There's a sound of a door closing, then someone…I know those footsteps…Yusuke is walking across the living room. I know this. I hear the plants, the smells are the same. I am in our bed. I am glad to wake up here instead of the Reikai. I lie here a few minutes with my eyes closed. I remember…I remember my life…being Youko, becoming Shuichi, meeting Hiei, Yusuke…how wonderful they've been to me. I think about the love they showed me. How long, though, have I been asleep?

Yusuke comes into the room. I haven't moved yet, haven't opened my eyes, but I feel him look at me. I feel him sit on the edge of the bed and run his fingers though my hair. I sigh at his touch and feel him bend over, "Are you awake, Kurama?"

I open my eyes and see his eyes over mine, "I am, Yusuke-love."

His eyes are full of guarded hope. "What else do you remember?" his voice catches and I feel Hiei crawl onto the bed, too.

I look over to those wonderfully expressive red eyes and back to the brown ones hovering over me, "I remember everything. I remember it all from before. I remember how you two showed me so much love." I smile at them both and hold my arms out for them.

"'rama!" Yusuke cries out as he practically throws himself into my arms. Hiei is only slightly more contained as he too comes to me. We are all laughing, even Hiei. It's so good to know, not only myself again, but to know how loved I am.

A depressingly timed tap at our window and ringing of the doorbell force us to pull away from each other before we're truly ready to. 'We really need to close those curtains every so often,' I think sourly as Hiei goes to open the sliding door and Yusuke goes to open the front door.

Botan's voice reaches my ears from the now open slider, "I'm sorry, I really really am, but Koenma told me to hurry. Enma sees no reason to keep Seimigaku any longer and told Koenma he has to be gone no later than tonight. We know…that, well, you have business with him." Yusuke is talking to Keiko in the living room, and I sit up, a much easier task than last time, looking at Botan to continue. "Here's the deal," her voice drops to a near whisper as she leans over the threshold, looking at Hiei and me, "Koenma will take care of the paperwork to make Seimigaku's…tragic end…look like it happened after he left the Halls of Judgment, but, you have to go there with me now."

I feel a smile curving my lips in a vicious smirk. I can see a smirk forming on Hiei's lips, as well. From the living room, we hear Yusuke saying good bye to Keiko and closing the door again. He joins us in the room, standing in the doorway. "From the look on Hiei's face, I'd say you just promised him…a treat," his voice comes full of viciousness.

Hiei turns to me, "How are you feeling, Fox?"

"Ready to pay our debt, in full, with interest, Hiei."

"Alright," Yusuke cheers behind me, "Let's go!" I smile at his enthusiasm.

I push myself up off the bed, pleased to note none of the weakness and fatigue I felt before. I am still dressed in what I put on to go visit the Baron. "How long was I asleep?" I ask.

"Oh, only about four hours," Yusuke answers. "John-san said you wouldn't sleep long."

"Oh." Some day, I'd like to have a long discussion with John-san, but that would have to wait for another day. "Shall we go?" I want to finish my dealings with this devil so he will no longer be in my cards. He really is inconvenient, but, oddly enough, I am also a little reluctant. His meddling has led to some of the best things in my life…being with Hiei…in a round about way, being with Yusuke…learning how loved I am. But, I really have had enough of him. My mind begins to turn on how to inflict the maximum amount of pain in the time allotted. I would rather think how to reward my lovers and show them my love, but that will have to wait. First things first, and then the rest of our lives for the rest. I smile at that thought as we follow Botan through the portal.

Koenma is standing in his doorway as we walk past. I stop. I am curious about something. "Koenma-sama…" I begin, but he cuts me off.

"I don't want to see you in 'polite mode' or in 'Youko mode.'" He pauses a moment before adding, "Consider it…a catch up anniversary gift or something." His voice has become very quite. "Though, thank you for thinking of me that way…for caring about the way things are between my father and me." He abruptly turns, closing the door behind himself. I smirk at how he assumed the spell had been lifted and I remembered everything.

We turn to go down the hall again. Before we reach the doorway to the dungeon, I say, "I want to go in alone at first." Hiei and Yusuke look at me. Hiei smirks again and nods.

"Are you sure?" Yusuke asks.

I turn a smile on him that actually causes him to shy away from me, "Yes."

"I'm glad you love me," he returns, his voice a little paler than before.

"Always," I reassure him, my expression softening as I catch his hand and squeeze it before letting him go to enter the dungeon.

