Here we go people. Another chappy from me to you!

Thank you for all the reviews! They were amazing! And they make me smile. I am sorry that I have not replied to any of them like I normally would but I have been really short for time. Plus I have been working on my other story… 'Clubbing'. Which, if you get a chance, you should check out. I would really love to know what you think of it.

Okay let's see how Snape and Hermione are getting along shall we…

Hermione had no idea how long she had lain here, but she knew it had been a long time. It felt like years but in truth it was most likely just a couple of hours. She could feel her baby move about inside her in distress.

Hermione was laid out on a cold slab of concrete. Her hands and feet were tied to each one of the corners and her back was so cold. After the first half hour she had figured out that no matter how much you struggle you could not break the bonds. Then the next half hour she had come to realise that they must have put some kind of spell on the room, she could not use wand less magic. All there was to do was wait. But what she was waiting for she was not exactly sure.

Meanwhile back in the Snape common room, Severus still stood like a lifeless statue. Staring at the wall and trying over and over again to call his wand. He moved his eyes to look at his hand. And willed it to move, to do anything, but it just stayed still like the rest of him. Would someone come to his rooms? Did anybody have a reason to come to his rooms?

The answer to that question rang out as a hollow no. the only people that would come to his rooms where people that Hermione knew and since she had been married to him she had seen none of her friends. So that idea was out before it had even started. That left him with nothing else then. He would just stand here like a statue while his wife was away getting god knows what done to her.

That very thought had anger burning strongly through his veins. He had to do something!

Who would have known that being held against your will was so boring! You would think they would come and attack her or something. Then maybe this mind numbing boredom was part of there plan. Ware her down until she begs for something to happen. It was not the most evil plan she could think of. But at the moment she didn't really care. Every second they wasted was another second that she and her baby were still alive.

What had that man meant by babies? It was almost like he was saying she was going to have twins. But that wasn't possible…her family had no past of twins. Did Severus? She cursed herself for having not asked things like this before. Maybe he hadn't meant she was carrying two children now. Maybe he had meant all the children that she would have with Severus, as in she would have more with the man. That thought became a beaming light in the dark. She would hold on to it and would not let it burn out.

If Snape had been able to move he would have been pacing and swearing all the way into hell itself. Not that wasn't right, if he could move he wouldn't have time to do that, he would be away saving his wife. Dammit! Why does everything good always have to be taken away from him. His father had been taken away from him as a little boy. And now he would lose his wife. The woman he loved with all his heart, something he thought he would never be able to do. The woman that he could not see himself living without.

A knock on the door snapped his mind back to the matter at hand. He wanted to shout for them to come in, but all he could mange was a whole load of mumbling that made very little sense, and that probably would not be heard through the thick door. But luck seemed to be on his side this time. The door opened and in walked Dumbledore.

"Severus, your wards are not up and I wanted to talk to you about…" the older wizard stood still. "Severus my boy, are you okay!"

The door to the cold dark room flew open, dragging Hermione away from listing all the ingredients in a sleeping potion. She had already been through this potion and many others but had been forced to go through them again just to stay awake.

Turning her head as much as she could she saw an older woman standing in the door way. She wore a ghastly green dress that looked like it belonged back in Sherlock Homes' times. Not that she would know who he was. Her hair was brown with streaks of grey and was held back in a tight bun.

Dread burned in the pit of Hermione's stomach, making the baby move.

"I am sorry to have kept you waiting, but these things must be planed. Do you not agree mudblood?" the crackly voice asked.

"I think these things should never be done in the first place, that way no planning would need to be done." Being a smart ass back to her was not really a good plan but it had come out before Hermione could stop it.

The woman walked over to her and ran her finger down Hermione's cheek, making her flinch and pull at the bonds.

"You have Gryffindor bravery I see. It would be a good trait on a pureblood but a weak one on you." She then moved her hand down and rested it on Hermione's bump.

"Get your hands off of me." she snarled.

The woman just kept rubbing her hand over her swollen belly.

"I had so wanted what I saw to not be true. It looks like fate was against me this time. But I have ways of dealing with fate. This child will not be brought up by you."

That one sentence held to much information for Hermione's brain to handle. Does this woman have visions or something like that? So there is only on child inside her. Ways of dealing with fate? Now why did that make her feel very afraid?

"I shall tell you what I am going to do. Not because I feel that I should tell anything to a mudblood like you, but because I owe it to Severus." She took a deep breath and let go of Hermione, walked to the end of the concrete slab and looked up at her. "I am going to remove the baby that is growing inside of you and place it inside of me. I will raise it right. I will bring it into this world and it shall be mine. I will make him proud and he will see the error of his ways and come back to me."

"Who?" Hermione asked.

The woman walked quickly up form the end of the slab and slapped Hermione. It was so hard that Hermione was sure her face would never be the same again.

"I said I would tell you. I never said you could speak." She then spat on her. The warm glob landing on her face. Her fingers twitched to wipe it off.

"I would love to cast a favourite spell of mine on you, but I dare not harm the child…my child." The stranger said.

It would earn her another slap but she said it anyway.

"My child!" Hermione said with all love she felt for her little one.

The woman merely chuckled and hit her once more.

"It has taken me a while to figure out how to do this without magic. I have read a number of books. I now am sure I know how to take my baby out of you. Then I can use magic again, and place that little life inside Me." the woman pulled a knife out of her pocket and held it up.

Fear swan through Hermione. She was going to take my baby; she was going to take my baby… my baby!

The woman lowered the blade and cut one of Hermione's wrists and then leans over and cut the other. Hermione cried out in pain. What the hell was she doing now!

"I do not want to cut your belly open and be covered in blood. So I shall drain some of it away. I know how long it will take for the baby to survive with out you're help. It is in those weak moments and only those, that I can move it to myself."

Hermione felt pain radiate up her arms and her head start to spin. This was not good; in fact…this was very, very bad!

"Severus…" she muttered. "Help me."

Severus knocked harder on the door. Where the hell was she…where the hell are the elves! Giving up on anybody answering the door, he unlocked it with his wand and stormed up to her room. Pushing open the door he found her sitting on the edge of her bed staring into space. He stormed over to her and grabbed her shoulders.

"Where is she!" he shouted at her. "Where is my wife!"

The woman looked back at him with empty eyes.

"She took her. She wants the child." The woman said her voice devoid of feeling. "I think it's a wise move."

Severus stood up and glared down at her.

"Dammit, Mother. I am you're son; she is your daughter in law. And whether you like it or not I love her and she is going to have that baby."

Turing around, he stormed out of her room and her house. Never to return again. But he did not have time to think about that, he had a love to save.

There we go, please let me know what you think.