A/N: OHISASHIBURI!!! - Been SOOOOOOOOOOOOO long since I've updated. Really, I had to sit for so many exams this year since we're still in the 'guinea pig' stage. Maa, it's not like I don't like their test anyway. It's just that I have to keep revising and read my Biology & Physics books instead of continuing my long abandon fanfic. Well, this one focuses on MomoRyo. Why? Coz my friend had asked for it. And also coz I felt like doing them, too. - Please spare me. I haven't really gotten over the writer's block yet, so, this is another attempt to get me back to my best writing style. Do give constructive comments and maybe I'll give you a cookie!! -

Disclaimer : Nope. I've checked every single thing I have and I found out that I still don't own PoT.

"…" – Normal talking

"…" – On the phone, online, or things that is not normal. Well, you'll get what I mean.

'…' – Thoughts

I Think I'm In Love

Part 4 – Miserably Happy

"Oi! I want that bed!"

Ryoma just frowned at the sudden loud bang of the door. He sat up and studied the supposedly-roommate-cum-intruder.

"Finder's keepers. I've gotten this bed first. Besides, Takeshi-senpai…" Ryoma cocked his head to the left and asked, "Where did you go just now?"

Momo flinched at that. 'Uh…no. I can't have him knowing about that…' "It's nothing of your business."


Momo froze. Was it disappointment and pain that he saw flashing past the young teen's feature just now? Ryoma just let out a sigh and was about to go back to sleep when Momo pounced on him without warning.

"I want that bed."

"Oi…get off me, Takeshi-sen- Ah! Stop doing that! It tickles. Hey! Where's that hand going to?!"

Momo just laughed. Ryoma had really changed after a few years. He wasn't as cold as he used to be. He had somehow opened up a little bit at people who are close to him. Well, not to consider himself as close, but he HAD been with the brat since he entered their school. By the time Momo stopped his assault, Ryoma was practically out of breath, laughing and sighing in relief at the same time. A soft smile crept up his face as Momo studied his junior carefully. He sure looked like he had matured a little bit but the boyish features were still visible on him. His eyes – that round, golden eyes of his - were still as mesmerizing as they were the first day he met Ryoma. His sea-green hair was kept longer, forming a v-shape as it extends to his shoulder.

"Hey, Takeshi-senpai! What are you looking at?" Ryoma asked, his face flushing to shades of pink due to breathless and also at the thought of Momo checking him out.

Perhaps he was cold and a little bit too secretive over his feelings but deep down Ryoma knew – he liked his senpai. A heck lot. But being himself, Ryoma couldn't express his feelings. He was afraid of rejection – afraid that he would be denied of the joy that had enlightened his once dark, lonely life. He didn't want to risk losing Momo's smile just for a dim hope. 'No way.' He had thought to himself and he had made that decision a long time ago - ever since his freshman year of junior high. He'd keep his feelings restrained. No matter how much it hurts, no matter how much he longed for Momo, he'd try all his best to make them invisible – just pretend they never existed and live life normally. At first, he thought it'd be easy. After all, he is the 'King of Coldness'. Well, 'Prince', since Tezuka deserved it much more than he does. But then, with Momo loving to close the gaps between them, he found it…difficult to control himself. There wasn't such a thing as 'calm' in situations where Momo was in close proximity with him. Especially like this one.

Momo grinned at the tinge of pink that coloured Ryoma's supple cheek. Bending down to the crook of Ryoma's neck, Momo breathed slowly to Ryoma's ear letting his whisper linger like an unforgettable scent.



Kikumaru was, surprisingly, the first to wake up the next day. He didn't knew whether it was the loud sound of the windows clashing or the coldness surrounding the room that awoken him. All he knew was, he felt cold, empty and lonely. His eyes started scanning the room, taking small bits by bits into his slowly re-functioning brain. 'Weird though, nya…' Kikumaru thought, as he stood up from his bed. 'I remembered putting my luggage near the door. But how come it's beside Ichirou's-,' At the mention of the name, Kikumaru paused, a small smile started etching itself onto his youthful face. 'I bet Ichirou did all the pack-out part while I slept the whole night off, nya…' He didn't mean to slack off, really, but he had been so tired that he couldn't move a limb.