Seimigaku is lying on the bench that protruded from the wall. His face still has the green cast to it and he is sweating. His eyes are closed and he is breathing lightly, almost panting. He looks miserable. I am glad. But, it's not going to stop me. He still hasn't looked over to see who's entered his cell, so I put on my best innocent air and call to him softly, "Seimigaku."

He turns slowly toward me, his eyes opening after his head stops moving. "Kurama," he calls to me, a mixture of fear and hope in his eyes.

I walk slowly across the room, allowing my hips to sway. "Poor Seimigaku," I murmur, "are you feeling unwell?"

Perhaps remembering our last encounter where a similar question earned him a broken jaw, he answers, "Yes, I feel unwell."

I move to sit on the bench. Thankfully, they've bathed him or I'd be feeling nauseous. His eyes widen as he watches me, a mixture of utter terror and hope warring in those blue orbs. I have a hard time not laughing at him as my hand comes up to caress his cheek, "Poor Seimigaku." I can feel him trembling under my touch. I lean a little closer to him, "Tell me," I begin softly, "do you know how inconvenient you are?" His trembling increases as fear invades his eyes, the hope retreating rapidly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry…you'll never hear from me ever again," he stammers out.

Giving him a cute smile, one I know is cute, I run my finger down his nose, "Of course not." I tap his nose with my finger, "And do you know why?"

He is shaking so badly the bench is trembling, "Because…because I'm never to come near you ever again?"

I laugh lightly, "Oh, you silly silly one. That is not why. Try again." I tap his forehead, my voice becoming harder, more vicious, "Think, Seimigaku, think very hard. Why is it you're never bothering me again?"

He is even paler than normal under the green cast Keiko's treatment left him with. "Please…please…what do I have to do? What do you want from me?"

I run a finger down his breast bone. "Nothing much, really," I murmur, looking into his eyes, finally allowing my anger to show, allowing my voice to harden, "only that you die." I use my finger to stab between his ribs over the core that keeps his blood flowing through his body. His scream, while nice, is not satisfactory enough. "Come on, now, don't hold back. I want to be entertained or I'll have to stop."

The fool. He bites his lip, holding back his screams. I stand up, ball my fist and slam it down into his chest. A loud grunt escapes him, but he doesn't scream. Granted, I don't like physical combat, as a general rule, but there is something satisfying about beating him with my hands. "Come, now, Seimigaku, surely you've got more than that." My fist flies to his face and his head is thrown to the side with a satisfying crack of bones breaking. He is biting his tongue and blood spurts from it as his teeth break the surface. "Are you not going to play with me? How disappointing," I say as I backhand his face, more bones breaking under the assault. "I guess I'll have to stop, then." His eyes look at me, triumphant. "Who shall I call next?" Fear returns as the door opens. I look over my shoulder and see Yusuke in the door way. "Ah, yes, Yusuke. Are you ready for your turn?"

He steps into the room, glaring at the recumbent demon, "Yes!"

I smile at Seimigaku as I step over to Yusuke. "First things first, love. I need to tag out with you." With that, I snake the fingers of one hand through his hair and bring our lips together making sure Seimigaku can see. Yusuke's eyes are surprised, but he quickly returns the kiss, his arms wrapping around my body. My free hand travels down his body to cup his ass. Gods, I love his ass. I feel him pulling me close. It seems we've both decided to forget about Seimigaku for a while. One of his hands slides behind my neck and I feel his lips leave mine and travel down my neck. I allow my head to fall back, enjoying his touch. After a long minute of him worshipping my neck and me thoroughly enjoying it, he pulls back and asks, "Is it my turn now, love?"

I peck his lips, "Yes, love. Enjoy, but do leave some for Hiei." I look over to the chemist and can see pain on his expression. Not just physical pain, but more, as if he is just now realizing what he is missing. Fear is there, too, knowing now that Yusuke and Hiei will have a chance at him.

I lean against the wall and watch as Yusuke walks up to the demon. "You hurt my lover," he states, his voice hard. His eyes narrowed, "You hurt my mate!" I start a little at that. Never has he called me that before. None of us have declared ourselves mated. Not that we didn't want to, just that it never came up before. I feel Hiei slip beside me, his fingers lacing with mine as we watch Yusuke. Seimigaku's eyes have widened considerably. The word mate changes the context of what he did drastically. Instead of seeking to tempt away a temporary sex partner, he was trying to break a permanent bond. He now knew his fate. He now knew he would die. I could almost feel him shaking where I stood across the room.

