
Welcome to the realm of heartbreak, angst and fluff! This is my collection of drabbles, oneshots and ficlets about Kurogane, Fai and the pairing KuroFai! This is my ultimate favourite shonen-ai/yaoi pair ever, so I just had to write a tribute to them!

Let the angsty love begin!


"What the…" He stares at the sight before him, unable to believe it. The kid is down there, standing there with blood on his hands and not looking the least bit horrified. There's a darkness surrounding him now, and Kurogane watches as the kid pushes something round into his mouth, feeling sick as he realises what it is.

And Fai…his eyes frantically search for the blonde wizard, not understanding why Fai hasn't stopped whatever happened to Syaoran from happening. He's ready to hate the mage for somehow managing to run away…but then he realises what the limp bundle at Syaoran's feet is, and where exactly the blood has come from.

For a moment, the world stops for him, and it narrows down to just him and the unmoving man below him. It seems to be grey suddenly, the only colour the red that is streaked across the floor, coming from what looks to be Fai's eye.

It's some kind of sick irony, he thinks, that the one time Fai stands up and actively plunges in he is hurt like this. If the blonde had done his usual thing, he would have just stood there looking after Sakura, a worried expression on his face. But now he's lying unconscious on the floor, in a pool of his own blood.

At least, Kurogane hopes he's unconscious. The alternative is almost too terrible to consider.

He doesn't understand why the mage had the sudden change of heart, the sudden courage to leap into the fray. But then he remembers a certain conversation that happened what seems years ago now, and his world spins upside down.

"Ow, that huuurts."

"…I told you – it's got nothing to do with me."

"Ouch! Yeah, I heard you. So don't concern yourself over me."

"I don't care about your past. So quite being half-assed and decide what you're doing with where you are now."

And even though he's faced down countless horrors during his life, even though he's had to cope with losing his whole family, Kurogane suddenly thinks that nothing can compare to this. The sheer guilt of being the one to convince Fai he had to do this is pressing down upon him, and he's choking, finding that there's no air left to breathe.

He remember those blue eyes as they sparkled at him, and the way they glittered whenever their owner wanted nothing more than to cry but refused to let his smile slip. He remembers how they shone so mischievously at him whenever Fai teased him, or played a joke.

And he suddenly wishes that it was him down there, with one of his eyes torn out and his blood splashed over the floor.

Because surely that would hurt less than this.

Author's Note

Well there you have it. My VERY late response to chapitre 120...and mou! I've seen images from 121 today in people's journals, but I can't find the actual chaptre anywhere for download!

Sorry for not having time to respond last time! Read and review please!

Meowzy-chan - Kurogane's an idiot, isn't he? I'm glad you liked that last one, but...emo? (sweatdrop)

Deathless Wraith - I'm glad it went over alright, and that I managed to make it effective.

DemonUntilDeath - Thankyou for your lovely comments! I may continue Still one day, but not for a very long well as the fics on this site I am currently writing 11 more, so I don't really have the time.

bloodytwistedangel - Thanks for joining the ficathon! And I am so happy that you enjoyed that last one. Having a fic called deep is wonderful for any writer. Arigatou!