I love the concept and this whole plot, it is a lot darker than usual and a lot more exciting than usual JAYMAN stuff, I hope you enjoy

(First chapter is short, the rest will be longer)

Disclaimer: I don't own the Teen Titans or anything else in this story


"We have to make a move soon," Guardian told Robin as they stood in the Titans newly made War Room, which had been built in the basement. The large room had several computers, hologram maps and battle plans posted everywhere. Most of the plans Guardian and Robin developed were pretty much fantasy, assassinations, murders, kidnappings the Titans would never do. For two reasons, there conscious and the fact not all the Titans would agree to it.

"I wish we could, but every time we hit Jim or Hartwell they just bounce back and we are back to where we were six months ago. Nothing is changing at all and I am so frustrated," Robin said as he stood back and took a deep sigh.

"We could hit another drug deal tonight," Guardian pointed out.

"We will hit it, but we wont do much, Hartwell will just bring in five shipments next week and we will probably only get two of them," Robin said tiredly.

"So why do we even bother," Guardian said his thought out loud.

"Honestly, I don't know anymore, because we think we are making a better world and what we are doing is making Jump City into a living hell most people can live with," Robin said.

"God I wish we could just blast Hartwell and Jim to kingdom come," Guardian said again showing his frustration.

"You seem to be spending a lot of time down here," Robin said casually, changing the subject.

"So what?" Guardian answered sharply, a bit harsher than he intended.

"Your wife, that's what," Robin shot back, a little upset by his snapping.

"She doesn't have a problem with my work, besides Darkness never says anything about it," Guardian said a little defensively.

"Maybe she would if you would answer her first question," Robin said.

"I can't take her to Maryam, alright, stop this, I really don't want to talk about my marriage with you," Guardian snapped with the harshness he intended.

"Alright, but I want you to think about her a bit more than you are right now, she is technically the baby's mother," he added before leaving the room.

"I can't take her to my aunt or uncle, not now," Guardian thought to himself as he went to the computer to continue some more endless hours of research.


"Kruger!" the lieutenant growled as he entered the office.

"Yeah boss?" the detective fresh from the academy answered.

"We have a very big incident in the Sea Front, a lot of reporters and a lot of publicity, can you handle it?" the lieutenant asked.

"Yeah, no problem," Detective Kruger answered as he jumped up to grab his cap and badge.

"I would have you work with a more experienced detective, but we are really tied down with the recent gang wars, so I am trusting you not to fail the mayor on this," the lieutenant carefully worded his advice and warning.

"I will do what I was trained to do," Kruger answered. "Tied down washing Hartwell's hands, he is scared that I will actually do an honest investigation. More experienced detective, more like a bribed cop," Kruger thought bitterly. The force had really saddened him, it was very corrupt and being one of the few good cops and being fresh from the academy he rarely got a big investigation. The lieutenant was taking a gamble by putting him on the case.

"Robbery? Homicide? Rape? Abuse?" Kruger asked before he left.

"A little bit of everything, just get there quickly before the Titans come in," the lieutenant ordered.

As Kruger left the building and entered the car, listening to the coordinates from his transmitter he thought, "What the hell did that mean? A little bit of everything? Before the Titans come? This has to be big," Kruger thought with excitement.


Kruger arrived to the ice house and instantly his face paled. This was the home of Mistress Freeze, a Titans Reserve, and former member of the HIVE. He saw an ambulance, the FBI, cops, and even a firefighter van. "Wow, I am in charge of a large investigation," he thought.

Kruger entered the house and saw one of the cops covering his mouth with a cloth. "I am detective Kruger and I am in charge of the investigation, what happened?" he asked the bewildered cop.

"She's just a kid, only a little older than my daughter, who would do that?" was all the cop said as he walked out of the freezing house.

Kruger moved on, past more bewildered or stone faced investigators, not bothering him, Kruger made his way to the bedroom and was stunned by what he saw.


"How was your mom?" Nightfire asked Darkness.

"She's fine, her pregnancy is going well," Darkness said about her pregnant mother, Raven.

"Your brothers doing well?" Fireteen asked about her family.

"Yeah, they are fine, everything is good up there, thank God they finally dealt with Brother Blood for good," Darkness added.

Suddenly a red alarm began blaring. All the Titans, including the two boys downstairs were surprised. The alarm could only be turned on by the police asking for help, the Jump City Police Department had yet to contact the Titans for anything. Guardian and Robin made there way upstairs while Nightfire read the message, her face paling.

"What is it?" Fireteen asked.

"Freeze, her house, the police say we are needed there, something very bad has happened," Nightfire answered.

"What happened?" Robin asked as the other Titans exchanged worried looks.

"It just said something terrible has happened and the Titans are needed," Nightfire said as she began going to the door.

"Let's get going," Guardian said as he led all the Titans out the door.


The Titans landed and immediately they saw the heavy police presence and also reporters. The police line said only Robin could go in; there wasn't enough space for all the Titans.

The Titans, although angered, didn't make a scene, they were still kids and were shell shocked, not knowing what to expect. Robin followed the cop inside. Guardian gave him a signal that said if help was needed Robin should alert them with his communicator. Guardian nodded.

"It could be a trap," was all Guardian said to the other Titans as they just nodded without thought, just waiting to find out what happened.

"Please wait in the living room, Detective Kruger will explain what happened to you," the cop said sympathetically, pointing to the frozen living room. Mistress Freeze had spent a lot of time using her ice powers to make the place perfect.