"The room with the picture of a cat…" Oishi murmured as he looked from doors to doors, searching the hanging depiction of the said animal.

"Ichirou, nya…I'm tired and sleepy…" Kikumaru whined, his right hand trying to rub away the drowsiness while his left hand continued to pull his luggage along.

"A little bit more, Eiji, and we'll be there. Just hold on – Ah! Found it!" exclaimed Oishi happily, his hands hurriedly fumbling to use the key that Fuji had handed to him earlier to open the room. "See, we are –,"

Oishi spun to face his partner only to be greeted by Kikumaru falling into his arms, his pink lips barely manage to reach Oishi's, creating a ghastly effect as it cut through the small air space between their lips.

"Eiji! Eiji! What's wrong?! Are you alright?" Oishi asked, his voice full of panic and concern.

"Ichirou! Sleepy, nya" And with that, Kikumaru dozed off, his breath beginning to come out in slow rhythm.

Oishi sighed at the angelic sight of his partner. 'Makes me figure who was the bloody sick one who got buried under the terror mountain of luggage in the bus just now…' Chortling at the thought, Oishi proceeded to bring his fallen lover to the bed near the cupboard. After settling Kikumaru down in the bed, a routine which included a kiss on the cheek, a soft pat on the hair and the cover-up-with-blanket, Oishi examined the messed up room.

"Well, now. A bit cleaning won't hurt…" Oishi said to himself, albeit smirking as he proceeded to execute his plan.

---end of flashback---

A loud rattling of the window snapped Kikumaru out of his reverie. He frowned a little bit at the source of the disturbance as a sudden cold gust of wind enveloped him, reminding him of the icy winter.

"Ichirou forgot to shut the window, nya," he muttered slowly under his breath, his arms reaching to shut the window.

'Now that I mentioned it…where the heck is Ichirou, nya?' He wasn't in his bed, which seemed yet to be untouched. And certainly Oishi wasn't in Kikumaru's bed, which pretty much explained why the latter felt lonely while waking up in the first place. So, where was Oishi? He couldn't be up and about, could he? It was only 7 o'clock. Putting on his favourite blue sweater which had lots of small teddy bears stitched on it, Kikumaru went to search for his beloved.

The first place he checked was the attic. If he was to search for Oishi, then it's appropriate to start from the most top one, right? Well, at least, he thought it was.

"Ichirou, nya? You here?"

No answer.


In his quest to search for Oishi, Kikumaru had opened up almost all doors he could find in the huge mansion. From Inui's and Kaidoh's VERY private room (in which he had to shut his eyes and muttered "I didn't see that, I really didn't see that!!" all the way to the next room) to the messy storage room where he got his whole face covered up in dust. And still, no sign of his Ichirou. To be truthful, he was worried. Very worried.

'What if he went outside in the storm? What if the wolves got to him? What if there are werewolves?' Even the slight thought of it had already caused a shiver to run down his spine. Let alone imagine it. Kikumaru shivered.

"Werewolves?! Honestly, I think you read too many Harry Potter books."

Hearing a sudden voice sounding behind him really caused Kikumaru to nearly jump out of his guts. Well, scrape that. He actually jumped a few centimetres. And really, did he just say his thoughts out loud?

"What are you doing up so early, Kikumaru-senpai? And what's the praying stance for? You're suddenly getting religious?"

"Oy, Momo! Don't give your senpai scares early in the morning, nya! I'm going to sue you if I ever got heart attack," Kikumaru mumbled the last part in slight annoyance.

He was partially glad, however, that he succeeded in controlling himself from making a back flip out of being frightened by a junior. He could almost envisage a non-stop-laughing Momo at the back of his mind. No way in heaven, hell or Earth in that matter, for anything such as that to happen in his entire life and even death. He is never going to let Momo take advantage of him. Not ever.

Momo just snickered as he grabbed a can of soda from the fridge. He couldn't help but stopped to frown a little bit at the box that he had placed in there not so long ago. Just looking at it made his heart ached slightly so he quickly slammed the fridge door shut. Even though he knew it full well that there was nothing he could do early in the morning, Momo refused to go back to back to his room. So, he just walked towards where Kikumaru was kneeling – the living room - unaware that the latter had been calling his name.

