Bloodstained Legacy
Don't Own Naruto

NOTE-This is the sequel to my previous story, Dual Blood. I recommend you read that first then this to avoid confusion. I'm currently working on a rewrite of it called Bloodstained Path also. Now to the story,


A melody filled the air as the night became silent. A flute player danced about. Her long dark green hair whipped around as the ground shook. She opened her red eyes as she ended with a high note. Her body stopped as she looked down the side and laughed.


Kaoru took in a breath and exhaled as she looked at the final stretched of road before her home village of the Grass. She tightens her grip on her bag and started to walk.
"Here goes nothing," Kaoru cleared the top of the hill and looked down where her village stood. Or at least it once stood.
"Oh my god!" Kaoru dropped her bag and ran down the hill.


The grand gates opened as two figures walked into the village. One was slightly shorter one had reddish blonde hair that reached just over his eyes. His red and blue eyes moved side to side as they walked.
"I'll be off. Got to talk to Tsunade," Jiraiya stated before he jump up and disappeared over the rooftops.
"And you'll be peeking after that," Naruto whispered as he push his hand into his black pockets as he continued down the street. He saw a few going about their business. As soon as they saw the small tattoo on his exposed right arm they went back to work. Naruto reached out with his left arm and slammed Hatch into the ground in one swift motion.
"You're faster," Naruto stated as He moved his bandage wrapped arm off Hatch.
"Your reflexes are still insane," Hatch replied as he got up and dusted himself off, "So what's with the new look?"
"I grew up and need more battle ready clothes," Naruto stated, "Come on. I'm hungry,"
"There's no way I'm paying for you," Hatch stated as he walked with his old team-mate.
"I did mission while I was away. Also I'm still spending the money from my End Mission," Naruto shot back as he sat down at the stand.


Jiraiya groaned as he picked himself up. He made a mental note not to stand next to Tsunade as he woke her up. Jiraiya shifted his jaw back into place as he walked back into the office through the wall he came out of.


"So how was traveling with Sannin?" Hatch asked as he ate his pork chop.
"Annoying mostly," Naruto replied with a mouth full of rice, "That guy is a pervert through and through," Hatch was used to hearing Naruto talking with his mouth full so he could understand.

"You're one to talk. You got girls from here to the end of the world going for you," Hatch joked.
"Shut up," Naruto hit Hatch with a plastic spoon.


"So you found nothing about the Sin bloodline?" Tsunade asked.
"Not a thing. No one in the world knows anything about it. I trained and taught the kid what I knew and search for any clues about the bloodline and Akatsuki but found nothing on either one,"
"You mean between the peeping and running?" Tsunade asked. Jiraiya became quiet in fear of what his answer may cause to his health.


Kaoru ran as fast as she could toward her destination as tear filled her eyes.


"So guess he does next?" Ino asked Sakura as they walked by the training areas.
"I don't know. What?"
"He !" A body shot out of the bushes across the path ahead of them and through the next bushes followed by a blur.
"Get back here Hatch!" Naruto yelled as he momentarily appear on the path then jumped off.
"Wasn't that?" Ino asked.
"Unless we're both seeing things," Sakura replied. They started to run in the same direction.


Hatch blocked Naruto's downward kick with his arms.
"Ah!" Hatch turned and kicked Naruto, who was mid-air. Hatch was surprise to see Naruto landed in front of him and not down the field. Apparently the kick didn't connect.
"Ah!" Naruto repaid Hatch with the heavy kick. He was knocked back as Naruto charged in to continue. Hatch bounced to his feet and got into a fighting stance. Naruto suddenly put on the brakes and slid to a stop right in front of Hatch.
"We got company," Naruto stated as he turned around, "hello girls," Naruto bowed.
"Hey Ino. Where's Sakura?" Hatch asked. Naruto's hand suddenly reached behind Hatch and Naruto was suddenly knocked back. He bounced off the ground as he flipped to slide.
"So that's where Sakura was. You gotten better with your Genjutsu," Hatch commented as he turned around. Sakura was cradling her right hand.
"Rebound punch, Rebound the impact back at the striker but still dammit," Naruto explained as he started to push his bones in his hand back into place.
"I could barely detect you," Naruto stated as he stood up, "You got better with the Crystal Genjutsu,"
"Not any help from you!" Sakura yelled.
"The Crystal genjutsu isn't something best taught but learnt through experience," Naruto explained as he tested out his hand,
"Damn. Where the hell did you get so strong?"


"Sensei!" Shizune busted into the office.
"What is it?" Tsunade asked drowsily, Jiraiya was drunk on the floor.
"We found a Grass Kunoichi near the boundaries. She was talking about her village destroyed,"
"Yeah. So?"

