Chapter 15: The new hater of Christmas.

It was night now, after the party. The last ones to leave were the Takamines. Kiyo left after his parents, leaving Zatch the last of the Takamine family to leave. Zatch to look at Brago. He had kisses all over his face from the earlier event in the last chapter.

"Girls rock!" Zatch spoke a little too happy with a lovey dovey Ga-Ga look on his face full of lipstick kisses. The blond continued to chuckled a bit until he closed the front door.

"Oooooooookkkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy." Brago responded a bit freaked out, but then he fell face flat on the ground and went to sleep, because he hasn't slept all night last night nor during the whole day.


Sherry had already carried Brago on her back off to his bed and tucked him in.

Then after that, she chat with her childhood friend, Koko, who was the last guest still there in their home, plus she was back to normal. But as they had their chat, Sherry noticed that something was missing.

"Hey, Koko? Where's Brago's sled? You know, the one he rode last night." the blond asked the fudge head.

"Well, during the party, I noticed two guys hiding in the shadows were sneaking around, trying to get to the sled. I only turned my back for a quick minute, but then as I looked back, the sled was gone and the two guys were gone." Koko answered.

Sherry nodded and thought for a moment. 'Who could've took the super sled without being spotted?' she thought. But her thoughts were interrupted by Brago's muttering in his sleep.

"No. Get that crap away from me." he hissed form under his breath. It was something that happened to him back in the party. Something... funny.


Brago was still carving the roast beast, until Dr. Riddles showed up.

"Oh, Brago. You haven't tried my pudding back at the Humanbolation." the weirdo doctor spoke as he held up a spoon full of strange turquoise substance. "Oh, by the way, this is not pudding." the weirdo doctor chuckled as he placed the substance into Brago's mouth

Brago's eyes widen by the disgusting sour taste. He spat the substance out of his mouth and onto Dr. Riddles' face and shouted "What is it?"

End Flashback.

Brago was having a nightmare of Dr. Riddles chasing him all over the entire world just to get the dark mamodo eat all of his fowl food that isn't pudding at all. But then...




The phone next to his bed woke him up by the loud ranging noise it makes. Brago was panting as Sherry and Koko ran up to the phone. Both girls fought over for bit to see who answers it, but Sherry won in the end. Brago got out of bed and was now by his wife's side.

Sherry put the phone to her ear and answered "Hello?"

Then the view turns into split screen with Brago, Sherry, and Koko in the bottom left corner and in the top right corner, was a child wrapped in a pitch-black cloak with a pitch-black hood over his head and face, but if you look real closely into the darkness of the hood, you can see two dark purple eyes shining through the darkness.

"Hello. I represent the supervisor of Refrigerators Incorporated, and I was just wonder, is your refrigerator running?" the mysterious child asked through the phone he was using.

"Is our refrigerator running?" Sherry repeated the child's question. Plus, Brago and Koko can also hear what the child was saying on the phone


Koko went to check the refrigerator. She ran back to tell Brago and Sherry that it was working fine.

"I suppose so, I guess. Yeah, sure. Yes." Sherry answered with a small smile.

"WELL, THEN YOU BETTER GO CATCH IT!" shouted the mysterious child, but instead shouting into the telephone, he shouted at Brago, Sherry, and Koko from over the split screen instead. The child slammed the phone onto the receiver, disconnecting his crank call and the scene turned back to normal all the way towards the child's point of view, and laughed raucously.

"Ah, that is a good one. That is rich." the mysterious child spoke after he calmed down from laughing. He lowered his hood to reveal his face. But his happy intentions were interrupted by a loud CRASH noise coming from another area of his 'lair'.

"I thought I told you to not play around with that thing!" the child snapped at a guys older then he was.

"It wasn't my fault. A scorpion came out from nowhere." the other guy responded as he fell out of a busted vehicle which appears to be Brago's same super sled that was stolen at the party. A black scorpion with its claws and stinger cut off crawled out from under the busted super sled. But the mysterious child caught it with his bare hands and brought it up to his face.

