Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy 7, nor will I ever. T.T Though I do admit to wanting to...

"Hey, Vincent?"

Vincent Valentine tore his eyes from the novel he had been reading, to find himself face to face with his friend and ex- comrade, Yuffie Kisaragi.

He Grumbled somthing that she took for a 'what', as his memories of the past two days rushed back into place in his mind. It was the fifth anniversary of their dear departed friend Aerith's death, the day which the rest of the team decided to annually break into Vincent's mansion, visit, and party for a week. Not that he truely minded, since he had very little human contact otherwise, and the occasional noise was better than the eternal scilence that he would otherwise condemn himself to.

"I want your opinion on somthing, because I like this guy, who's really gothy like you, and I've liked him for a very long time, and I don't know what to do about it, so can you help me with it?" Said the hyper active teenager. No, wait... She was 21 now, wasn't she? Vincent mentally scoled himself for still thinking her a child- she had matured greatly in the past 5 years, both physically AND mentally, besides the sentence that she had just spoken.

"Well, it depends. What do you want to know?" He asked, setting his book on his lap then, knowing that there was a conversation to be had... though the book was still SO tempting...

"Umm... Well... What would be the best way for me to get him to fall in love with me?"

Vincent sighed and looked down to the book in his lap longingly. He always hated to give love advice, and yet... Well... Why WAS she always coming to him, asking him for it anyway?

"You can't just MAKE someone fall in love with you, Yuffie. Love takes time to culture itself in people, and if it's rushed, has disaterous results. You wouldn't want that, would you?" Interesting... Despite hating giving it, it seemed that he was pretty good at it...

"True, but," She thought for a moment, "He just doesn't seem to want to get over his ex, and live in the present..."

Vincent thought the information over for a minute. It would be total hypocrisy if he comforted this poor girl, and told her that what this man was doing was wrong. Not to mention, a little bit strange. However, it would be completely against his morals not to say somthing in words of comfort.

"Maybe... He just needs somthing to snap his out of it..." He said slowly and precisely, as if unsure if it was what he wanted to say.

"But what if he's cold to me? I don't want to ruin what I have with him now... He's such a good person once you penetrate his shells, and he doesn't even realise it... But he can still hurt people..." Vincent's eyes went soft for the girl now, her eyes were full of tears.

"Yuffie, I don't think any man would turn down a beatiful, live, warm person like you. Especially to a cold bitch of an ex that either left him, or he left. I'm postive all you have to do is wake this wallflower up." He finished. Yuffie's eyes were bright and happy again, and she began smiling.

"So... you really think so?" She said, her smile turning to a mischeivious Yuffie grin. Vincent inwardly smiled, glad she was back to being herself again... As an additive, though, he was happy that this was almost over. He so dreaded advice giving... Which reminded him...

"I know so. But, Yuffie, I have a question now for you. Why didn't you ask Tifa, or Elmyra? Surely another female would have helped a bit more sufficiantly...?"

She just continued smiling, as she walked towards the door, and somthing in Vincents mind just... clicked.

"Because, Vincent... Just because..."

Yah... I wrote this about a year ago, but... Ehehehe... I lost it. But, I found it again, so... I REIGN SUPREME! MUAHAHAHA!

Vixenia- -.- Get on with it...


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