A/N: Hey for those of you who don't speak Latin "liberate ex inferis" means save yourself from hell… sorry forgot to put that. Oh and please don't get mad at me for getting the military ranks wrong and now on with the story.

2 years later…

"Major Scott," Jason turned around to face Lieutenant Hutchins and saluted him, "At ease Major." Jason dropped his hand and brought to his other hand behind his back. "I need a word with you," Jason followed Lieutenant Hutchins as he started walking. "Major how long have you been here for?"

"Two years sir," Jason replied.

"And your family, you have a son am I correct?"

"Yes sir," Jason replied again almost stopping in mid step. "Sir if you don't mind me asking… why are you asking me these questions?"

"I'm asking for two reasons. One of them being I want to know who you are outside the Army, what's your life like, your family how much you care about them."

"My family means more to me anything Sir," Jason said as Lieutenant Hutchins stopped and looked at him.

"Major, I have had a talk with General Milton and we have both decided to give you leave."

"Leave sir?"

"Yes Major go home to your family and be grateful you have them," Lieutenant Hutchins saluted Jason and walked away.

Angel Grove airport

Jason walked out of the airplane and down the hall to a big room filled with people waiting for their loved ones. His beige uniform drew attention to him as he walked through the people; little kids stared at him with smiles on their faces. He walked out the front doors to a yellow cab waiting.

"Were to?" The cabby's driver said looking at Jason through the mirror.

"218 Harvest Ave." Jason looked out the window, watching all the scenery change as the driver drove down the busy streets.

"You just get out of the army?"

"Yeah," Jason said as he looked at the decorated houses on the street. "Why are you working on Christmas day… if you don't mind me asking?"

"Nope I don't mind, I'm not married and I have no kids, just this job, I love driving people to their families, there's just something about it that I find calming," The man looked back at Jason and saw a far off look on his face. "Hey man you ok?"

"Huh," Jason said as his attention snapped back to the present. "Yeah I'm fine just thinking about my wife and son."

"Oh," the driver pulled up to a house with lights all over it, a big Santa Clause in the front yard and a reef on the door. "Were here, that'll be $20.35."

"Here you go," Jason handed the man his money and stepped out of the cab. "Thanks for the ride."

"Your welcome and Merry Christmas man," the man waved and began to drive away

"You too," Jason said as the cabby drove away, he made his way up the freshly fallen snow path way and walked up the stairs to the door. He raised his hand to knock but stopped when he heard the sound of a kid overjoyed with the presents he had just received. Jason smiled as he knocked on the door and waited patiently for someone to answer the door. The door opened slowly as a breeze of warm air swept its way out the door towards Jason.

"Hello-," The woman's hands went to her mouth as tears came down her face. "Jason," she yelled as she jumped into the arms of her husband, nearly knocking him down the front steps.

"Hey Honey," Jason held her tightly as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Oh God, it's so good to see you," Trini said as she looked into his beautiful eyes and kissed him passionately. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too Honey," Jason said as Trini finally let him come inside out of the freezing air.

"Riley, baby, come here," Trini yelled as a 7 year old boy, wearing a long red shirt with red yu-gi-oh pajama pants, came running into the room. Riley looked at the man as a big smile filled his face.

"DADDY," Riley yelled as he ran at his father, jumping into his arms and wrapping his arms around his neck.

"Hey Buddy, I've missed you," Jason said as he gave Riley a bear hug. "How are you?"

"Mommy can I tell him, please, please," Riley said looking up at his mother as she nodded. "Guess what daddy," Riley said as Jason put him back on the ground.

"What?" Jason asked as he watched as his son bounce up and down.

"I have a new sister," Jason stared at Riley with a confused look on his face and then he looked to his wife.

"After you left, I found out I was pregnant," Trini walked over to the playpen and picked up a little girl in a pink outfit and brought her over to Jason. "Jason met your daughter Bailey," Trini handed Bailey over to Jason as the little girl gave a smile and a small giggle of excitement.

"Hey you," Jason said as he stared into his daughters big eyes and smiled.

"Daddy, come see what I got for Christmas," Riley grabbed his fathers free hand and dragged him over to the tree; Jason laughed as he carried his daughter in his other hand.

"Welcome home handsome," Trini said as she and Jason sat on the couch with their daughter and watched as Riley showed them all of his brand new toys that Santa got him.

A/N: Well that was a heartwarming Christmas story I hoped you liked it. Please review. Armis Exposcere Pacem - They demanded peace by force of arms.

Brevis ipsa vita est sed malis fit longior - Our life is short but is made longer by misfortunes.