"We send some scouts. The Hidden Grass village was annihilated! The
village is covered in toxic vines and roots! All of the ninja were
"What? The entire village?" Tsunade shook off the hangover in an instance.
"The village was covered in vines and the ninja were killed by a sword," Shizune reported.
"Grass? Was the Kunoichi white haired?" Jiraiya asked.
"Yes. The kunoichi said her name was Kaoru. Our records show was a Missing-Nin," Shizune replied going through her folder.
"You know her Jiraiya?" Tsunade asked.
"Naruto brought her along during our journey. Naruto said something about helping out and repaying something,"
"Where is this Kunoichi?" Tsunade stood up.
"She's in the hospital under guard,"


To say Sakura was frustrated was an understatement. All of training from a Sannin and this guy was toying with her.
"I got you now!" Sakura yelled as she reeled back and punched. In turn she realized she just smashed a rock.
"Dammit," Sakura screamed.
"Does he fight like this always?" Ino whispered.
"No. He was more aggressive,"
"You're kidding? This isn't very aggressive," Ino commented.
"He's reading and playing with Sakura," He suddenly turned his head, "What is it?" An Anbu appeared.
"The Hokage has summon you and Sakura,"
"Thanks. Hey Hatch! Sakura! Time to end it! Sakura. The Old Hag called us!" Naruto yelled, "I'll go ahead,"
"Hey wait!" Naruto launched off the ground and disappeared. Hatch looked from behind his earth wall.
"He was always impatient,"
"She's at the hospital. Not in her office," The Anbu finished.


Tsunade looked at the door as Naruto rushed in. He was out of breath.
"You should wait before rushing off," Sakura commented.
"Kaoru?" Naruto looked up, "So what's going on?"
"She was found near our boundaries. We sent scouts to the Grass Village and it was destroyed. We're waiting for her to wake up,"
"How long as she been out then?"
"3 Hours since she was brought here. We don't know how long she's been unconscious," Shizune reported.
"Ok. I don't like to wait so," Naruto put his hand in front of Kaoru's face and snapped his fingers. A spark and smoke came out.

"Fire!" Kaoru jumped out of bed. She found several kunoichi and chuckling brat.
"Where the hell am I?" Kaoru asked.
"You're in the Leaf. You were found near our boundaries," Naruto explained.
"The village! The grass village was destroyed!" Kaoru started to go fanatic putting the Kunoichi on alert while Naruto just pressed her into the bed by the forehead,
"Calm down Kaoru. Think first than talk," Naruto stated. Kaoru nodded as Naruto released her, "Now tell us what happened?"
"After we separate I went back the Grass. I was ready to take any punishment but when I ..when I..," Kaoru broke down in tears.
"The village was destroyed," Shizune reported to the new arrivals.
"Why would anyone destroy the Grass?" Sakura asked.
"Grass hasn't been a threat to any nation as far as I know. You ok?" Naruto checked on his old traveling partner.
"So why did you summon us Sensei?" Sakura asked.
"I want you, Naruto, Kakashi and Kaika Inuzuka to search the village for clues on who did this. Be careful since no normal ninja could do this,"
"Chibi. One of .. them has ..the .Mother Earth spirit…," Kaoru coughed out.


"I thought you killed her back three years ago," Sakura asked as they waited for the others.
"They're here," Naruto looked up as Kaika dragged Kakashi to the gates. A large dog following the pair.
"I'm grateful Jade could find this late bastard," Kaika muttered as she threw Kakashi in front of two.
"O…k. Why didn't we do that?" Sakura asked.
"Because we didn't a dog to find him," Naruto replied as he stood up and dusted off his pants.
"Wishbone formation?" Kaika asked.
"You're lead," Naruto stated as pulled his katana to his side.
"Wishbone?" Sakura asked.
"Take a Y and flip it upside down. Jade will lead as scout. Kaiki will behind Jade. You're the medic so you're behind Kaiki. Naruto and myself will cover the back at 45 degree angles from you," Kakashi explained. Sakura nodded as she imagined the formation.
"The scout in the lead, the supporter in the middle and the fighters in the back," Naruto stated


"So the Leaf sent these four to investigate the Grass eh?" Deamon stated as he watched in a screen, "I want information,"
"Kaiki Inzuka. Kakashi Hatake. Sakura Haruno. Naruto Uzumaki," One shadow stated.
"Good. Rely all of the information to Rosa and Jin,"
"Hai master,"


