Disclaimer: Bleach is not mine and never will be.
Warnings: Possibly disturbing, but not in a squicky way.
Notes: Set before they became shinigami, around the same time as the ch. 206 flashback.
Bared Back
Yachiru was growing and her clothes were quickly becoming too small. Her current kimono barely covered her knees and she shivered in the cold. That meant that Yachiru needed a new kimono.
Kenpachi was worried and there weren't any seamstresses handy. He'd accidentally killed the last one they'd encountered and he couldn't sew for crap. That meant that Kenpachi had to resort to other means.
If only he'd known how tricky it could be to clothe a little girl.
"How's this one, Yachiru?" he asked, holding up a nauseatingly yellow kimono.
She vehemently shook her head, her nose crinkled in disgust.He applauded her good taste and snatched up another garment.
"What about this one? It's pink, like that weird-ass hair of yours."
She closed her eyes and stuck out her tongue.
He took that as a no and grabbed another.
"Here's a blue one. It's alright."
"S'blood on it, Ken-chan," she lisped.
"Aa, you're right. Let's try another." He tossed aside the filthy garment and walked over to the next corpse, carefully prying the clothes off its body and holding them up for Yachiru's inspection. "What about this one? You like purple."
She considered it solemnly. "Maybe," she allowed.
"Plenty more to choose from," he pointed out. "Don't settle for something you don't like, kid." She smiled and he moved to another body.
Yep, finding clothes was certainly more difficult than he'd have guessed. Good thing there was another village only two miles away.
-the end-