Disclaimer: Oh how I wish I was J.K.Rowling, and owned all the Harry Potter characters so I could write and publish whatever I wanted to about them…. But I don't. SO GET USED TO IT!

A/N: A bit of pointless LilyJames fluff. I was thinking of writing a RonHermione or HarryGinny Christmas fic like this one, but the mistletoe thing (you'll see) was more like James than Ron or Harry, so I changed it to the Marauders time instead of the Trio's. Anyway, you're probably sick of me babbling, so without further ado… enjoy!

"What are you wearing, pothead?" asked Lily, looking at James across the table, an expression of distaste on her face. He was wearing a woollen jumper of bright green – not very flattering.

James rolled his eyes. "M'dear old Mum's knitting. Why, Don't you like it, Evans? Want me to take it off?" he waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"Ugh." Lily went back to her breakfast to hide a small smile. He really never stopped trying. Since the beginning of their seventh year, Lily had found it hard to conceal how much she had started liking James… and not just as a friend, either.

James and Sirius were now having a muttered discussion, and kept glancing in her direction. She thought she caught the phrases "…girl's don't like…" and "…doesn't think ruffling your hair…". Peter was shovelling down platefuls of food, oblivious to anything going on around him, and Remus was sighing with his head in his hands and mouthing "Idiots."

Laughing at the four boys reactions, she finished her breakfast and left the Great Hall. Lily missed her friends, who had all gone home for Christmas. Lily would have gone home too, but she didn't want to face her sister, Petunia, again, who became more and more unbearable with each time Lily saw her.

"Merry Christmas, Severus!" she called out to Severus Snape, who was making his way to the Great Hall. Severus made a face at her and did not respond, but continued walking.

"Arse" she muttered, making her way to the library. The best part about going to the library during the holidays was that she was the only one, minus Remus, of the few remaining students who ever went there.

Lily read for hours, until dinner. She crammed as many books as she could carry into her bags so she could read in the common room - the library closed at six thirty during the holidays.

The first thing she noticed as she entered the Hall was that James had taken off his new jumper. He glanced quickly at Lily to see if she had a comment on his attire, and then continued his discussion with Peter.

There was a lot for dinner, as usual on Christmas Day. Turkey, Ham, Pudding as well as lots more stuffed Lily's stomach. She looked round at the four boys opposite her and realised that, most unusually, they were being fairly quiet and murmuring to each other in low voices.

Curious, Lily leant back in her chair and listened to the marauders' (or so they called themselves) conversation.

"…Snivellus won't expect it in a million years! We gotta take the chance, Moony. Please?" Sirius pleaded.

"Oh, alright. But don't blame it on me if we get caught."

"Excellent!" said James.

"So, if all goes well, then…" Peter started.

"Snape gets humiliated." Sirius butted in.

"And if we're lucky we take down some his friends with him!" exclaimed James.

"Er, what friends, James?" asked Remus.

"Good point." Said James.

The three other boys started laughing. Lily let out a reluctant giggle at James' words. They turned around to look at her.

"Lily? Were you eavesdropping on us?" said Peter in awe. The other three were gaping too; amazed that Lily would ever do anything un-prefectish.

James looked confused for a moment, and then extremely happy about something.

"Uhhh, C'mon guys, let's put some more work into the map." James said, although Lily could tell there was another reason he wanted to see the boys without her there.

"What map?" enquired Lily.

"Oh… nothing." Said James and Sirius together.

"Bye, Lily." Added Remus.

Lily had the common room to herself that evening. She, James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, a couple of first years and a third year were the only Gryffindors that had stayed throughout the break. This meant that she had plenty of room to practise her spellwork, and plenty of comfortable armchairs to read on.

After a time, the portrait hole opened and Lily looked up from her book to see who it was. Sure enough, the boys were back. They were slowly tiptoeing up to their dormitory, until;

"Where were you guys? It's twelve thirty!"

The boys jumped. They hadn't seen Lily.

"Oh, um…" Peter started

"If we told you, you wouldn't believe us." Stated Sirius simply, pocketing a blank piece of parchment.

"Try me."

"You'd tell us off." said James. Sirius issued a cough which sounded and awful lot like 'prefect'.

"Remus is a prefect" (she coughed on the word 'prefect', just as Sirius had done) "too, and he didn't tell you off!" said Lily.

"Yeah well, technically, we weren't doing anything wrong." Remus commented.

"Apart from being out late." pointed out Lily, frowning, her hands on her hips.

"Oh, come on, Evans! Have a heart! It's Christmas!" exclaimed James.

"Fine, I'll have a heart if you help me put all these books away." She told them, indicating the dozens of books littered around her.

"And if the answer is no…?"

"I'll tell Professor McGonagall you four were out until twelve thirty."

"Harsh." Sirius looked thoughtful for a moment.

"OK." Said James.

Sirius began walking up the staircase followed by Remus and Peter.

"Hey! Just where do you think you're going!"

"Up to bed, not against the law, is it?" said Peter.

"But you said you'd help me with these books!"

"No, we said James would help you with the books." Remus explained.

"But- But I was talking to all of you!" she panicked. Lily didn't want to be left alone with… JAMES! Sure, she fancied him, but she wanted to work out how to tell him that in her own time, not his!

"Sorry, we thought you were talking to him. See you up there, Prongs." Sirius added, and winked at James.

"Prongs?" she snickered.

James bent down and started picking up her books. Lily, resigned to the worst, bent down to help him.

"Why were you reading this?" asked James. He was holding up an Arithmancy text book.

"I take Arithmancy, Pothead." She retorted quickly.

"No, I mean, why were you reading a school book on the holidays?"

Lily laughed. James looked funny. "I love it when you laugh." He told her.

It shocked Lily so much that James would say something as serious and affectionate as this that she was unable to say anything for a second, and dropped the books she was holding.

James picked them up almost as quickly as she had dropped them. He placed them in one of her may book bags.

"Well, thanks." Said Lily awkwardly, when they had finished.

"You are very welcome." James told her. They both stood up. Then James pointed at the ceiling.


"Where?" said Lily, very alarmed, yet strangely excited. Her heart was hammering very fast. Then it slowed. She could not see any mistletoe.

"Here." James took some mistletoe out of his pocket and positioned it above their heads.

Lily had no more than a heartbeat of warning, and the next thing she new, James had placed his lips upon hers. Fireworks set off and roses bloomed behind her eyes. It was amazing, it was magical, and it was wonderful.

It was scary, but in a good way, to find out how much she enjoyed being kissed by James. She realised now that James was the one, that he had been the one for a very long time. James placed the arm which was not holding the mistletoe around her and she felt a tingling inside. She put her arms around him too.

Lily could have stood there in bliss for all of eternity, but too soon, though it must have been a fair few minutes later, James broke apart from her, smiling slightly.

"Merry Christmas, Lily."

"Merry Christmas, James."

A/N: I might add another chapter in James' POV after the kiss, or maybe just what happens afterwards to both of them… I dunno. I'm going to be pretty bored for a while because my summer holidays started today, so I'll probably write some more chapters. Also, I'd just like to add that I missed out lunch ON PURPOSE, I just couldn't be bothered to write it in.