Title: Potion Induced

Author: Faerie Tales! hehe---that's me, you see

A/N: This is a request fic... the request: To do the cliche "Love Potion" fluff fic... but with Sirius and Remus. Optional if there actually was a potion. I sorta added a mini twist or two... but on the most part it's just a two-chapter fluffy fic with no really deep plot. Please enjoy!

His damned, accursed eyes were hazel. A gorgeous shade of green that day– moist moss glistening after a morning shower. Seven freckles graced that otherwise flawless face, pale as it was against the Common Room fire. Hmm... rosy lips, looking utterly delectable, invitingly parted. Rosy; like rose buds—rose bud lips! It was just the two of us. Him reading. Me... observing. I never had thought myself the observant type, nor one to put a metaphor to one's eyes.

It was that love-potion. Yes—I, the school-renowned Sirius Black, had been slipped a love-potion. I am well aware that this is the sort of error a novice at pranks would make. I'm also well aware that the sort of person that is constantly looking for a source to humiliate should be wary of attempts at revenge (I have never been short of them; they come in all shapes and sizes, most of which are laughably pathetic). But, I had been rather distracted at the moment...

James, in a rare (hah!) moment of clumsiness, managed to drop and scatter all of our scarabs on the Potion room floor. We both dove to right his wrong, crushing a few of the damn dung-beetles in the process. We were on the stone floor for less than three minutes... but evidently that's enough time for a certain greasy-haired, thin-lipped, hook-nosed, sniveling, pale (and not in the dead-attractive way that Moony was glowing at the moment), pig-eyed, loner that was the bane of our existence to seek a little revenge on me.

The Potions lesson ended easily enough. It was some potion to rid students of acne or something utterly useless like that (Come on... can you imagine anything of the sort on my gorgeous face? I thought not). But we were each to sample the potion for ourselves. With an exchanged toast with Moony, Wormtail and Prongs, we downed the sweet-smelling (certainly not sweet-tasting) draught.

That's where it all went wrong. You see, almost directly after sipping the potion, I noticed the befoulment on Severus's otherwise orderly work area. Yes... the phial in which rested the forbidden love-potion. He was wretched at hiding it, too. It was still emitting the little pink childish hearts that the poorly made love-potions tend to do.

And now... now I'm about to write a poem about how the shadow's dance across Remus's face as he reads.

...Well, no I'm not. I would never become that hopelessly pathetic.

"Dammit," I cursed softly, frustrated at my own will for doing this. I had never-ever put any sort of description to anyone's eyes. It was a disgusting lovers' pastime, one that both James and I swore we would never take part in. We deciding years ago not to besmirch our reputation, or our fun, on girls. All the female species would ever do was pull us apart. No, we'd wait until after Hogwarts, when things weren't so exciting.

A snort. James was, at this very moment, taking "sweet Lily" on a walk of the grounds, hidden beneath his cloak. Here I was, about to compare Remus's nose to the beak of the noblest falcon... The prospect elicited another snort.

"If you're quite done crooning to yourself—" Remus started, but didn't finish. The book held him fast. After a few long moments, those hazel eyes peeked up from his book to meet my own. Eyes framed by cinnamon lashes. His hair was a funny thing. It was such a dull, mousy color until the sun hit it... or the firelight, as it did tonight. A halo of golden light was upon his head. But then those eyes flicked up to meet my own chocolate brown eyes, and I forgot about that halo.

A jolt provoked the butterflies resting in my stomach to take flight, making for a very unsettling revelation. It had taken me a while, and some suspicions... but I now knew just who that potion was intended for. Remus Lupin was to be the object of my affections, desires and dreams until the stupid thing wore off. Being a poorly-made potion... that should be soon.

I decided that Remus had a right to know that my body was screaming to pick him up and kiss him until he no longer had feeling in his face. I slid onto the overstuffed couch next to him.

"Moony?" I asked imploringly.

"Hmm?" Remus's distracted way of response was his signal for me to wait a few moments until he had reached a reasonable stopping point in his reading. When he did, his nimble fingers marked the page and he set the book down with slow, deliberate motions that made me shudder for some inexplicable reason.

"Umm..." it was very difficult, with that expression of interest and expectance upon his delicate features, to find my words. It came to me in a fleeting moment, and I spoke before it left me. "I do believe Snape has slipped a nasty poison into my potion."

"Ah," Remus said wearily, as if he had just been enlightened with Stoic philosophy. "I see that he snuck the love potion into yours, also."

I blinked. For a moment, curses sprung to my lips, and I was about to share my opinions on that vile, hideous... greasy haired...

But Remus was looking so adorable, curled up on the sofa like that, so close to me. Though he was silent, his expression may as well have been screaming "KISS ME, KISS ME!"

Well... perhaps that wasn't the case. His face actually seemed to be saying "what an absurd situation we have found ourselves in" but I payed it no mind.

"Shall we indulge?" I found myself asking intelligently (and rather seductively, if I do say so myself).

Remus was one for second thoughts. He always had been one to sit back and say "let us think about our actions before we do a wrong." Perhaps not in those exact words, but he did think things through. While he rarely voiced his opinion, the disapproval was evident in the way he would give off loud sighs, glare, and otherwise look displeased. But at the moment, his expression wasn't regretful in the slightest. He looked up at me, licked his lips and moved closer. "Very well," he said matter-of-factly.

Who says "very well" to consent to getting snogged other than Remus? It was a pleasant reminder of just who I had in my arms (when had my arms moved?). Right as I closed the distance between us, I noticed a smirk on his face. A tiny, triumphant smirk. But I ignored it. My thoughts were rather preoccupied.

He tasted so sweet! Of chocolate, raspberry from tonight's dessert, and a taste all his own. Soft hair entwined around my fingers... breaths mingled, soft (rosebud!) lips, the tentative (and later rather aggressive) exploration of one another's mouths. There was a quite a lot of bliss involved for love-potion induced love. Using my newfound observant skills (and common sense) I noticed Remus was enjoying this a considerable amount, also.

This sure as Hell was going to be awkward tomorrow.

A/N: I imagine L'il Siri to be very egotistical... perhaps I'm just saying that because it's fun to write... but I can see it, nonetheless. By the way---Stoic enlightenment is a reference to the Stoic philosophy. The philosophy was so depressing, that when Stoics became enlightened, suicide was actually promoted rather than to risk losing the enlightenment. I had to tie in philosophy somewhere... The class wasn't such a waste of time. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this, and tune in next time!