"Momo, nya!" Kikumaru pouted.

"Ah! Sorry, Kiku-senpai. Got occupied a little bit over there. What is it?"

"Do you happen to see Ichirou anywhere, nya?"


The veins in his temple throbbed so hard that Momo could almost hear the sound of its annoyance vibrating against his eardrums. Raising one finger, Momo pointed to the couch exactly beside Kikumaru.

"Uh, senpai? Who is that on the couch, then?" Momo said, his voice faintly trembling in vexation.


It took him not even seconds to allocate where his so-called-missing senpai was. Really, he didn't even have to turn his head that much. Of course, why should he, when the person he had been searching for was right in front of him?! Momo slumped himself onto one of the couch as his hand tugged on the can opener. He sighed in exasperation. So far, the day wasn't going his way. And what's up with Lady Luck, anyway? Is she having a grudge against him or something? He really felt he didn't deserve this. Maybe he should have considered staying at home instead. Now that he thought of it, why didn't he take the decision in the first place?

Momo spun in time to see Kikumaru wrapping the sleeping figure of Oishi with a blanket and giving the vice-captain a peck on the cheek. Momo grunted irritably. It wasn't like he had anything against the golden pair or anything. It was just that…he felt extremely aggravated at the moment that even the mere sight of anything pissed him off. He suddenly felt a hand tapping gently on his shoulder and he looked up to be greeted by a happy, smiling face of his red-headed senpai.

"Let's go to the kitchen. I want to make breakfast."

Momo's eyes lit a little bit at the word 'breakfast' but when the whole statement sunk in, he cocked his eyebrow.


"Oh? You're looking down on me, nya? Hey, my sister taught me a lot, you know. Wait until you see my talent, nya. I'll have you asking for a third serving."

"Well, I am usually hungry in the morning so a third sounds normal to me. Wanna bet on the sixth?" Momo smirked.

"And how do I know that you're not lying?"

"But, of course, if your food tastes bad, I would barely survive half of the food. Maybe not even a quarter."

Kikumaru could feel his vein popping at the challenge. "Well, you're on!"

Momo grinned as both made their way into the bar designed kitchen. He took a seat on one of the seats near the counter, watching his senpai swiftly getting to work. He looked at the clock by the stairs. It read 8.30 a.m.

"Na, Momo, nya…"


"What's up with the bruise?"

Momo's hand moved hastily towards his bruised left eye as if on instinct. He almost forgot about it. But now that Kikumaru mentioned it, he suddenly felt like the pain had re-surfaced itself.

"It was nothing, actually." Momo tried to beam his way out but instead, he was faced with a sombre looking Kikumaru. Kikumaru never looked sombre. It seemed like he was really serious.

"Well, I guess, if you don't want to tell me, then…" Kikumaru sighed as looked away from Momo and back towards the pan of frying sausages. "No breakfast for you then, nya. Hmph."

Momo's jaw nearly dropped. 'WHAT?!' No breakfast? No way! Breakfast is the most vital meal in his life. No breakfast meant no life! There's no way he was going to live the rest of the miserable day off without breakfast just because of a stupid bruise!

"WHAT?! But Kikumaru-senpai! That's not fair! I can't -!"

"Good morning."

Momo's words were cut off as a figure walked down the stairs, yawning as he greeted them.

"Good morning, Ryoma, nya."

Ryoma nodded, his hands trying to rub away the sleepiness from his closed golden eyes. Momo just glared at the approaching figure. Grabbing his can of soda, Momo hurriedly took the moment to stand up and left with a dissatisfying look.

"On second thought, maybe I should have no breakfast." he muttered darkly as he rushed up the stairs.

"Oi, Momo, nya!" Kikumaru called out to the running boy, his voice full of concern. He turned to look at Ryoma. "What was that about?"

"I don't know. Momoshiro-senpai was being stupid." Ryoma said, his voice was slightly louder and Kikumaru thought it sounded purposely.

"Hoi, nya. Did you get into a fight?" Kikumaru asked as he proceeded to make coffee. His eyes were still trained onto the green haired youth. Ryoma was calling Momo by his full last name so it must have been something serious.

"We…well, he did something yesterday. And I sort of…punched him."