"This is some damage," Naruto stated as he slashed away the vines to reveal more dead bodies.
"Hey Sakura. These bodies weren't poisoned," Naruto stated as he rolled the stiff body over. Sakura looked up from the body and walked over to where Naruto was.
"You're right. These are slash marks," Sakura examined the bodies as Naruto closed his eyes.
"Duck!" He jumped and pulled Sakura down as he turned around. He held out his left arm.
"Boom!" Fireballs threw from his arms as the contact seal glowed. The fireballs collided with the jagged stones.
"Good reaction and power," Naruto stared at the giant of a man and the even bigger blade on his back.
"I take it you were the one who did this," Sakura asked as she pulled on a pair of leather gloves.
"Sakura. Stay back," Naruto stated.
"You're part of Akatsuki aren't you?"
"Smart little bastard. I'm Ryo Jin. You're executioner!" The man ran faster than Naruto expected with the massive blade. The man pulled the blade off his back and swung sideways as he ran. Naruto barely drew Reikiri and blocked in time. Naruto was sent flying with the wind from the blow. Naruto slid the katana back into the scarab and moved it to his right side as he stood up,
'He's strong and fast,'
"Is that all you have?" Ryo asked as he charged in again.
"Burning Battoujutsu!" Naruto grabbed the katana as Ryo closed in. Naruto struck woth with a blazing katana. His blade cut Ryo's chest open. Ryo jumped back as his body started to tremble.


'She's more powerful Kaoru with the Mother Earth Spirit,; Kakashi thrown as he dodged more seed bullets as she called them. Kakashi observe as they landed, they sprout rapidly. One had struck a corpse and the growing plant that crushed it.
"She's a dangerous bitch," Kaiki stated as she ran backward watching the attacks and dodging them. Her dog Jade was running too and growled at her master's comment.
"No offence,"
"Come on now. You must be better than just for running like scared dogs,"
"What was that?" Kaiki yelled as she stopped. So did Jade. As soon as they stopped a barrage of seed struck them.
"Shit," Vines wrapped around Kaiki as she fell to the ground.
"Ka no yaiba," Kakashi cut the vines with a fire blade.
"Don't slow down," Kakashi stated as he ran out of the way. Kaiki somersaulted out of the way and ran into the building for cover.
"Looks like Ryo's having fun," Rosa stated as she turned to look the other side of the ruined village as she sensed a large amount of chakra being expelled.


"What the hell?" Naruto thought at the laughing swordsman. His chest was cut but it was healing fast.

"You're better than I thought," Ryo stated as he stabbed his blade
into the ground.
"Doton! Doroku Gaeshi!" Naruto watched as a stone slab taller than some tower rose from the ground.
'This is a defence move,' Naruto thought.
"Oh shit!" Naruto turned around and ran for it as the slab of stone started to fall down.
"Ah!" Naruto looked up as Sakura flew up. She punched the stone slab and broke it in half.
"Damn," Naruto stated as he barely made into the gap between the broken slabs.
"You weren't the only one to train," Sakura stated with her back to Naruto.
"What we do have here? A strong small fry," Ryo asked.
"Small fry? I'm no small fry," Sakura stated as she cracked her knuckles.
"Come on then! Come on!" Ryo yelled as he charged. Soon he met Naruto's soles as Naruto dropkicked him.
"What the?" Naruto back flipped. The blow didn't do anything to Ryo,. Ryou momentarily stopped and dust off his chin where Naruto had struck.
"Come on! You're better than that!" Ryo charged in with a huge grin on his smile.
"He's a Class S all right," Naruto stated as he and Sakura took battle stances.
"Two prong," Sakura stated. Naruto leaned down then ran to the side as Sakura did the same the other way,
"A two prong attack? Ishi Bunshin," The ground shook then stone golems climbed out of the ground.
"Now! Before the Bunshins are complete!" Naruto yelled. Naruto hit the ground hard to change the direction of his charge. Sakura did the same. Sakura punched through the stone golem as it made its way to block.
"Blaze!" A fire blade came from his left arm and he cut through
the golem.
"Stone Wheel!" Ryo swung his sword around his body switching hands
as he did. His massive blade was just a whip of wind. Sakura read
the move and stop then jumped backward. Naruto didn't. Naruto was
whipped to the side. Blood marked his path.
"I guess you're better than I expected," Ryo stated as the tags exploded around Ryo's arm.
'Naruto let himself get hit so he could use explosive tags on Ryo,' Sakura thought.
"You can't use that sword anymore," Naruto stated as he stood up.
his cut midsection was slowly healing.
"Now the fight is now interesting!" Ryo yelled as chakra exploded from his body.