Yusuke grabs the trembling demon and pulls him off the bench. "Very stupid," he growls out as he throws the blond across the room.

Futilely, Seimigaku being apologizing, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't know…If I'd known…" His sentiments are cut off as Yusuke's fist meets his face, further breaking it.

"It doesn't matter if you knew or not! He never wanted to be with you and you kept after him. Even if he weren't my mate, you deserve to die!" He slams his fist into the demon's chest.

Yusuke stands up, stepping away from the quivering pile next to the wall. "Hiei, there's not much left, but…if you're ready…" he offers.

Hiei turns to me, the fingers of his free hand going behind my head and pulling my lips to his. He whispers, "Mine," before claiming my lips passionately. I hear a groan of pain from Seimigaku, which serves to make the kiss that much better. Hiei releases me and then walks over to Yusuke, with whom he repeats his ministration, claiming the brown eyed one as his before kissing him with the same passion. I do love watching them.

They break apart and Yusuke comes to stand next to me. I lace my fingers through his and he squeezes my hand as we watch. Hiei walks over and stands akimbo over the blond mess. "So, I'll come looking for the fox when my 'libido unfreezes,' was that it, Seimigaku?" Pathetically, the chemist tries to squirm back into the wall. Hiei squats, grabbing a fist full of the blond hair, "And, I assure you, the fox is not 'little,' by any definition of the word." He flings the head out of his hand against the wall, "How dare you come after my mate!" He stands again, kicking the demon. "You disgust me. I think we're done wasting time on you." He looks over at us, drawing his katana, "Come here, my loves."

Yusuke and I walk over to him and watch as he holds out his sword over the pitiful thing. "For the crime of attacking my mate, you deserve death," he intones, his eyes serious.

I stand behind him, my hand joining his on the hilt of his katana. "For the crime of attacking me on more than one occasion, you deserve death," I say in the same tone.

Yusuke stands behind me, his hand joining our on the katana, "For the crime of attempting to steal my mate, you deserve death."

"For the crime of living," Hiei glares, "you deserve death!" As one, we bring the sword down, removing the blonde head from the effeminate body in one satisfying stroke. We all three stand there a moment, watching as the body shudders and goes limp without its head attached to it.

I look over to the head, its eyes wide and vacant, "Good bye, forever, Seimigaku. May your afterlife be worthy the crimes you've committed."

"Go to hell, bastard," Yusuke adds, echoing my sentiment with his customary eloquence.

"Good riddance," Hiei spits out, flicking his blade to clean the blood off of it. The spatters land on the pale face, which is satisfying in a way.

I wrap an arm around Hiei and look over my shoulder at Yusuke. "Mate?" I ask softly.

Yusuke's arms wrap around Hiei and me, "Yes, if…if you're willing. We say things like 'always' and 'forever.' I know it's not official, but…"

"If you're willing, Fox, we'd like to…" Hiei looks at me over his shoulder.

"'Make it official,' as the saying goes." Yusuke hugs us tighter. "To make an honest kitsune out of you," he laughs. "We were planning on surprising you on our next anniversary. We've been talking about it a lot since the picnic on the beach. Didn't quite mean for it to come out this way, but…it's been on my mind a lot."

I stand there, awed. I only thought they'd showed their love for me. This…this was more than I anticipated…more than I thought I had the right to hope for. "You've been keeping this secret?" I ask, my voice…awed

"We wanted to surprise you," Yusuke says nuzzling into my neck.

Hiei turns in my arms, "You haven't answered, Kurama." His voice, his eyes are anxious.

I close my eyes, "In all my life, both of them, I have never felt happier, never felt more loved than I do now." I open my eyes, looking into Hiei's so expressive red ones, "You told me I taught you love. You've taught me more about it than you'll ever know." I look over my shoulder to Yusuke who moves so I can see him better, "And you have done more than I could ever ask. I am deeply honored by your request. I want nothing more than to be mated to you two. I love you both so much!"

Yusuke wraps his arms around Hiei and me, not giving me a chance to work my own arm out to hold him. "I love you, I love you!" he sobs into my neck, squeezing us so tightly, I'm not sure either of us could breathe.

A tap at the door pulls us away from each other for a moment as we look over to see who it is. Today just seems to be one for untimely interruptions. Botan pokes her head in, "I'm sorry, but Koenma-sama said we need to get you out of here quickly." We go to follow her and she continues speaking, "I hope…I hope you don't mind, but I was listening…and…well…congratulations!" She turns suddenly and wraps her arms around me, moving to Yusuke and then to Hiei, quickly hugging us all. When she pulls away from Hiei, though, she apologizes, "I'm sorry, Hiei…"

His voice is a little gruff when he cuts her off, "Don't do that again…I'll let it slide this time."