Robin recognized Kruger as one of the detectives on the Titans good cop list so he was a little comforted by that.

Robin entered the room and waited patiently for only a few minutes, Kruger walked in with a solemn look.

"Robin, my name is Detective Kruger and I am in charge of the investigation, please sit down," he said indicating the chair behind Robin.

"Please just tell me what happened," Robin said, not sitting.

"First sit down, the news is really bad," Kruger said again indicating the chair.

Robin reluctantly complied as he sat down on the chair feeling bad at what he was hearing.

Kruger sighed, "Your teammate, she has been murdered, very cruelly," he added, saying it flat out, the Titans had to know the truth.

"How was she killed?" Robin croaked, barely able to keep his emotions at bay from the news one of their own was now dead.

"Apparently, someone got in her apartment, put these bands on her, which removed her power and then proceeded to assault and torture her," Kruger said.

"Was she raped?" Robin asked.

Kruger just nodded, "Her throat was slit and we found her in the bedroom tied up, naked.

Robin looked down in and hissed a little, the news stung, a New Tee Titan had been murdered, in the worst way possible.

"I am so sorry, I can only imagine what must be going through your head, or how hard it will be for you to break it to your team," Kruger said, but Robin didn't hear him.



All the ex-Titans, all the Titans, and all the reserves were present at her funeral. Avengement had actually cried and swore vengeance, he had been dating Freeze. Raven hadn't spoken much in the two days, Beast Boy hadn't even crack a joke. Cyborg and Batman had busily been meeting each other while Starfire flew straight to the Tower to comfort the mourning Teens.

The original Robin's funeral had been grander, more heroes, a police escort, a statue, the mayor giving a speech, an American flag, a Titans flag, and even a Jump City flag.

Freeze had only the select few guests and her coffin was draped in only the Titans team flag. There was no podium for speeches; anyone who gave a speech spoke it next to the priest. The speeches were very brief and simple, she had been a hero in the end, didn't deserve to die so young, changed to the right side. Most of the Titans didn't make it through the ceremony without breaking down into tears, Raven and Starfire also broke down; Raven because she felt a connection to this girl.

After the funeral the investigation began immediately. Robin was looking through the evidence, pieced together the facts to find out when the crime occurred and read police files on patrols in the area.

Nightfire, Fireteen, and Darkness were busy spying on Hartwell, while Guardian lead the rest of the Titans on spying on Jim. Kili was in charge of searching for Iqbal to see if maybe he had something to do with it.

After several days of fruitless searches the Titans just waited in the Tower for Robin to tell them who were the prime suspects, he had promised to make a list on who possible ordered the hit and which boss would have been hired.


Darkness knocked on the door quietly; a very tired Guardian opened the door and let her in.

"How are you?" she asked him quietly, "Stupid question, stupid question," she said to herself.

"Oh, great, the person I recruited to the Titans has been raped and murdered and we have no idea who killed her, keeping in mind one of the killers maybe my relative," he added. He was of course referring to Iqbal who hadn't showed up since his plot to take Jump City and marry Darkness failed.

"Don't be so bitter, it wasn't your fault, relax. You are working yourself to death, everyone can see that and it is tearing the team apart," she said.

"I don't care, I have to investigate, there is always work," Guardian said as he moved to his computer.

"Is that your life now? This work, Robin is investigating and should have the information any minute, yet you still find something to look at. You should at least try to comfort your friends, or maybe your wife," she said bitterly as she left the room.

Guardian jumped up and grabbed her arm, she glared at him. "Let me go," she ordered.

"Oh stop right there, do I have to spell it out for you or should I whisper in your ear. Don't you see the chemistry between us could destroy this place, we really have something," he said to her soothingly as he gave her a small kiss.


All the Titans were assembled, Robin entered the room and said, "I have the investigation list for everyone," he said.

"Who are the suspects?" Kili quickly said.

"So far, Hartwell, Iqbal, and Jim, but I have found out a Titan is involved," Robin also said.

All the Titans looked at Robin in shock, "What? Who?" Avengement demanded, glaring at his teammates in distrust.

"I don't know, the Titan didn't participate in the murder but he or she gave them the password to enter the house, so there is an enemy among us," Robin said.

"How do we find the mole, especially with the tactics we employ?" Guardian asked, he knew the Titans typical way would get them no where.

"I am still developing new plans, but rest assured justice will be done, and of course watch your teammates well for the spy, the traitor," Robin said before leaving the room. Guardian and Avengement followed, the other Titans just mingled amongst themselves, discussing what could be done.


"Your right, the tactics we use don't help us and we need to bring down those crime lords quickly, I can't stand another teammate getting murdered so we will have to make some radical decisions," Robin said to his teammates.

"How do we do that? We not only have a traitor, but we also have the issue that not all the Titans are willing to kill," Avengement said.

"This is where Cyborg and Batman come in," Robin said.

"What do they have to do with this?" Guardian asked.

"Cyborg has a new machine, that can help us quite a bit and allow us to do what you and I used to dream about Guardian," Robin said as the main screen showed the two ex-Titans.

Cyborg's voice came, "We have discussed how to help you guys and how to insure a tragedy like this doesn't happen again. So I have a invention which will allow the Titans to implement the so called "fantasy" plans without worrying about their conscious or about the morals of the action," Cyborg's voice explained.

"How will you do that?" Guardian asked intrigued.

Cliffhanger! Next chapter will be soon, the ideas are flying, and I am very happy that I wrote this chapter in a day. It will only get better, I promise, so to keep it going: