This is my first fanfiction so I'm pretty pleased that I've finally managed to post something up. I'm rating it T+ for later chapters, just to be on the safe side.

The Chosen One.

It's a pretty pathetic title but it's the best I could come up with on the spur of the moment.

Disclaimer: I do not own xiaolin showdown

Chase Young surveyed his prey. His hunt had proven successful. Chained to the wallin front of him were the fallen Xiaolin warriors. They had fled, but to no avail for once Chase Young had his target in sight, he was unstoppable. Now the time had arrived for him to make the decision that would decide the fate of the world. Which one was the one destined to rule alongside of him? Chase was perfectly aware that if he selected the incorrect dragon, the consequences would be dire.

How satisfying to have all the of the Xiaolin monks at his mercy. It gave him some amusement knowing that he had them all under his thumb. How would he choose? He decided to have a closer examination of his catch.

He came first of all to the dragon of wind. His auburn hair hung lifeless and limp on his forehead, but through the curtain of hair he caught the gleam of glaring, emerald eyes. Headstrong and arrogant, but defiant and cool. The rebellious nature of this dragon appealed to Chase Young. And he is so tall and striking. What? Chase shook that thought out of his head. Had he really just thought that?

Chase proceeded further along the wall to the dragon of earth. He looked strangely incomplete without his cowboy hat which had been lost in the struggle. His straw coloured hair always covered his eyes which could be an advantage in battle; Chase believed that a person's eyes were a glimpse of their emotions. The dragon's composure was calm and almost accepting. Of defeat perhaps? This dragon was slightly confusing to Chase as his emotions remained neutral.

After that he came face to face with the dragon of fire. Her shining black hair hung loose and her sky blue eyes blazed with a fury that made the corners of Chase Young's lips twitch upwards to the slightest degree. Her emotions were easy to read as they burned from her like the fire she contained. Her delicate frame was tense with anger. She is so desirable …Chase felt angry with himself for even thinking like that. What is wrong with me?

Finally he came to thedragon of water. He had sparked Chase's curiosity from the moment of their first encounter. As Chase gazed at him, his head hung limp almost touching his chest, but his eyes held a look of grim determination. Chase resisted the urge to smirk triumphantly at the little warrior; that would mean sinking to the level of Jack Spicer. He did feel a sort of admiration for the little one for what he lacked in size he made up for in his skill in battle.

Chase stepped back once more away from the wall. Which one was it? He required some time to reflect upon the situation. He turned his back to the Xiaolin dragons and ascended the stairs of the dungeon. After he had stepped into the main palace ground, a stone slab slid across the entrance to the dungeon and prevented any escape from within. Not that this was necessary for (as Chase Young noted with some satisfaction) the spirits of the dragons had been broken. Their loss of spirit would also serve as their prison.

Chase sat in the lotus position floating 5 feet above the floor of his throne room in the midst of meditation. He was not yet sure of how he would decide, but he knew that the time of the final choice was looming near…

Wuya silently walked into the room and observed Chase in his state of meditation. Such concentration, such power…Wuya's thick lips played into a small smile of admiration, but then it faltered. She was mildly concerned about the choice that Chase was going to have to make. Does he know what he is doing?

"What do you want Wuya?"

So he did know that she was there.

"I am curious."

"Of what?"

"Whether you know what you are doing." Wuya could have hit herself in the realisation of the foolishness of her words. Chase Young's eyes flared open and the anger that erupted from his golden irises was almost overwhelming.

"You mean to say that you doubt me?" he asked in dangerously icy tones.

"N-no," she stammered. "It's just you have not yet revealed to me your next course of action and I…" her voice trailed away under his cold, accusing stare.

"Just because you have my permission to remain within my home, it does not mean that you are entitled to the knowledge of my plans. However, I will tell you how I will decide. I will have a trial of three days for each Xiaolin warrior. My decision will be made after the completion of all the trials."

"Are you sure that is enough time?"

"It will suffice." He replied. It will have to, as that is all the time that I have.

"Now go. I wish to be alone for a while."

Wuya silently obeyed and headed to her resting quarters. However, even once under the fresh silk sheets of her bed, she could not dismiss the feeling of unease that burdened her. She had revealed this to no one but she had the ability to sense the emotions of others.

She was troubled because in the midst of recent events, Wuya had sensed a demure, but detectible change within Chase Young. For the first time since she had met him, she could perceive uncertainty. It was small, but like all things when given the opportunity, it could grow. Uncertainty was the worse emotion that anyone could succumb to, especially one such as Chase Young. Wuya was also aware of another emotion, hidden deep within the fronds of his mind that was arousing. Wuya could not yet distinguish what this emotion was, and this is what disturbed her the most. She could not stand being unaware of what was happening to Chase.

She tossed and turned in an uneasy sleep, unable to calm her raging mind. She was irritated with her restlessness, but a disturbingprospect gnawed at her thoughts. Is it possible that Chase Young is becoming…human?

Please review. I refuse to write another chapter until I have at least 5 reviews. I'll even accept flames!

p.s. Who do you think my muse should be?

Omi, Chase or Jack.