Disclaimer: Don't Own Jimmy Neutron

A/N: Well the End is near, actually this is the end! Sorry for the long wait! Thanks for All the Wonderful Reviews!

My Life As A High School Freshman


"JAMES ISSAC NEUTRON!" a high-pitched voice came from down the path. Jimmy cringed. He knew that voice all too well.

"What do you want Betty?" he asked, turning around to face her.

"What are you doing with...with...her?" she spat, pointing a finger at Cindy. "I thought you loved me!"

"Well you thought wrong, hun," Cindy said smugly.

"You're a bitch, you know that Cindy?" Betty hissed.

"And you're a slut! You go out with men for 2 days just to break their heart. I know all about you're little scheme. You were just going out with Jimmy to break his heart later," Cindy hissed back.

"NO! I mean, sure I did do that, but Jimmy was different! So sweet, kind, caring, understanding, and totally HOTT! I think I actually loved him! And you had to go and steal him from me you dirty little..."

"BETTY! THAT'S ENOUGH!" Jimmy cut her off. "Look, I thought I loved you in 6th, 7th, even 8th grade! But I was stupid back then. Well, technically I was a genius, but that's not the point. I didn't know what love really was! I'm in high school now! I've grown up! I know now that I'm not in love with you, but in love with Cindy Vortex, and you're not going to change that."

"Bastard!" Betty hissed walking up to Jimmy. "Do you know what you're throwing away?" She grabbed Jimmy's shoulders and forced his lips onto hers. Cindy just about gagged while holding back her extreme temptation to smack Betty square across the face. She watched Betty's hands start to roam Jimmy's body. His eyes widened and he pushed Betty away.

"I can afford to miss that," he said angrily.

"You know what Jimmy, I don't need you! I don't need any of this! Go to Hell Jimmy Neutron! It's the only place you belong." With that, she pivoted on her heels and walked away. Cindy started to go after her, but Jimmy grabbed her hand.

"Let her go," he whispered into her ear. "I don't care about her." Just hearing Jimmy's voice like that made Cindy's anger completely disappear. She turned around to face Jimmy, a look of lust in her eyes.

"Now, where were we?" she whispered, wrapping her arms around his waist.

Jimmy smiled. "Right here babe." He bent down and kissed Cindy softly. Jimmy sighed.

"What?" Cindy asked.

"Betty is nowhere near as good of a kisser as you," Jimmy murmured. Cindy giggled.

"Well, there's a lot more where that came from." She reached up and brought his lips back down to hers. The kiss was very passionate this time. Jimmy had Cindy pinned against the tree again. Tongues collided and hands roamed. Jimmy's hands roamed down Cindy's hips and back up again. Cindy shuddered at his touch. Her hands trailed down his muscular back. For such a nerd, he was really well built. Her hands trailed back up to around his neck when the finally pulled away. Jimmy had a dazed look on his face.

"Cin?" he breathed.


"Will you go out with me?" Cindy looked up into his eyes. They were filled with hope and nervousness. She knew Jimmy was different then Nick. He wouldn't blow her off the next day and blame it on hormones. She knew Jimmy was honest and sincere.

Cindy smiled and whispered, "yes."

-The End-

A/N: Well it's not exactly the end! There is a sequel! First chapter already written! I'll probably post it after this gets posted. It's called My Life As A High School Sophomore. So Look For it! Here's a nice little preview for you of the sequel:

Jimmy and Cindy are dating...HOORAY! They are as happy as can be, and madly in love mind you. The thing is, parents are working and things are changing. What happens when one of our favorite duos receives horrible news that might separate him from the love of his life forever?

Please Review if you could and Read the Sequel!