"That's all?"

Ryoma looked up disbelievingly. "That's all? Well, I hope it was but he was damn pissed over it!"

"But I think you went overboard too, Ryoma. I think you punched him too hard. That's a nasty bruise over there."

Ryoma whirled around to see Fuji and Tezuka walking towards them, Fuji in front.

"I saw him on the way down. He was running towards his room, I think." Fuji said, his head nodding silent greeting towards Kikumaru, who, nodded back in return.

"Talk to him, Echizen." Tezuka said simply as he took the cup of coffee that Kikumaru had served on the counter.

Ryoma just stared down at his feet. He was starting to feel guilty at it but he really believed that it wasn't his fault. Like Kikumaru said, it was just that. There wasn't any need to get pissed off like Momo did. Fuji grinned softly as he bent to whisper in Ryoma's ear.

"Momo really likes you, you know."

That had really got his attention. Ryoma eyes widened a little bit. Really? Momo liked him? Him? Seeing the hesitating look in Ryoma's eyes, Fuji just beamed and nodded.

"Go for him, Ryoma." Fuji whispered, his head motioning towards the stairs.

Ryoma didn't need being told twice. He nodded to Fuji in return and hurried off to his and Momo's room. Ignoring the malicious glint in Fuji's eyes, Tezuka just sighed into his coffee.

"What did you say to him, Fuji? Another bribery?"

Fuji pouted. "What are you saying, Zuka-chan? I didn't say anything bad, really."

Tezuka just raised an eyebrow, trying to be as calm as possible towards the overly-cute-but-dangerous-self-control-threatening-pout of Fuji's. He really should run away before his arms could move to pounce onto the sexy brown haired prodigy right here and now.

"I'm going to get the newspapers." He muttered and left.

Fuji just beamed. Well, strike one. His only and the most dangerous opponent was finally out of the game. Now, he can have Tezuka all by himself while Momo and Ryoma can busy themselves with each other.

"Oh, and Tezuka? We're on top of a mountain. We don't get newspapers."

Fuji's smile broadened at the sudden change of look from Tezuka. Needless to say, it was absolutely priceless.

'Strike two.'


"Momo! Open up! Open the door this instant!" Ryoma shouted as he banged on the door.

He had been banging on the door for like, 10 minutes now, but Momo still won't open up the door. And what the heck was the senior doing in there? It's not like Ryoma was acting busybody or anything but well, whatever it was Momo should at least retort something. But throughout the 10-minutes-outrageous-shouts session, Ryoma didn't hear anything from inside the room. Not a sigh, not a retort, not even a whisper. Personally, he didn't care if Momo shouted for him to go away or shout taunts or even hateful words. Heck, he won't even care if Momo shouted dirty curses. He just want the senior to at least say something, damn it.

He didn't like the feeling of having heard his heart beating this fast. He was foreign to this feeling, yes, but he knew what it was. He was freaking panic and worried. He was worried about Momo. Too worried that he felt he was going to cry.

And he did.

"Momo, you stupid bastard, open the door, damn it!" Ryoma hollered, his hand clenched tight against the wooden door.

All of a sudden, the door swung open and in the midst of his tears-blurred eyes, Ryoma felt someone tugged him into the room, shut the door and he was then encircled by strong arms. The next thing he knew, he found out that he had buried his face into that someone's chest, his body racking with sobs and he cried more. He never remembered crying all his life. Ever since he was a kid, he had been always cold. He never cried when his stuff got stolen. He never cried when Karupin died a few years back. And not even when Ryoga left him and runaway from home. In all those tough time, Ryoma was alone but he never cried. And yet, now he was crying his heart out just because he was worried over a jerk.

"Momo, stupid, stupid!"Ryoma sobbed.

Momo was starting to feel sorry for making Ryoma cry. He hugged the lithe body closer and brought them towards his bed.


Ryoma's word was cut off as a pair of lips suddenly descended on his, muffling away any sort of sound he made. It was sudden but it wasn't forceful either. The kiss was soft and gentle, as if the gesture itself was confessing the feelings stored in its initiator. Ryoma's eyes widened a little bit at the abruptness of the kiss but he soon relaxed and did the only thing that he could do. And the only thing that he had always wanted to do.

