A/N: I just posted chapters 2 and 3. I don't think I've ever posted this many chapters for a story in this short amount of time but the plot bunnies just keep bombarding me and forcing me to write. I have to do what they tell me or they'll eat my brain for their next meal. I rather like my brain and I rather like this story so I think I'll keep writing.

Disclaimer: Yet again, I do not own Harry Potter (unfortunately; I think I'd fit right in with the Weasley Twins). So, please, don't sue me.

Summary: Hermione owls Ron, Harry, Lavender, Ginny, and Neville while Draco owls Blaise to invite them to stay. They arrive at Malfoy Manor a few hours later and she breaks the news to them, including telling them the reason why she was hidden. Between sending the owls and their guests arriving, Hermione gets fitted for her ball gown and has a heart to heart with Draco.

Chapter 4: Breaking the News

Hermione went to her room and sat at her desk. Pulling out some clean parchment, her red and gold quill (you can't completely take a girl out of Gryffindor), and some dark blue ink, she thought about what to write. It was difficult to think of a reason for inviting 5 of her closest friends to the Malfoy Manor but an idea came to her fairly quickly. Since everyone was at the Burrow, she decided to write just one letter.

Dear Ron, Harry, Neville, Lavender, and Ginny,

I'm writing one letter to all of you because I want to tell you all the same information. I know that this owl looks familiar and that Harry's the only one that will be able to place it; I'm owling you from Draco's house. Ron, close your mouth while you have food in it; it's disgusting.

I know that Draco said that he was going to invite all of us over at the same time to spend the rest of the holidays but he owled me a few days ago and wanted me to come on over. He needed help with his homework and wanted to finish it before everyone else got here.

I'm writing you to invite you all to come over later this evening at around 7:30. Draco would have owled you himself but, since all of you are at the Burrow and he wanted to invite Blaise as well, I told him that I would owl you guys and that he could owl Blaise. Send a reply back with this owl; he'll wait for you to write one.

All you have to do to get here is throw some floo powder into the fire and say, "Malfoy Manor, Main Fire". Don't come before 7:30 though because we're still working on homework and the house elves are setting up your bedrooms. I hope to see you soon!

Much love from,


'There, that should do it,' she thought as she rolled up the parchment and whistled for one of the owls to come to her room. When it did she tied the letter to the owl's leg and said, "Take this to the Burrow. Wait for a reply before coming back, OK?" The owl nodded as though in response to her request and flew out of the open window.

She heard a soft knock on the door a little while later while she was lying on her bed reading Hogwarts: A History. She told the person to come in and saw that it was Draco when she looked up. She smiled and scooted over so that he could sit down.

She asked him what was going on and he told her that he wanted to talk to her. She carefully marked her place and laid the book down so that she could give him her full attention. When she asked him what was wrong, he smiled and told her that nothing was wrong.

"Actually, Mia, everything is perfect now. Father is gone, Mum and I are no longer under the Imperious curse, and you're here. I have a loving boyfriend and I've finally found friends that care about me, not my money or power. My life is finally 'picture perfect'."

"Well, Draco, what did you want to talk to me about? I know there's something on your mind; I can sense it. You could always tell me things before so you know you can tell me now. What's up?"

"Mia, it's just so weird. Up until a couple months ago, I was lead to believe that muggle borns were inferior to people with 'pureblood'. My parents were cold to me and I was an only child. Then, as soon as Ron killed our father, I immediately knew that it was otherwise. A couple days after the war ended, Mum started treating me like I was actually her son instead of something that she had to put up with.

"Then I found out that you were my sister. After Mum told me that, I was ecstatic. I always felt some sort of connection to you, even when we first started school. I just could never figure out what it was. Now that I know you're my sister, it all makes sense. It's different, yes, but it's different in a good way. Not only do I have someone to confide in, I have someone that I can copy homework from instead of the other way around."

When Draco said that, Hermione immediately hit him on the head with a smile on her face. "I will not allow you to copy my homework, tests, notes, or anything else to do with school. You'll just have to deal with that on your own. But, on a more serious note, it does make more sense now that I know you're my brother and that I'm actually what people call 'pureblood'. I've been able to pick up on even the most difficult spells, even as a first year. It was always a bit too easy for me considering I always thought that I was a muggle born."

They smiled at each other and hugged. Just then their mom knocked lightly on the door and walked in with Madam Malkin. "Mia, dear, we have to fit you for your ball gown now. Its 6:30 and your friends will be here in an hour so Madam Malkin will need to fit them as well. Draco, Blaise is here."

Draco kissed Hermione and their mom on the cheek and left to find Blaise. After searching the entire main floor, he cast sonorous on himself and said, "Blaise, get your snooty arse into the main foyer now!" Blaise appeared a few moments later with a smile on his face.

They went outside to the garden to walk around. "Draco, can I ask you a question without you punching or hexing me?" "Sure, Blaise." "Well, I've been watching Hermione for years and I've kinda had a thing for her for awhile now and I was kinda wondering if you minded if I, um, asked her to accompany me to the ball tomorrow night? I mean, if it's OK with you, that is."

