Rough Tears: Hey! My first fic! With Zim and Johnny in it to! What could be more perfect?

Shimmy: I can think of a couple of things.

Rough: You're just jealous because you're not real like me. You wish you were.

Shim: I also wish you dead.

Disclaimer: I do not own JTHM or Invader Zim.

To Dib's relief, the final bell buzzed and Dib shot out of the black classroom. He ran smack into the double doors leading to the outside world. He missed the pull not push sign.

He opened his eyes to see the green invader cocking an eyebrow at him. He said nothing just walked out. Dib stood up kind of limping and just said loudly "Yeah you better run…" Dib wiped the dust off of his black shirt. He was about to walk out when he was pushed over and then stampeded by kids racing for the door. One went to soccer everyday. She was wearing cleats.

Dib slowly and painfully stood up and then pushed over again by Gaz who was playing her Game Slave. Dib stood up one last time and walked along side Gaz to continue home.

They walked for a few minuets when Dib finally said something. "You do know that Zim could be in the park. After we get home we could go down." He said. Gaz just looked at him then looked back at her game.

When they got home Gaz turned on the T.V. and Dib raced for his room. Came back with a camera in his hands. "Ok, lets go Gaz(looks at the television) later!" he screams and drops the camera. He sat on the couch next to Gaz.

"Today on Untold Mysteries, there was as man found behind the dumpster dead and drained from all his blood. We tried to get the murder on tape before he ran away, but all we could get was a silhouette."

Dib looked at the screen. "What kind of sick…"

"SHUT UP!" screamed Gaz.

"We have no idea what the villain looks like. But we do have his shape, the fact he has two hairs, and likes blood for a strange reason. Here is an artist drawing of what we may think he looks like. (holds up picture of count chocula(I do not own any cereal))."

Dib looked around the room almost like this maniac was behind him. Professor Membrain in the screen came up behind him. "What are you watching kids?"

"Dad! There is a maniac on T.V.!" Dib shouted.

He looked at the picture of the silhouette. "Oh, my. I know that silhouette anywhere."

Dib looked at him. "You know that guy?"

"let me tell you his story Dib." He said as the floating head flew out of the room and came in was the body.

"You see, his name is so vile and disgusting I should not even say it in front of you kids, but Johnny. His name is Johnny. He was not only my friend. He was my brother. He is your uncle and you look a lot alike son. We got separated when I was 17 and he was 15. We were token away from each other for my protection. Made us change our name and everything."

"So our last name is what?" asked Gaz.


"C! What kind of a last name is that?" screamed Dib.

"Please son let me finish. We were separated because he killed somebody. Sent us to a new location and everything. I'm surprised we were separated so far. 5 blocks. He still doesn't know we live so close to him. His evil is a big as your head.


"LET ME FINISH SON! So anyway…ok I'm finished. Oh, and I want you to stay as far away from 777 as you can."

Dib understood, but Gaz wanted to see what the big deal was.

Rough: Chapter one is finished. YAY!