Disclaimer: I don't own PotO... but Christmas is coming and I 'm going to ask Santa.

Yes, what fun. PotO PARODIES! This one came to me as my mother suggested that we have pancakes for supper as I practised Angel of Music on the piano. I hope you enjoy it!

Angel of Pancakes

Meg (speaking to pancake): where in the world have you been hiding? Really, you are perfect!

I only wish I knew your secret; who is your great baker?

Christine: Father once spoke of a pancake; I used to dream it'd appear.

Now as I cook I can sense it, and I know it's here.

Here in this room it calls me softly, somewhere inside hiding.

Somehow I know it's nice and fluffy; it, the unseen pancake!

Meg: Christine, you must have been dreaming. Pancakes this great can't be true.

Christine you didn't eat your pancakes and it's not like you.

Christine: Angel of pancakes, light and fluffy, grant to me your tastiness!

Meg: who is this angel this,

Both: Angel of pancakes, hide no longer. Secret and strange pancakes.

Christine: It's with me even now.

Meg: The pancakes are getting cold

Christine: they're all around me

Meg: your pancakes will go to waste

Christine: wasting is bad

Meg: don't waste them

Phantom: Insolent boy, this pancake hater, basking in your glory.

Ignorant fool, this muffin eater, sharing in my triumph!

Christine: angel I hear you! Speak, I listen! Stay with me sweet pancake!

Angel my soul was week, forgive me. Enter at last, pancake master!

Phantom: flattering child you shall know me, see why from the skillet I hide.

Take in the pancakes around you. I am there inside!

Christine: Angel of pancakes, light and fluffy, grant to me your tastiness!

Angel of pancakes, hide no longer. Secret and strange pancakes.

Phantom: I am your angel of pancakes, come to your angel of pancakes!

Raoul: whose is that pancake? Who is that in there?

Phantom: I am your angel of pancakes, come to your angel of pancakes!