Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Harry Potter… Otherwise I would be writing the next chapter or book instead of this Fan-Fiction.
Woah! It seems like forever from the last time I updated this Fic! But the university, the book I'm finishing, the other fics, and the Mary-sue sues… lol! Well, here I am again! Eeeeeeeeeeeenjoy!
Silveraqueen: Mhhhhhh… Caaaaaaaaaake… XQ XD For the pairings, I don't know. I think I'll use the votes…
Dragonist: Yes, I'm going to do a time skip. When? Well… I'll skip after Naruto's third year, and I'll make him enter directly a certain tournament… What tournament? Come on, it's easy! XD
Before the story, a little speech. A lot of you complained about Fuujin being a Mary-Sue, that I didn't notice, that I should kill her… I MADE HER LIKE THAT ON PURPOSE, DUDES! And not without a reason! She's of use for the plot! If you want to keep on reading, good. If you don't like, don't read. I don't care. I have lots of fans, here! Lol! THANKS FOR THE 300 REVIEWS, GUYS! I LURVE YA!
P.S.: Sorry if it's short!
"Few… That was close…"
"… What the hell are you?"
"… Your worst nightmare."
Naruto goes to… What? Not Hogwarts?
Book2: The great darkness
Chapter6: Monsters, THE TALK, and love
"… You have always been…"
Tsunade's eyes were full of rage, while she looked at the transformed girl. What the hell did she do? Fairy wings… A strange talking golden light… A silver lance… She had never seen anything like that, before.
"Ehm… What's your name, by the way, strange little golden thing?"
"HOW CAN YOU BE SO RUDE! My name's Anatel! And I'm your fairy!"
"A male fairy?"
"Ruuuude… Well, I'm here to teach you about your powers. First, your element it's wind. So, we'll use first a wind magic. Repeat with me."
'I don't understand what's going on… But I need to stop her, whatever she wants to do.'
Tsunade began to run towards Fuujin, but suddenly, the girl positioned her lance in front of her, vertically. And a strong wind began to blow, pushing her away from the girl. Dust and detritus were blinding her.
'What the…'
"Come on, girl! Fire… Water… Earth… Thunder… Sand… Grass… Wind… Snow…Elements who have forged the earth… Elements that protect it…"
"Fire… Water… Earth… Thunder… Sand… Grass… Wind… Snow…Elements who have forged the earth… Elements that protect it…"
"!" "What is she trying to do?"
"Among all of you… I summon the one who lets the scents and the seeds travel…"
"A-Among all of you… I summon the one who lets the scents and the seeds travel…"
"…" "I must stop whatever she's trying to do."
Tsunade rushed towards the girl, but her lance began to be enveloped by silver coloured energy. Suddenly, following her fairy's instructions, Fuujin trusted the lance in front of her, shouting…
"Spirit of the wind! Galuf! I summon thee!"
Suddenly, in front of Tsunade appeared something that she thought impossible to realize. It was an enormous concentration of chakra, so huge and large that it was impossible for a simple man to use it. But she got the denial when the huge agglomeration, in the form of a giant falcon hit her and the surroundings. Trees were being eradicated, the ground was being cut and grazed, and the same Tsunade struggled to stay on her feet, using chakra to stick to the ground and a tick layer to protect herself. Fuujin noticed this, but she kept on pumping energy into the apparition. But Tsunade kept on protecting herself.
"Damn… It… She has… Too much chakra…"
"Come on! Soon or later she will finish it! Don't faint right now! Don't…"
"I feel… So weak…"
And so, Fuujin fainted, her Nature Chevalier form disappearing, and Anatel keeping on circling around her. Galuf disappeared, and Tsunade fell on one of her knees, panting. Protecting herself from that attack took a lot of effort. But in the end, she had more than enough energy to destroy the brats.
"God damn… Brats… But now…"
"Now you'll stop, Tsunade."
Tsunade didn't need to turn around to see who was the person who had just talked to her and placed a hand on her neck. Old man Sandaime. And then Jiraya and some ANBU as well arrived.
"I knew from the time I saw the girl's eyes that you would try to do something funny."
"Take her to a cell and leave her there until she calms down. And take the boys to the infirmary."