Draco looked at Blaise with anger in his eyes. He took a couple of calming breaths and thought about it for a minute. 'Well, he is a good guy and I know he'd treat Hermione right. Plus, he just wants to ask her to the ball; it's not like he wants to ask her to marry him or anything. I'll be able to watch him and make sure that he doesn't put any pressure on her to do anything that she doesn't want to do. If and when the time comes for him to ask her to marry him, I'll deal with it then.' "Blaise, I think that she'd like that. You have my blessing to do it."

In Hermione's Room

"Hermione, what color and cloth type would you like for your gown to be?" Hermione thought about it for a few moments as she looked through a book of different designs. She stopped on a page and gasped softly. "Madam Malkin, here's what I want. I like this style but this is the way I want it to look…"

As Hermione told Madam Malkin the colors that she wanted the dress, Madam Malkin conjured it onto a mannequin that was an exact replica of Hermione's body. The madam and her mom gasped when they saw what it looked like; the coloration and style would look perfect on Hermione.

She also found a pair of shoes in the book and had Madam Malkin conjure them up and alter the style slightly so that they would fit with the dress. Hermione then chose a pair of gloves and a tiara, changing the coloration of the gloves and the stones on the tiara so that they also went well with her gown.

"Miss Malfoy, have you ever considered becoming a designer? Your ensemble for tomorrow evening is just gorgeous; I would have never thought to combine those colors on a gown like that, much less alter it as you did." Narcissa smiled softly and said, "Madam, when Hermione moved into this room a week ago, the carpet, walls, curtains, bed hangings, and all other cloth was white while the furniture was a dark cherry. Yes, it actually had carpet. The décor in here is all Hermione's doing."

Madam Malkin smiled at Hermione. "Well, my dear, your friends should be arriving at any moment. I'll pop back over in about an hour so that I can fit them. Is that acceptable?" Hermione told her that it was and, when Madam Malkin left, she lay back on her bed and sighed. "Mum, I have so much to tell everyone and I don't know how to do it. What if they don't accept me for who I am now?"

"Hermione, dear, your appearance and last name changed, that's all. Your personality is still the same. If they don't accept you for being a Malfoy, then they were never friends of yours or Draco's in the first place. Do you understand?" Hermione nodded and got up when she heard the floo call sound.

She walked into the main room at the same time as Blaise and Draco. When she nodded, Draco answered it and out popped Harry, Ron, Lavender, Ginny, and Neville. They greeted Draco and Blaise and turned to Hermione. "Are you Draco's cousin? You look so much alike."

Hermione smiled and said, "Ronald Weasley, have you even looked at my clothing yet? In case you haven't noticed, my clothing is muggle. You'd know that if you took muggle studies like I bugged you to do back in third year." Everyone's jaw dropped except Draco's, Blaise's, and Hermione's.

"Mia, is that you?" asked Ginny. "Yes, Gin, it's me. Let's go into the kitchen so I can explain." They walked into the kitchen and Mia accio'd a butterbeer for everyone and also conjured a plate of sweets, which Ron immediately dove for. After everyone was settled (and after Draco and Harry finished their 'hello' kiss), Hermione said, "OK, I have something to tell everyone and it will be somewhat, er, odd to say the least.

"Until about a week and a half ago, I believed that I was a muggle-born witch, as did everyone with the exception of my Mum, the Grangers, and Albus Dumbledore. The Grangers sat me down and told me that I wasn't a muggle-born but, in fact, a pureblood witch. They continued to tell me that I was a Malfoy and was placed in their care as a baby for protection. I was also told that there was a glamour on me that would disappear on my 17th birthday.

"Then, on my birthday, Mum and Draco showed up at the Grangers along with Albus in order for me to take my place as a Malfoy. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner; I've been adjusting to living here and trying to learn all of the 'rules' of pureblood society. While I've been taught all of the views of purebloods as well as etiquette, I don't believe in all of the views. I'm the same Hermione, just in a different wrapper."

"But why did you need protection, Mia? I don't understand," said Neville. Hermione smiled and said, "Mum was hiding me from Voldemort. He wanted her first born to be given to him to train as his successor. She found out that she was pregnant with both Draco and I so decided to allow the Grangers to adopt the first one that was born, which happened to be me. She told Voldemort that I died shortly after birth and, in a way, I did. A few days after I was born I was no longer Hermione Malfoy but Hermione Granger."

Ginny looked up after a few moments' deliberation and said, "So that's why Pig kept returning the letters and presents we sent to you. We told him to take them to Hermione Granger when there wasn't a person named Hermione Granger." Hermione smiled and said, "Good job Gin. You're not top of your class for no reason.

"So, do all of you believe me for not telling you sooner?" Everyone told her that they did and Madam Malkin and her assistant chose that moment to pop in to fit everyone for the ball. When Ginny asked her why Madam Malkin was there Hermione said, "Oh, I forgot to tell you! Mum's hosting a ball tomorrow night for me and Madam Malkin is here to fit you for your dresses and robes! Alright, Ginny and Lavender, you come with me. Draco, please take the guys to their fitting room." The girls and guys separated to get fitted.

A/N: Whew, that's a long chapter! It's over 2,000 words. I'm proud of myself, lol. OK, the next chapter will be Blaise asking Hermione to the ball, the girls getting caught up and the guys getting caught up, and the preparations for the ball (by preparations I mean everyone getting ready). If that's not too lengthy, I may add the ball in as well. Toodles!