," Luna said dreamily, "why aren't you sitting with Harry?"

"There's no need anymore."

"Why ever not? I thought you two were in love; or at least, he definitely was…" Luna said as if she had known Harry's inner feelings better than he had.

Ginny coughed and shifted from one foot to the other. "Yes, well, I had my chance, and now it's over," she said quietly.

"If you're so worried about it, why don't you ask a klelazle? Did you know that Seers get their gifts from eating the hair of a klelazle?" she said nonchalantly.

Ginny just smiled and shook her head. No matter how horid she was feeling, she could always count on Luna to lift her spirits, simply by being…Luna. Neville stepped up next to her and slipped his arm around her shoulders in a brotherly fashion.

"Come on, let's go find a seat," Neville said quietly. Luna walked next to them happily in her own little world. Her hair which was normally loose and flowing down her back was up in a pony tail, swinging behind her.

"Ginny, have you read the latest issue of the Quibbler? Neville was just reading it with me. There was a very interesting story in there about a jubular cocotau that got loose from the Department of Magical Beasts. Apparently the minister and the jubular set the wedding date for later this summer." Luna scratched her nose with her index finger.

Ginny laughed; it was the first full blown laugh that had escaped her in days. Neville shook from next to her, clearly enjoying Luna's insanity as well.

Neville first helped Ginny onto the train before turning to help Luna; then he hopped on himself just as the train began rolling. Ginny wound her arm through Luna's and Neville and began to walk of finding an open compartment. The first one held Parvati Patil and her sister. Moving on, they opened the second door, and Ginny was forced to put a smile on her face.

"Ginny!" Dead stood up, looking into her face awkwardly. "I'm…I'm really…"

"Dean, don't."

He nodded once before gesturing to the empty spaces next to himself and Seamus.

Ginny shook her head. "Thank you, but…no." She guided Neville and Luna further down the corridor, before stopping and letting some of the emotions she'd been feeling take over. "I just...I just can't do this, Nev."

He looked down at her in concern before pulling her into a bear hug.

"Listen, I know what's bothering you. I'm not stupid. Seriously Gin, don't even think about it. I've seen the way Harry looks at you. Hell, I lived in the same room with him all year. He adores you. He's only doing what he's doing to protect you."

She sighed. "Yea, I guess." She didn't feel like trying to sound convincing.

Neville nodded against her head and gave her an extra squeeze. She felt Luna's thin arms wrap around the both of them after a minute. The three stood in silence before the nearest compartment opened.

"Gin? Nev? Luna? I thought I heard Neville's voice out here. Hey why don't you come on in?" Ron stood at door smiling.

Ginny wiped the tears from her eyes, and cursed her disobedient tear ducts. She instantly turned a vibrant shade of red; how much had they heard? Ron pulled the door wider, and Ginny saw Harry sitting, facing the compartment door. He was staring at them, or rather Neville's arms still around Ginny. Neville quickly removed his grip on Ginny, turning a bright red. He stuttered and apology judging by the look on Harry's face. "Come on in." Neville and Luna sat down on either side of Hermione who was engrossed in a large book. Ron sat down next to the wall on Harry's chair, leaving only the seat next to Harry available. It couldn't get much worse than this. Ginny sat down slowly, leaning back and glancing around at everyone in the compartment. Neville was already leaning on the window, gazing out at the passing scenery; Luna was fully engrossed in an upside down article of the Quibbler; Hermione had looked up, given her a pleasant smile before burying her head back in her book; Ron had slumped against the wall, his eyes closed; and Harry had glanced at her, giving her a small smile. He opened his mouth, rethought what he was going to say, and fell silent. Blushing brilliantly, he turned back to the window and looked out. Ginny sighed, sinking further into her seat. She already felt completely out of place. She began to feel tired, and shifted closer to Ron, leaning her head on his shoulder and passing out.

What felt like hours later, she felt someone tugging on her sleeve. She opened one eye, to see Harry hovering over her. His green eyes were large and tortured, swimming with an emotion that he was supposed to suppress. "What is it?" she asked, sitting up and scooting away from Ron, who only made an undistinguished noise before going back to sleep.

"Ginny, I really need to talk to you."

"What Harry? What is it?" Concern seemed to bubble up.

"I have to explain. I have to tell you."

Ginny smiled and touched his arm. "That's very nice of you to want to explain, but there really is no need. I understand."

Harry shook his head. Glancing around, he grabbed her arm and pulled her up.

"Harry!" she hissed.

"Shhhh, that may be all and good! But I HAVE to explain. I can't have you thinking...well that I…"

"That you what?" she gazed into his eyes, begging to understand what he was trying to tell her.

He only shook his head, and pulled Ginny out of the compartment; Neville, who was the only one still awake, glanced at them as they exited.