Naruto was asleep. He had been asleep for he didn't know how much. And in his sleep, he was in the middle of a enormous dark place. Just two sources of light: two flames of different colours. A red one and a silver one. He didn't know what it exactly meant, but it did mean something that involved him and his being as a Nature Chevalier. Of that, he was sure. And then… He woke up. In Konoha's hospital. He was still alive. And the first thing that he noticed was a little fairy throwing herself at his neck.
"Navi… Please, you're tickling my neck…"
"Oh, sorry! But I'm just glad! That bitch almost got you, and I…"
"How come all the females I meet after being unsealed are potty mouths?"
Just then, Naruto noticed that in the room had appeared another fairy… But from the voice, this looked male. Naruto was confused. Weren't fairies females only, at least in fables? Then… He shivered. Could it be…
"… Ehm… W-What's your… Name?"
"Uh? I'm Tatl…"
"Ehm… Would… Would you happen to be…"
"Ehrr… Like humans? Storks?"
The two fairies were observing Naruto like he had grown a second head. But then, they sighed strong. After all, he was just a pre-teen. No wonder he didn't go trough the talk yet. Suddenly, the door opened. Gaara walked in.
"Hey, Gaara…"
"You're awake. No serious injuries, fortunately… Well, not serious for you, at least."
"Hey, Gaara…"
"Do you know where do babies come from?"
"… The stork, right?"
Tatl and Navi fell down anime style. This really was a nightmare. Even Gaara… Well, after all, they were young, and they didn't have any parents anymore. So, it was explainable. But to think… That they were going to… They sighed heavily.
"Ok, guys. Sit down. This is going to take a while."
"? What are you talking about?"
"… It's time for… THE TALK!"
"… The talk?"
"The talk, Gaara. The talk."
"Now… Do you know about flowers and bees?"
Naruto and Gaara had been never ever scared like that in their life. Never. Gaara got scared very few times in his life. The sand protection helped. But they were so scared that they jumped whenever a female being touched them, be it human, animal or magical. They were so scared that they didn't even bother to go and see the captured Sasuke or the in-therapy Tsunade, and Naruto barely reacted when Fuujin decided to stay in Konoha. She said that she liked ninjutsu more than magic, so… Now they were back in Beauxbatons, and they were surrounded by evil and mysterious creatures called 'girls'. Enemies who just wanted to tie them to a bed and… And…
"… Gaara, calm down. Don't run away."
"… Who's running?"
"You were about to. Don't be afraid of doing it. I'll follow suit."
"I'm not running. Not… Yet…"
Gaara was being abducted by the enemy. Namely one Ashley Granger, who glomped him from behind like the last of the fangirls. Now, Gaara wasn't used to such displays of affections, the sand didn't protect him because Ashley didn't mean any harm to him, and there was the recent talk… So, Gaara reacted jumping high in the air and sticking himself to the ceiling with chakra, curled up in a ball. A lot of people stared at him with wide eyes.
"G-Gaara… What's wrong…"
"M-Magical… Ninja… Babies…"
"Ehm… He's a bit… Upset… Because we recently had… The talk…"
"Ah. So whiskers-face has become a little man, at last?"
Naruto had joined Gaara on the ceiling when Alex had leaned a hand on his right shoulder, making all the audience of their display of fear sweatdrop. They were muttering something about Magical Ninja babies… Alex just observed him thinking they were nuts, while Fleur sighed.
"God… I didn't react that way…"
"Well, maybe for males is different… Or maybe they're just sensible to the matter…"
"Yeah, sensible… Oh, Ashley. Did you pass good holidays?"
"Oh? Y-Yes. Thanks… And I discovered something about those strange cloud-like creatures."
"Uh? Really?"
Naruto and Gaara landed safely on the ground hearing what Ashley had just said. Something with which keeping their heads occupied. Ashley told them that they would meet after lunch in Naruto's room to talk.
After persuading Naruto and Gaara that the three girls weren't going to attack them to try to rape them for the sake of their Magical Ninja babies, they had seated in circle on the floor of Naruto's room. Ashley took with her a book. She opened it. On the page there was a drawing of the… Thing that had attacked Naruto.
"Is it…"
"Yes. It's him. Here did you find this book?"
"In the library of my family. The name is 'Story of the magical creatures'. I found the picture in the section that talked about the extinct magical creatures."
"Well… More than extinct… They don't exist anymore because they evolved."
