Yea yea.. its been like .. a half a year..? Sorry about that!

"Rin…" Rokuro started, "As you know you have five months to find a husband…" he looked around at the two bachelors, "Well in this case mate…"

Rin didn't even pay attention; she looked out her window starring out and into the sky as if this didn't even matter.

"Rin!" Rokuro shouted.

Sesshomaru snickered when Rin jumped from her seat.

How the hell did she become a princess?

"Y-Yes?" She stuttered.

"Repeat what I just said."

Rin flushed and looked around, "umm… something about something?"

Her mother, Tsukiko, held Rin's hand from under the table only to be pulled back by Rin. She sighed and looked at Sesshomaru, she suddenly felt dazed again. She starred at him for a moment, but her thoughts were cut short when she heard her father continue to talk.

"Anyways, you both have the chance to umm... 'court' her in any appropriate way," he emphasized the word appropriate. Rin looked at Naraku and smiled a bit to herself.

If worse comes to worst then I shall pick Naraku… she thought. Rin then decided to listen to the rest of the meeting which took about an hour.

-Hour Later-

Rin had to show both bachelors to their rooms for the night and months ahead. Sesshomaru's parents were leaving to return home; leaving Sesshomaru behind. Rin showed Naraku his room first.

"This is your room Naraku." She smiled and opened the door for him. It was his usual room which he stayed at when he came over to 'visit'.

He smiled and thanked her leaving into his room to settle in.

She then started to walk to Sesshomaru's room. If it was her choice she'd have him leave but it wasn't her choice, and it was her father who chose his room. She opened the door for him.

"This is your room." She pointed out. It was a nice elegant room 'fit for a king' so they say.

He nodded in thanks and practically slammed the door at her face when walking in. Rin jumped almost two feet when he did so. She huffed and grumbled.

"Ungrateful little…"

"I can hear you, you know." She heard him say from the other side of the wall.

She huffed again and stomped off. "Well hear this, dinner will be ready in a few hours and its human food like it or not." She yelled from the stairs.

Hotaru, her little sister ran over to her.

"What was that about?"

"Nothing, Hotaru." Rin smiled at her, "Come on. Lets go outside." She grabbed her little sister's hand, and walked outside and towards the river.

Hotaru smiled and ran over towards the river to see the Koi that lived happily in the waters. She walked onto the bridge and watched them swim.

"Sister! Look!" she shouted to her, and motioned her to come over. Rin blinked and ran over to her. She pointed to the newly hatched baby koi's that were just recently born.

Rin smiled at them, and looked at how small they were. "We have to have someone take them out and into a separate place if we want them to live." (Note: It was said that adult koi would eat baby koi o.o)

Hotaru nodded in response. She watched them swim and some hid under the lotus flowers and others swam in circles. Rin sighed, and thought about the two bachelors in her house.

I should just marry Naraku to get this over with …She thought. But that Sesshomaru person isn't that bad looking either.

Rin held in a giggle form thinking about that. Hotaru saw her smiling and smiled herself.

"What are you thinking about, Rin?" she asked.

Rin looked at her, "Hum? Oh, nothing." She looked out.

"Are you going to pick Naraku as a husband?" she asked.

"Yes… probably…" Rin whispered.

"Why? Shouldn't you give that Sesshomaru guy a chance?" Hotaru asked her again. "He's doesn't seem to be THAT mean. I know they say that he is evil and cold hearted, and he kills humans and demons that just randomly pass him, but he doesn't seem to be that bad."

Rin almost twitched, "Easy for you to say. That's great so now I have a physco-path in my house!"

"He can't do anything." Hotaru said, "He's also very honourable, he won't dishonour himself by killing anyone in this household."

"That's true I guess." Rin looked at her sister who seemed to be smarter than she was.

Hotaru grinned, "Besides he's not that bad looking either."

"Hotaru!" she yelled in pure shock. She had never seen her sister spoke like that before.

"What! It's true; even you have to admit it."

Rin sighed in slight defeat, "Yeah, I'll admit it a little, he isn't half bad looking. But looks don't count as everything."

Hotaru shrugged, and continued to look at the little koi's. Servants came later to take the baby ones into different lakes that were made for them.

The two sisters sat under the bridge, and talked for a while.

The dog demon prince was talking a walk in the garden. His golden eyes searched the land before him. Of course it wasn't as great as his garden but it will have to do for now. He himself enjoyed plants and flowers. They had a refreshing scent, unlike most humans.

He walked towards the flower patches that were planted near by. The crisp grass crunched under his foot as he walked. He could smell the jasmine, lavender and a hint of roses. It was as if they took all of his favorite scents and put it into one. His eyes looked at the plants and stopped for a moment.

He realized that the plants were not any of that he liked. They were tulips, and rosemary's. He looked around to see where the scent was coming from. Thinking that the jasmine, and lavender would be close by and roses would be farther away.

He only saw the two girls sitting under a tree chatting away. He had tuned them out, and ignored their conversation. As he continued to walk he realized that the smell came from not the plant but from the woman.

That woman sitting under the tree with her little sister has the refreshing scent. He raised an eye brow, and shook his head. They're just plants… It doesn't matter that much to me…

But the scent attracted him a little; he walked around but stayed close by slightly tuning in on their conversation.

"Sister, when do you think I will get married?" a childish voice asked. She seems to be in high hopes and dreaming about a man to sweep her off her feet.

"Well, a lot faster than me." She reassured. They both continued to talk until Sesshomaru heard his name jump into the conversation.

"What do you think of Sesshomaru?"

"Didn't we JUST finish that conversation?"

"Yeah, but you ignored it…" she said in a disappointing tone.

"… Well, I don't know a thing about him. He's probably just here to please his family, knowing that I will reject him, and go home like it was not a problem."

Sesshomaru grinned. She hit the nail on the head

He had just planned to stay here, knowing that she already likes Naraku. He probably won't pick him so he thought that he got the easy way out.

But he was wrong…

Although… I really want to give him a chance … She was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't even feel herself starting blush when thinking about it. She remembered how he looked when he gracefully walked into her home. He was not doubt handsome, and muscular. She thought god had sent him an angel before her father had said that HE was going to be a bachelor… She shook her head, trying to get out of La La Land and back to reality.

"Rin! Did you just blush!"

"What? No!" she acted offended.

"Yes you did! What were you thinking about!"

"Nothing! Leave me along!"


"Hotaru! Please?"


"Please, please, PLEASE!"

"I will find out, please! Just whisper it to me; I have never seen you blush!"


"What's going on?" the Dog Demon Prince took a chance to walk over there to talk to the two sisters. Since, they weren't going to be quiet he might as well shut them up himself.

Ahh… done! Hope ya like it! Review to tell me if I should continue! Thanks.