Once they were safely in an empty compartment, Harry pushed her into sitting position.

"Ginny, listen. I didn't want to break up with you."

The smile on Ginny's face quickly slid off. "Then why did you, Harry?"

"I had to."

Ginny snorted. "Right, I forgot. You had to."

"Damnit Ginny! If anything ever happened to you because you're involved with me, I wouldn't know what to do." He sounded defeated, but at that moment, Ginny didn't care.

"Harry! I can protect myself! I'm moderately insulted that you think otherwise!" she spat.

"I don't mean it like that. I know that you can protect yourself…but I just…can't lose you!" he said this, leaning over her, inches away from her face. "The thought of losing you scares me more than Voldemort winning."

Ginny was silent for a few seconds, staring into Harry's tortured eyes. "Why are you telling me all this?" she asked, her voice cracking. "Why would you tell me things like this, and then tell me that we can't be together?"

Harry sighed and flopped down next to her. He was silent for a few seconds before turning his body to face her. "I've never felt this way about anyone, ever. This is a whole new feeling for me, and I'm not entirely sure what to do about how I feel. All I do know is that I would do anything to protect you. Anything! Including tracking Voldemort down before he even has a chance to threaten you. Nothing will EVER happen to you, Ginny. Trust me when I say that. You mean way too much to me. We can't be together because if something happens to you, then Voldemort wins. I lose." He stared at her, willing her to speak her feelings; something to help him get through what he was feeling.

"Harry? What are you saying?" she asked quietly.

He groaned and ran a hand through his hair. Leaning back into the chair beside her, he remained quiet. After a few seconds he finally spoke.

"Ginny, don't you see! The fate of the wizarding world doesn't rest solely on me." He sat up and faced her again. "It rests on your safety! If something happens to you! There is no way I can even contemplate conquering Voldemort! There would be no point! If something happens to you! He would have killed EVERYONE that I ever loved; everyone that has ever made me remotely happy! First my parents, then Sirius, then Dumbledore! Ginny I can't…I WON'T let that happen to you!"

Ginny was silent. Tears began to brim her eyes. "You're going to leave aren't you?" Comprehension had finally dawned. He was telling her this because he wasn't sure when he would see her again.

He turned to her again. "Yes, I have to leave."

Ginny nodded, and turned to face him fully. "Well, take me with you." She grasped his hands in hers and stared into his eyes.

His eyes grew wide. "Ginny, no, haven't you been listening? You are NOT to be involved!" He stood up and stared down at her.

She stood up as well so she was standing up against him at her full height, which wasn't that much, at least it was taller then her sitting on the chair. "I already am Harry. I'm already involved."

"I refuse to believe that! If you are involved, it's because of me, and we are going to remedy that immediately!"

"Fuck Harry!"

Harry's eyes widened.

"Would you listen to yourself? You can't just take me out of the fight! I'm a Weasely! We are a marked family! Blood traitors…ringing any bells? I, as a Weasely, am fucked already!"

Harry shook his head, pacing in front of her. "There must be other precautions we can take."


He stopped and looked at her.

"Nothing you say or do can protect me now. I'm in it. Anyway, why aren't getting so incredibly worried about Ron and Hermione? I don't see you banishing them from joining you! They mean a great to you as well! I'm not a baby Harry, I can handle myself fine out there! I want to help you!"

"HAVE YOU BEEN LISTENING AT ALL! YOU'RE DIFFERENT FROM RON AND HERMIONE! OK! YOU'RE DIFFERENT! I CAN'T LET YOU COME WITH US!" he went to look out the window. He grasped the sides of the window until his knuckles were white.

"How am I different?" she asked quietly, going to stand behind him.

"I tried to get you out of my head after we broke up. I really tried. I knew that I had to do this alone. But I kept thinking about what if I never got to see you again? What if I just ended things and I never got another chance to see you; to tell you…What would I have been fighting for? Everyone that I have ever loved has died, and I couldn't take it if you died. It was the scariest thought I'd ever conceived."

Ginny was silent, the force of his words striking her heart. She gently turned him around to face her. "You have the weight of the world on your shoulders and you're worried about me?"

"You're my rock. I can't very well accomplish anything without my rock." Harry smiled sadly.

Ginny took in a breath, before pulling Harry toward her. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. He shook with emotion and gripped her as if she would disappear from his arms. "Harry, you'll win; and I'll be there for you every step of the way. You'll kill Voldemort; and when you do, I'll be right there; and I'll be waiting." She pulled away slightly, and kissed his cheek.

God...i haven't written in forever...for those of you who remember me...i wrote Gin's Dreams and The Unexpected. umm...I really hope you like it..this is just basically me trying to practise more..i'm highly out of just leave comments! make me feel special:)