"Evolved? Into what?"
"These creatures, called 'Black nightmares', lately evolved into Dementors."
Fleur and Alex froze, at that statement. They were like… Terrified. Naruto and Gaara noticed this. The only other time they had seen something similar were when they talked about Voldemort. Strange…
"… What are Dementors?"
"… Dementors are… The most dark and scaring fiends of the world…"
"They… They're used only as guards for the prison of mages, fortunately… Mon dieu, Naruto… You've been attacked by… By…"
"Dementors are creatures that feed themselves with the happiness and positive emotions of humans. The prisoners who are around them too much usually go insane. And there are very few ways to fight them. The Dark Nightmares, fortunately, can be fought with more usual spells."
"Uhm… Understood. But… If they're extinct… How the hell could I have meet one of them in Durmstrang?"
"… Well… I have a hypothesis…"
"What, Ashley?"
"… The headmaster of Durmstrang, Igor Karkaroff, was a former Death Eater. So…"
One more time. This was starting to get annoying. Gaara and Naruto didn't understand what the hell was going on now, but they knew that it had something to do with Voldemort, since they were more upset than with the dementors.
"… Let me guess. Death Eaters… Were like, Voldemort's elite?"
"… Yes… Maybe… He's trying some experiments…"
"… Naruto, I'm afraid…"
"Don't worry, girls. Me and Gaara will take care of this! Right, Gaara?"
"… Of course."
"That's good to hear… Now, we should go. Being in the male's room for too long isn't a good thing to your public image. See you later, hun."
Ashley approached Gaara and the two of them exchanged a quick kiss on the lips, like it was the most natural thing doing it in front of other people. Naruto grinned, while Fleur blushed and Alex rolled her eyes. Navi just kept on taking photos. Alex got back on her feet and grabbed Fleur's right arm.
"Well, we should go as well. You know, things to do, people to see…
"Yeah, yeah, smartie… I know you're still stuck with that transmutation…"
"Ooooook… See you later, guys."
"Later, Naruto…"
Fleur and Ashley had just dragged Alex out of Naruto's room before the fight evolved to the next level. The dark-haired girl kept on pouting all the way to their room, saying things about 'Stupid whiskers-face' and 'Shutting him up once and for all'. Ashley giggled and Fleur sighed.
"Damn whiskers-face…"
"Well, you two seem to get along just fine…"
"And very cute, isn't he?"
"Well… I learned something from all those romance novels… There are two ways to display your affection towards one person without letting them know… One is being a fangirl… The other one is fighting with him all the time."
"Are you not?"
"W-Well… It wouldn't be so strange…"
Alex and Ashley turned towards Fleur, who was now blushing without an apparent reason.
"I mean… Naruto is gentle… Cute… Caring… Intelligent… Sweet… I mean, it wouldn't be strange…"
"… Well, yeah. He's serious boyfriend material, but I have… Different tastes, Fleur. From your ones, at least."
"Eh? W-What do you mean?"
Ashley smiled and Alex rolled her eyes. Fleur was so naïve, if she believed that her feeling would be hidden… Well, from the eyes of her friends, at least.
"Come one, Fleur. I'm not sure about Alex…"
"I'M NOT!"
"But I can see from a mile that you have the biggest crush I've ever seen or read on Naruto. Just like your sister, we could say…"
"I… I…"
"Well, here's your room. I should go. Later, girls."
Alex and Fleur entered their room, the french girl red in face like nothing Alex had seen before. She sighed.
"Come on, Fleur. You like him, I can see that."
"… But…"
"It's not like anything will change, if you just keep this a secret. Go and tell him."
"But… Are you sure?"
Fleur was now observing Alex with an interrogative look. The blonde girl was like… Feeling sorry for her? Damn Ashley…
"For the last time, Fleur, you can go ahead and take him! I'M NOT INTERESTED!"
Alex entered the bathroom, slamming the door. Fleur just sighed, in relief, probably, and fell back on her bed. Now… How to tell him? In the meanwhile, Alex was leaning her back on the door of the bathroom, sighing deeply.
"Yeah… I'm not interested…"
In the next chapter…
Naruto and Gaara find out about the Black Nightmares. But even if they take actions, it doesn't go as they planned… In the meanwhile, Ashley is going to have a big surprise… And not a pleasant one. Stay tuned!