"I was thought you would be better opponents than this," Rosa
stated as scratched her head. Kaiki and Jade had hit the stem but
found it was as hard as iron.
"Piercing fang!" Rosa watched as Kaiki and her dog in beast
bunshin form jumped spinning at Rosa. Rosa moved her hand in front
from her head. In her hand was a seed.
"Grow. Veniper," The seed exploded as it grew rapidly in Rosa's
hand. A strange Venus flytrap grew around Rosa's arm. It shot out
and took bites out of Jade in Kaiki in a apparent instance.
"Shit!" Kaiki growled as she landed holding her bleeding her
shoulder. Jade, in beats bunshin form, had a bleeding leg.
"Watch out!" The battle momentarily stopped as a projectile
ripped through a building or two.
"Dammit," Naruto stated as he pushed some vines and bricks off him.
His arm and body had a long slash marks.
"Having fun," Rosa asked casually.
"Burn," Naruto held up his left arm and let loose a stream of fire. The lotus petal shielded Rosa from the attack. When the smoke clear, Naruto was gone.
'I see now,' Kakashi thought as he started to a series of seals.
"That was interesting," Rosa stated as she turned back to her
"Raiton! Byakurai no jutsu!" The lotus petals enclosed Rosa as
white lightning came raining down.
"Destroy the stem!"
"Again? It's has hard as iron!" Rosa stated. She could still see through the petals.
"You didn't play attention when Naruto attacked you?"
"Piercing fang!" Rosa looked down to see the shell of the stem had been burned through and Kaiki was coming at it.
'There's delays in opening the petals so by forcing her to close it. Kaiki should have enough time to strike,' Kakashi thought as he prepared when Rosa came down.
"Mokuton! Jukai Koutan!" Kaiki was trapped as branches wrapped around her and shielded the stem in it's thick, wrapping branches.
"Let me go!" Kaiki yelled.
"Actually, I did see what that brat did," Rosa smirked as the petals opened. She moved her arm so it's pointed back her. A seed in hand.
"Entangle," Plants grew around Rosa's arm and grabbed Kakashi in midair with his Chidori ready to strike. Kakashi saw the vines break the skin then he suddenly felt himself getting weak.
"Vampire seed,"


"What the hell?" Sakura yelled as Ryo's chakra started spiking. Suddenly Sakura found it very hard to breath. The air was thick and heavy. Sakura looked at her companion. He didn't seem to have the same problem.
"Ready yet?" Naruto asked. Ryo suddenly lifted the massive blade with one arm, "Oh shit,"
"Dragon rage!" Ryo focused his chakra into the blade as he slammed it into the ground. The ground ripped apart as the earth shook. Naruto charged seeing an opening with Ryo's right arm injured and there was no way he could pull the massive blade up in time. Naruto jumped and twisted in the air as he struck Ryo in top of his head with a axe kick with no effect.
"That the best you got?" Ryo stated. Naruto saw the blade expel chakra that rushed at him in mid-air. Naruto was knocked into the air. When he reached as high as he could go and started to fall he saw the chakra was rushing after him spinning like tornado.
"Burn!" Naruto tried to counter with the dragon seal's power. The chakra spilt and moved around the stream of fire.
"Oh man," Naruto was struck hard and was went flying through the village to where we already read about. Sakura was by herself for the time being. Sakura enforced her lungs to breathe the chakra heavy air.
'That attack activated when Naruto struck so I'm guess it's a counterattack,' Sakura thought as she took her fighting stance, 'Why is it I feel like running scared every second?' Ryo looked at the medic.
"Weak prey," Ryo stated as Sakura noticed the chakra aura around growing bigger and more intense.
'That chakra from his sword will counterattack so I need to make my hits counts,' Sakura ran at Ryo with no interference.
"Ah!" Sakura aimed for his arm and easily struck. She was suspended for a moment as she noticed the little or no effect it on Ryo. Sakura was hit in her back with the chakra. Sakura was thrown even farther if she wasn't stopped by a dragon's claw.
"Dammit. I still to get stronger," Naruto commented as he walked into the battlefield with Reikiri drawn. His eyes and presence had changed dramatically, "I want to win without using this,"
"You're finally in top gear then? Good, because I'm ready now," Ryo lifted his blade off the ground and onto his shoulder. Naruto finally noticed Ryo's arm was healing.
"Berserk dragon," Ryo growled.
"Shit. He has the Earth Dragon seal,"


I know most of you hate the long wait for this. What can I say? School and work got in the way. Being 18 and responsible sucks, while it does have good points which I won't mention. This is the like the fifth draft of this story. I hope you all like it.


Battoujutsu-A sword technique where the user will drew the katana from the sheath and strike with three or four times the speed of a normal strike. The Burning Battoujutsu is simply the same expect the blade is on fire with power form the Dragon seal.

Dragon Seal-It's undergone an upgrade. Naruto is able to use the seal on command without blood and has more abilities like fireballs, blasts, blade and etc. Truthfully, I got this idea from reading Flame of Recca. The power but not the dragon seal. The Dragon Seal is similar to FOR by accident.

Burn-A stream of fire


Blaze-Blade of fire

Dragon Rage-A defence technique where the user will summon a dragon spirit which will absorb all damage to the user than return all attack with twice the force to the user, Difficult to use and maintain. Requires a Dragon Contract.