"I really hate Christmas. Mmm-Hmm. Yes I do." the child spoke quickly and then bit the scorpion's head off and started chewing on it. "Come on, it's gonna take the rest of the next year to fix this thing and modify it." the child told the other guy as he swallowed the piece of scorpion he bit off.

"Once this thing is complete. I'll make sure that everyone never comes to Christmas. Ha, ha, ha. HA... ha, ha."


"And... CUT! Okay everyone, that's the rapt. Great job to all of you." the director of this story, which is ME, is congratulating everyone who was in this story.

"I'm never being in anymore of your stories ever again." Brago snapped at me.

"I can't help it, Brago. You're in a lot of my other stories, so you have no choice." I responded with a smile and an angel halo above my head and angel wings on my back.

"Whatever. And give me my chocolate!" he snapped again.

"Fine, here." I responded with an annoyed sigh as I gave the dark mamodo his chocolate, plus there was a note on it.

Brago picked up the note and read it. It says:

"I don't think you shouldn't have shot Santa down. He's gonna send you the damage bil, and you're goona pay for it whether you like it or not.

Signed, Rahkshi."

Then a lump of coal slipped out of the note. Brago turned his attention at me, with his neck cracking in process.


"Okay, I got to go, but I have good news and bad news. Good N.: I'm gonna make a sequel. Bad N.: It won't show up until November this year. BYE!" I spoke as fast as I can, then I took off running as fast as I can, with Brago chasing me.

"RAHKSHI! I'm gonna kill you! I'm gonna strangle you! I'll bury you, then I'll dig you up and clone you, and then I'll kill all of your clones!" Brago screamed as he chased me like a cat chasing a mouse literally across the entire Earth.

And when I said literally, I mean literally. That means while I'm typing this right now while I'm running for my life across every country on Earth. FOR REAL!

"Should we help Rahkshi out?" Kiyo asked everyone.

"Yes, we should. I mean, I like a lot of his stories as much as the next author, and I don't want to see him get killed by Brago, or else we wouldn't find out how his stories end." Sherry answered Kiyo's question.

"I agree, his stories are funny." Zatch joined in.

"If my hikari is killed, then I will die too. HANG ON, HIKARI, I'LL SAVE YOU!" Kaiser shouts out and starts running off after me and Brago.

"If my book owner is killed, I can't become king of the mamodo world. HANG ON, RAHKSHI, I'LL SAVE YOU TOO!" Zero shouts out too and chases after me and Brago and Kaiser.

"Wait for me, my beloved boyfriend!" Koko shouts out and runs after Zero. Everyone else has their eyes opened wide and their bottom jaws on the ground.

"Let's go get them." Kiyo called out and everyone ran after us. So Zatch, Kiyo, Sherry, Kolulu, Lori, Tia, Megumi, Ponygon, Gofure, Kanchome, and Folgore began chasing after us.

Once they all were gone, Zofis showed up from nowhere. "I hope you all enjoy this story, and if you all excuse me, I've gotta go get my book owner and get ready for the episode me and her return. Good-bye." then Zofis runs, or perhaps hovers after everyone else.

And if you look off real closely into the distance of the wide open country of the US with a telescope, you can see 17 little dots running. 2 dots (Me and Brago) up front, 14 dots (Kaiser, Zero, Koko, Zatch, Kiyo, Sherry, Kolulu, Lori, Tia, Megumi, Ponygon, Gofure, Kanchome, and Folgore) in the middle, and 1 dot (Zofis) following far behind. And I'm being chased by everyone across the whole planet in a weird yet funny old cartoon chase, that keeps going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on, with crazy music in the background.

And if you can listen really carefully to the wind, you can hear me screaming out some words and Brago screaming out some words as well like these:







I don't expect to be back on this website for the rest of tomorrow, but I hope I make it back alive to see the new Zatch Bell episode with the cocky mamodo Bari.


The End.