I wrap an arm around his shoulder, "Yes…he's ours….he only likes it when we touch him." I nuzzle into his neck and I can feel his embarrassment.

"Keep that up, Fox…" his voice trails off.

I kiss his cheek, "Don't make threats you can't follow through on."

He turns to me, his eyes glinting with mischief, "Wait till we get home!"

Yusuke wraps and arm around me, "Yes, just wait! Botan, you'll tell the toddler we're unavailable for…oh, the next month, at least, right?"

"I'll give you a week," Koenma says. We're just outside his doorway.

"They're going to be mated!" Botan chirps happily.

"Ten days. I can't promise any more than that," he relents.

"I don't know if we'll have any energy at that point," I tease. Koenma blushes and stammers before closing his door…well, slamming might be a better word. I look at Botan, "And the curtains are definitely being closed…this time." I wink at her. It's amusing to watch her blush and stammer before she turns to walk down the hall.

"It's time for you to go!" she huffs out.

I feel Yusuke pinch my side. "Behave," he whispers, "or we'll tie you up!"

"Is that supposed to encourage or discourage me?" I ask, snaking an arm behind his back and squeezing his ass. Gods, I love that ass!

"Fox," Hiei begins, his tone attempting to reprove me, but it fails as I slide my hand over his ass, too and squeeze it. His eyes meet Yusuke's across my body, "He's asking for it!"

"Loud and clear and very directly," Yusuke agrees.

I am, I admit silently. I know they both love it when I'm tied down, when they can do whatever they want to me without my being able to do anything else. It's very different from the way they loved me last night, and it will serve well to complete our bond, to complete the mating ritual. Granted, my being bound makes me subservient to both of them, but…I am actually quite happy with that. I know our relationship isn't going to change that much when we finish the ceremony. It will only add that much more depth to it. I am excited. I am happy, very happy. I squeeze my hands around the pair of asses in them. "I can ask, loud and clear and very directly, if you'd like to hear it," I offer, knowing that they like hearing me beg. We have reached the portal room and Botan's neck is a very bright red and she is refusing to turn around and look at us. I wonder why?

Yusuke turns and nibbles at my ear, "Save it until we get home." I look over and his eyes are full of dark promise, "We'll make you beg, fox-boy!" It's been a long time since he's used that nickname for me.

I smile at him and say sweetly as we step into the portal, "Promises, promises!"

Hiei's hand finds its way to my ass, "Have we ever failed to deliver on a promise?"

I shiver deliciously as we reenter the forest, "No, and I'm looking forward to it." Botan makes no effort to talk to us, returning rather quickly through the portal. It seems to almost slam shut behind us.

Arm in arm, hands on asses, we walk to our home. The plants tell me, however, someone is there…Keiko and John. "What did Keiko want earlier?" I ask.

"Oh, she asked if today would be the day…I didn't think to ask what that meant," Yusuke says as I stop, making them stop as well.

"She and John are at the house." I can feel Hiei growling with my arm against his back. "We'll get them to leave quickly. I do want to talk with them, but later…much later." I smile at him and we continue walking, our arms still around each other.

John smiles at us and they both stand up from the porch as we approach. "Congratulations!" he cries.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Today, you will be bound, you will be married!" All three of us make a surprised noise. "I asked my Keiko if you three be married and she said no. I asked her to find out if today would be the day!" He is laughing and clapping his hands. "I know it be not your custom, but, will you permit me?" Keiko is standing behind him, her eyes asking this, even if it is just a favor to her.

"What kind of ceremony?" I ask. I really do need to find out more about voudun.

"Ah, see, the Catholics tried to…stamp out voudun, so, voudun adapted itself to Catholicism. The marriage ceremony is Catholic…mostly."

I glance over to Hiei, and his eyes tell me it is my decision. I look over to Yusuke, who is looking at Keiko. He looks at me after I squeeze his ass. His eyes are mixed. He'd rather skip the ceremony and go inside, but he also doesn't want to hurt Keiko's feelings. I look again at both John and Keiko. John is eager and Keiko is a little anxious. I nod, reaching my decision, "We'd be honored, John. There isn't much preparation, is there?"

"No," he smiles as if he's been given the best treat in the world, his face falls a little, "but we do need at least one more witness."