He kissed back.

However, neither could live without oxygen and no matter how much he was enjoying the heavenly feeling of Momo kissing him, Ryoma reminded himself that he sure didn't want to die of kissing suffocation. So, he tugged at Momo's black shirt and pushed at Momo's chest slowly. Momo noticed the signal Ryoma was sending him but he really didn't feel like stopping now. Slightly reluctant, Momo nonetheless, left Ryoma's lips, only to continue his actions down south, leaving trails of kisses on Ryoma's jaw all the way to his neck. Ryoma, who was struggling to inhale oxygen, gasped at the feeling of wet, hot tongue against his skin. He could feel Momo's hand creeping under his blue pajamas, gently rubbing soft circles behind his back.

"Senpai-," Ryoma started but gasped when he felt a hand caressing his chest, a weird tingling sensation playing in his stomach.

"Takeshi. No 'senpai's, Ryoma. Takeshi."

Momo couldn't help but grin when he saw the red that coloured his junior's cheeks. 'Oh, how cute…He's blushing.'

"Takeshi, st-ah-stop. Pl-please."

Hearing Ryoma's plead, Momo abruptly stopped his ministrations and he sat up, his eyes looking deep into Ryoma's. Ryoma, too, sat up, and with an arm outstretched, he went to move into Momo's laps, his outstretched hand touching gently at the bruise mark on Momo's left eye. Momo twitched but Ryoma's other hand was quick to held on the spiky-haired-kid's shoulder, instinctively hugging the older boy.

"I'm sorry. Does it hurt?" Ryoma asked soothingly, his voice sounded faintly cracking.

He felt like crying again. Gods, why was he so emotional when it comes to Momo?


"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was…I just felt upset when you, you know, joked about the 'beautiful' thing…I like you. I had always liked you. That's why, I…That's why…"

"Shh…Ryoma, it's okay." Momo murmured, gathering the crying teenager in his arms.

He was a little bit at lost. All this while, he had never seen Ryoma cried before. And then all of a sudden, today, this day, he had seen the cold kid shed tears twice. TWICE! All because of him. It was his fault that Ryoma cried. He was the guilty one, so, he was the one who should say sorry, not his beloved Ryoma. Right? Using his right hand, Momo tilted Ryoma's chin so that the younger youth was looking at him. He smiled softly as he bent down to kiss Ryoma's cheeks, kissing all the tears away.

"Ryoma…it's okay, now. Stop crying, okay?" Momo whispered to Ryoma's ears, his lips licking the earlobe.

"Mo- Takeshi…"

"Look, I'm sorry, too. Sorry for being a jerk. I guess I was overly pissed over such a small matter," Momo admitted, his eyes down cast.

"But, hey. At least, you are MY jerk."

Momo promptly looked up at the statement and caught sight of the prettiest smile he had ever seen in his life. Even though it had been just one night, he felt like he hadn't seen it for such a long time. He really really missed that smile.

"Hey, why don't we continue where we left from, hmm?"Momo sneered, his voice sounded husky.

"Pervert." Ryoma retorted playfully, a wide grin breaking up.



Momo froze. He recognised that sound. It was…


His growling stomach! Before he could react, however, Ryoma had laughed first, breaking the awkward silence.

"Well, I guess we should go down first for breakfast, eh? I'm starving, too."

"But I thought I already have it served…here?" a malicious glint retuened to Momo's eyes as he studied the sexy, dishevelled, after-kissing look of Ryoma, his tongue licking his lips.

"I'm not your breakfast, pervert." Ryoma said teasingly as he bent forward to whisper in Momo's ears. "But if you act like a nice boy during breakfast, I just might give you some desert…"

With that, Ryoma left the room, turning back for a moment only to give Momo a sly grin before walking off, the door closed shut behind him.'Oh, great. I had always loved deserts.' Smirking at the thought, Momo quickly stood up from his bed and went ahead to catch up with his newly-official-lover.


a/n: Seriously, I think there's too many of these author notes in this one, do you think? Well, forgive me for that. Anyway, review please!! Oh, and if anyone is wondering about the sleeping Oishi, it will be explained in later chapter! Otanoshimi kudasai!!! So, before you do that, don't forget to review, alright?