Chapter 3

Disclaimer: I do not own xiaolin showdown.

Raimundo warily glanced around, trying to locate the source of the voice; he saw the eyes; the eyes which for the past three years had been hunting him; tracking him as though he was a dumb animal. They gleamed with a frightening malice. Raimundo instinctively raised his hands in front of his face in a fruitless attempt of self-defence.

The flickering candle flames burned more fiercely and brightly than before, but not enough to extinguish the shadows through which the golden eyes stared. Raimundo squinted, trying to distinguish the form darker even than the shadows in which it lurked. A foot stepped out of the shadows, followed by another and then the figure of Chase Young was exposed. Each step he took towards Raimundo was subtlety confident, his face impassive and his body held straight and domineering. Soon, there stood between Raimundo and Chase Young a space of only one meter. Raimundo's chest tightened and his heart froze; his mind reeled with a cold fear.

O God…why am I with him, alone? He's looking at me like he's going to have his way with me or something. I need my friends; I can't face him alone…

Raimundo realised that this was the first time he had been in the presence of Chase Young without the others. In all the times that he had fought Chase, the support of his friends had been his strength, but now that they were gone, he felt exposed, vunerable….weak. He could not let this be revealed though, so he quickly masked the cold that possessed him with a glaring, angry face; a last resource for a shield.

"There is no need for that for that Raimundo. I am not going to fight you."

Raimundo was not sure whether to believe him or not. It could be the truth, or it could just be a ploy to for him to lower his defence; it was hard to tell with a person like Chase Young.

"I'm not buying it."

"What, do you not trust me?"

Raimundo clenched his teeth in anger. Was this guy for real?

"Of course I don't trust you frikin jerk! You've captured me and my friends and you expect me to trust you!"

"I do not expect anything of you except for you to listen." Chase Young's voice remained smooth and calm.

Raimundo was slightly taken aback. What does he really want?

"Just shut up! TYPHOON BOOM, WIND!"

Using a gust of wind, Raimundo launched himself into the air and aimed a kick at Chase's head. Chase Young calmly, almost in a bored manner, grabbed Raimundo's foot just as it was about to make contact with his face and swiftly tossed him to one side. Raimundo slammed into the wall and landed in a crumpled heap to the floor.


Raimundo put a hand to his once more throbbing head and mentally scolded himself. Aw come on, he was practically right in front of me! I shouldn't have gone for a kick attack. But, he would have been able to stop me no matter what I did…

Chase Young still stood in the place where he had originally been facing Raimundo and was looking at him expectantly. Raimundo cautiously rose to his feet using the wall as a support. He did not want to get too close to Chase so he remained there, awaiting his next action. They both remained still, each regarding one another. After several minutes of silence, Chase Young spoke.

"I did not want to have to do that Raimundo."

"Then what do you want to do!" Raimundo, despite his aching head, felt his anger and confusion flare up.

"All will be revealed in due time. For now, I just want to talk. Come. We shall eat and then you must rest."

Out of nowhere, a door slid open on the east side of the room and he began to walk towards it. Raimundo, still slumped against the west wall, could not resist an arrogant comment.

"And what if I don't want to?"

Chase Young halted and without turning around said, "You will come whether you want to or not; you cannot deny your own needs."

He slowly walked out of the room. As Raimundo watched Chase exit the circular room he considered these words. He recalled the days, months and years where him and his friends would be lucky to have a decent meal. He was aware of his legs, aching with the endless fleeing. He grimaced with the memory of so many sleepless nights, haunted with the looming presence of Chase Young. He's right.

And with the realisation of that, Raimundo unwillingly followed.

I am so sorry that I haven't updated in ages and for the fact that this is so ridiculously short. My only excuse is sheer laziness. I promise that I will update this more frequently from now on (unless I have writers block). Anyway, thanks to everyone who has read this story and especially to those have reviewed. Now please, accept my forgiveness and also this smelly fish which you may use to beat me over the head with. bows down and awaits judgement