A.N.: Hiya pplz...I've had this idea for a while but never put it on paper...here goes...

Disclaimer: I don't own it...yet...


"Uncle...we are here to buy food. Nothing else," Zuko said, clearly irritated.

"As I've said before, the great thing about shopping is not finding what you are looking for, but finding stuff you didn't know you needed," Uncle Iro replied.

(A.N.: He said something along those lines before, but it's not the same as what he said...I think...:Shrugs: oh well..)

Zuko turned and stormed away, and in the process he knocked down someone without even noticing.

Uncle Iro bent down to help her up, "I'm sorry, my nephew is sometimes..."

"Rude? Emotional? Rash?" a teen girl with brown hair down to her waist and startling blue eyes finished for him.

"I was going to say impolite, but yours work too," Uncle Iro replied trying to make the girl smile.

A small smile spread across her face and she said, "My name is Keely. What's yours?"

"General Iro," Uncle Iro replied.

"Nice to meet you General, but I'm going to call you Iro," Keely said.

"I would prefer it if you called me Uncle Iro," he specified.

"Alright...oh and what was that rude guy's name?" Keely asked.

"Prince Zuko," Uncle Iro replied.

"Oh he's a price?" Keely thought for a moment, "He's the one who was banished from the Fire Nation, isn't he?"

"Don't talk so casually about something you don't understand," Zuko said, walking up to them.

"Would you care to explain it then?" Keely asked as she turned around to face Zuko.

"No," Zuko replied coldly.

"He lost his honor," Uncle Iro said from behind her.

"Uncle!" Zuko exclaimed angrily.

"Honor has to be earned, and once it is it cannot truly be taken away," Keely looked up and shook her head at Zuko, "And if you believe it was, you'd never had it to begin with."

"And here I thought you were trying to reassure me," Zuko bit out.

Keely smiled, "The question is...do you have it now?"

Zuko's eyes widened, and he thought 'I've never thought of it like that.' , but said, "What do you know about honor?"

She looked him over, "More than you think," then she turned on her heel, "See you later Zuko, Uncle Iro."

Zuko watched the girl with interest as she walked away, and then his eyes widened in shock as darkness surrounded her and she disappeared.

"What? Where'd she go?" Zuko asked.

Uncle Iro had a look of amazement on his face, but didn't say anything.

"What is she?" Zuko finally asked.

"A real, live...," Uncle hesitated before finishing,"...Shadow Bender."

A.N. Sorry it's short...but it's just the prologue...REVIEW! I would like 10 reviews before I update...but with my luck it probably won't happen.