Love at first Sight?Is It Real?
Hey guys this IS only my 2nd fic so plez go easy on me! and my first fic is"Between The Couples" and if ya hav'nt red it plez read it!And Kikyo fans no offense but i really hate Kikyo and in this fic i might but surely humiliate Kikyo k?so if ur that fond of her don't reed this fic or don't reed those parts k? k. o n for those whom read my other story... I m going to try not saying unison so many times Time!
Yes, it's true ... it's college time for Kagome, Sango and Rin.
"Mom so I guess this is good bye, I'll visit and call when I have the chance.K?"Kagome said to her mom in tears.
"K... .Kagome plez try 2 call atleast once a day plez."Her mom said."And you sure you don't want to wait another year...?Because you only got a years worth of rest and..."Her mom said but not able to finsh.
"Mom I'm sure besides Sango's going this year and I don't want to b a years worth of work behind her! K?"
"Yes Kagome I understand well hope you have fun lots of fun"Kagome's mom said jokingly.
"MOM!"Kagome screamed.
"I was joking Kagome... but I won't mind at all if you call or come home saying ur pregnant... as long as the guy that got you pregnant will take responsibility for the baby as well... and is not a playboy and uses you."
Kagome is rich, ( not that rich but rich!) so her Sango, and Rin can rent a nice apartment till college starts which will be in a few days. Sango and Rin knew Kagome almost all their life. They've known eachother since they were... wait a minute, they have known eachother all their life! Since the very minute they were born. This is because their parents knew eachother since they were 13! So ever since the minute they were born... they have done everything 2gether! They each took-up Karate at the age of 3 so they've been in Karate for 15 going on 16 years. They both took-up everything 2gether!(The reason why I ain't telling you guys now is because it's a surprise! Well most of it! )
"Mom I got to go and pick-up Sango and Rin right now."
"Ok dear.And remember if your having any difficalties come home and we'll all help you k?"
"And remember no matter what we'll always love you k?"
"Mhm K mom gotta go so I'll phone when we find an apartment k?"
"K. And you sure you didn't forget anything?"
"Hun?Wait a sec I did! Sota Grandpa come out plez!"
"Yea sis wat is it?"Sota said while crying cuz he won't see his sis for long while.
"Yea Kagome wat did you want?"Her grandpa asked.
Kagome ran up and hugged her 12 year old brother Sota. Then Her grandpa. Then Finnaly her mom."Bye I WILL miss all of you guys!"
After that Kagome ran to her brand new convertable.It was black with silver flames at the bottom of it.
Kagome honked her horn 2 times to get Sango's butt over there. At Sango's front porch the exact same thing that Kagome went through going to her house was happening to her right there.
"K that must Kag, so bye everybody!" When Sango got down there both let out a squeal and said in unison together "WE'RE GOING TO COLLEGE!"
"Ok Sango, now all we need is Rin and we're outta here!
At Rin's House
They exact same thing happend to as did Sango and Kagome.
"Rin come on we want to get by 7:00!"
"K I'll be there in a sec k? Mom bye, and bye grandpa and you to Fai!"Rin said. Fai is her younger bro.
"WE'RE GOING TO COLLEGE!" They all squealed together!
At Least 2 Hrs Later.
"Sango wake-up we're here at the luxurous hotel! And it's just 2 blocks from Shikon College!"Kagome said trying not scream.
"Really?We're here?And it's only 2 blocks away?"
"Yup! So let's go, check in and then go shopping! Who knows how many sexy and hot guys go to that college!"Kagome screamed.
"Good thinking Kag!"Sango and Rin screamed in unison together.
At Least 5 Hrs Of Shopping Later
"MMMMMMMHHHHHHHHH This spa treatment is really relaxing!"Sango said all relaxed and calm.
"Yea!"Kagome replied.
"I agree with you guys!"Rin replied to both of them all calmed and relaxed.
5 Days Later
"I can't believe we're in college! And look at all the hot guys!"Kagome, Sango and Rin squealed together.
"Hey look over there... it's a fight!"Kagome yelled.
"Huh? Wat? Where? Physical? Or Yelling fight?"Sango asked.
"Lets check it out!"
At The Fight.
"Just what this college needed was this dog turd!"
"Oh shut-up flea bag!"
With Sango And Kagome.
"Hey Kag?"
"Yea Sango?"
"Isn't that Koga? Your ex whom dumped you last year?"
"Hun?Yea it is whats he doing here?"
"I dunno!"
Meanwhile during the fight every1 heard their conversation even the 2 that were fighting.And every1 was staring at them wondering who she just called a bastard!
"Hey Lady? You'd ya fucken' just call a bastard?I bet it was dog turd over there!"
"Now your asking for it Koga!"Inuyasha said.
"Actually it was you I just fucken' called a bastard! You FUCKEN' ASSHOLE, FUCKEN' BASTARD, FUCKEN' JERK!"
MUHUHAHA CLIFF HANGER!HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE AND I JUST STARTED!Ya well end of chapie 1 wat mystories bring us to chapie chapie2? stick around and find out!