I apologize if some of these ideas have been used elsewhere. I actually don't read a lot of fanfictions so consider it a coincidence. But let me know all the same.

I'm also sorry that I forgot to warn people that this is post-series, and may contain spoilers for the end of the series.

Thank you for supporting, reading, and reviewing this fic.

Yu Yu Hakusho © Yoshihiro Togashi.

By Zelia Theb

Phobia. This torture that my fears inflict upon me quarters my soul into bloodied parts. This vampire calling...it thirsts for my sanity...my sanity. Always fading always slipping always always always. The fear pulls me into its cold embrace...tempting me with sweet candies of asylum...safety from the very thing that holds me.

Kurama. Kurama...you always knew...what was best. You always knew what was going on his head. Were you lovers? No, no you weren't. He despised you at times. Your red hair...so unnatural; were you asked to dye it by your teachers? Kuwabara was, and he was teased. And he fought...and he would fight me, so the teachers that hated both of us could see that he was number one...at least at some things if he had such unnatural orange hair.

Kurama...you could kill him. You have the power to. Would you kill him? Would you kill your former partner in crime? No...no...no you wouldn't.

"I will help you," Kurama says, "I will help you find Hiei."

"But you're not going to try and turn him in, right? You're not gonna kill him, are you?"

Kurama's eyes go wide as I accuse him. "Yusuke! Of course not. I would never; I could never do such a thing. He is my friend. He is our friend."

No. No you wouldn't.

Koenma said only Mukuro and I could do it...

But did he...what did he do? Did he secretly hire you too? Does he know what I will do? I'll be used to find him, and you'll be used to kill him.

"Kurama," Kuwabara states, "Yusuke just wants ta be sure that Koenma didn't double-cross him and hire you or anything."

Kurama takes my friend...my trustworthy friend...by the shoulders; much like Kuwabara had done to me earlier; and says with all seriousness, "Kazu, I swear to you, upon the life of my mother, that I will do nothing of the sort. My alliance is with you, Yusuke, and Hiei. My friendship lies with the three of you. Not Koenma."

"I know, man," my trustworthy friend; my ally; responds, "It's just that Urameshi has gotta know. He hasn't been himself lately."

"I'm right here!" I remind them.

Kuwabara nods. "I know. But I wanna say everything openly around ya, ya know? You need to know who's on your side, and if I started whispering in everyone's ear, that would make ya kinda jumpy."

"Y-you're right."

"Yusuke, are you ill?"

I look Kurama's way with curiosity. Am I ill? Am I ill? Sick to my stomach...sick in my head...sick all over... I wasn't thinking. Kuwabara was thinking. He is thinking. He is a thinker, that Kuwabara. Always thinking. Always something.

The redhead touches my head, like I was feverish. "You're not warm. Would you mind if I drew some blood, Yusuke?"

"What!" Kuwabara shouts suddenly in my defense, "Kurama! That's not gonna help him!"

Take my blood. Give it to Yama. Tell him I did it. Tell Keiko I will see her in Spirit World...tell Hiei...don't tell Hiei...

"Kuwabara, Yusuke," he addresses us, "I want to test a small sample of your blood, Yusuke. To make sure that everything is all right with you."

"I'm not okay, Kurama," I snap, "I'm not okay and Koenma knows it!"

"Kurama, how are ya going to test his blood? I mean, ya got a lab or somethin' I don't know about?"

Kurama shakes his head, left and right, leaving trails of blood...trails of hair...whipping...whipping...

"There is a plant in Demon World that changes colors if it comes in contact with infected human blood." He blinks. "Almost like litmus paper."

"Do it...do it..., no, Kuwabara, you do it."

"Yusuke, I swear to you that I am your friend, you must believe me."

Kuwabara tells Kurama that it's fine if he does it, and I hold out my left hand while Kuwabara retrieves something sharp. He comes back from his kitchen with a dinner knife, a towel, and a small first-aid kit that he must keep around. I watch with interest as he pricks my fingers with the sharp blade, causing a dome of scarlet liquid to seep out. He lets it out, lets my life, liquid blood...

"Does it hurt, man?" Kuwabara asks as he bandages me up. I shake my head negatively, I am in no pain; not in my fingers; not in my hands.

Kurama has already tested the blood. That was quick...he anticipated this...he was ready for it! He preemptively knew; is he clairvoyant?

"Yusuke, there is nothing wrong with you," Kurama reports, "Except that I did find something unusual. Yusuke, you must have noticed that your heart felt different after your heritage awakened within you, right?" I motion a "yes" with my head. "Your kind...the breed of demon that you hail from, feeds upon humans. Since you have neglected this need, and thank goodness you have, the demon blood within you is literally devouring the human blood within you. You are cannibalizing yourself without even realizing it."

I'm eating myself?

"So I guess the phrase "So hungry that my stomach's eating itself" is true then?" I remark in a sudden moment of clarity.

"Uh, yes, and no."

"What can we do to help him?"

Kuwabara, always thinking of others.

Kurama sighs deeply. "Well, if Genkai were capable of a powerful Spirit Wave anymore, we could have resorted to that, however..."

Time keeps ticking, ticking fast and ticking far. Tick tock. I'm going insane, and now there's proof. Yama wants to off me too.

"He could technically feed on something far more powerful than humans."

My taller friend's face distorts in disgust. "Feed? Something like a vampire or a demon or whatever?"

Kurama chuckles at Kuwabara's naiveness. "Kazu, vampires are a myth invented back in Eastern Europe, due to the way the people of that region reacted to a certain illness regarding certain skin pigments." Silly Kuwabara. Vampires don't exist.

Kurama steadies himself, and continues, "But what I really mean, is someone like a deity. Their blood, really, as the rest of the body is merely just fibers and proteins and what-have-you."

"You mean like Koenma."

"Fine, whatever," I blurt out impatiently, "There's some nasty shit going on in my head right now, just find me a temporary fix. I need to find Hiei." Kill Koenma, no, no. He told me ahead of time. He warned me the only way he could. He wants me dead.

"A ward will do, Yusuke. Genkai should be able to make one powerful enough for you." Relief, a sigh of relief. A breath of fresh air. The mountains. Grandma. Genkai.

"It's better off we go there too," Kurama suddenly says, as if he had completely forgotten a very important factor in the equation until just now, "If Yama is behind these orders, then they may try to use Yukina as a pawn to ensnare Hiei."

Kuwabara puts away the medical kit quickly, and exclaims in distress, "Well let's get movin', then!"

To Be Continued...

One of my Yu Yu fics will reach 100 reviews. Somehow. I won't stop until it happens. And I probably won't stop after it does either.

Story wise, I'm happy it is seemingly predictable. Because one hell of a twist should be coming your way. When and where is still a mystery.