"Get a move on, then," Genkai's voice comes from the path behind us, "these three aren't going to wait long."

I look over my shoulder and she is there with Yukina and Kuwabara behind her, "Genkai-shihan," I greet her, "Yukina, Kuwabara-kun. How did you know to come?"

"Keiko came to the temple. John was waiting there," Yukina answered. "It would have been nice if you had told us," she reproved softly.

"I didn't know until today, Yukina," I answered her.

"They knew," she said pointedly.

"We weren't planning on today," Yusuke counters defensively. "That's just the way things worked out."

She smiles at him. It seems she just wanted a reaction. "Well, then, I'm sure you're eager to continue." She moves to stand by Kuwabara.

"Yes, let us continue," John says. "Though it really be more fitting if you hold hands…" Reluctantly, I move to let their asses go, squeezing first, a silent promise to continue where we left off. The squeeze mine in return and both move to hold my hands. They also reach across me with their free hands and join each other. John nods in approval, "We be changin' the ceremony just a bit since you three be demons and such." I smile at him that he knows koorime and kitsune aren't, by the strictest definition, demons, but spirits. "Are ya ready?" he asks.

"Quit stalling!" Yusuke grumbles, "You're almost as bad as granny!"

"Alright," John laughs, "We be beginning." His tone becomes serious and his accent fades away as he starts, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness an act of love. Love that defies logic and reason and the boundaries of those permitted it. This love has been forged in the furnaces of trail and tempered with the hammer of time into something both fearful and wonderful. These three, defying convention, have chosen a life path together. If there are any who object to their choice, it is given them to speak now or forever hold their peace." There is a pause in which I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. The only sounds are the birds and wind in the trees and the undercurrent of plant sounds I'm so used to I don't notice them very often. I can feel Yusuke fidgeting and Hiei getting tense.

"There are no objections," John continues just before I'm ready to lash out at him to continue. "Jaganshi Hiei," John's eyes focus on him, "do you willingly and with full knowledge of the consequences take these two to be your life's partners?"

"Willingly and fully," Hiei answers, his voice full of conviction. He squeezes my hand.

"Urameshi Yusuke," John faces him, "do you willingly and with full knowledge of the consequences take these two to be your life's partners?"

"Willingly and fully," Yusuke answers, his voice full of pride. He, too, squeezes my hand.

John's eyes come to me. "And you, Minamino Kurama," he smiles at me and I return the smile, "do you willingly and with full knowledge of the consequences take these two to be your life's partners?"

"Willingly and fully," I answer, my voice full of the love I feel.

"Then, by the power of the Loa, I do hereby pronounce you life partners. Share a kiss and blessings on you!" He laughs again. It's strange, but…I feel as if…something has changed. I feel almost breathless, my heart swollen in my chest so much that I can hardly feel anything else.

Hiei's hand leaves mine and goes to my head, his fingers brushing my cheek as they slide into my hair. I follow his gentle leading and bend down. He kisses me, almost chastely, our eyes joined, love shining out of his to me. His hand traces my cheek as our lips separate. I can see that he felt whatever it was I felt.

Yusuke's hand slips behind my waist, still holding my hand so that my arm is brought behind me as well. I turn to face him, and I can see in his eyes that he felt whatever it was Hiei and I felt. Is it what a marriage feels like? Or was there something more? Those questions leave my mind as he brings our lips together. Like Hiei's it is an almost chaste kiss, but our eyes remain open, joined. He pulls back from my lips without moving his arm and pulls Hiei to himself with his other hand. I watch as they kiss each other, the same type of kiss.

When their kiss breaks, Hiei rests his head on my chest and Yusuke puts his head on my shoulder. Hiei tips his chin up and looks at me, "You're happy, Fox, aren't you?"

"Yes," I answer, "very happy." I smile, "What makes you say that?"

"Your heart is beating very loudly." It has been some time since he commented on my heartbeat, but he does listen to it frequently.

Thinking of my heart, I turn to John, "What did you do?"

He smiles at us, his accent back in full force, "Only did what little I could to facilitate your bonding."

"You used your magic?"

"Yes," he admits shamelessly.

"My name?"

"Is it not who you are?"

I smile at him and nod, "You are right, John-san. Thank you."

Kuwabara speaks up, "What did you mean 'consequences'?"

I rest my cheek on Yusuke's head and listen as John answers. "They have chosen to be bonded to each other. Their souls are now joined. They cannot betray the others without suffering greatly. Nor can they be separated or broken up. They are one now." He looks at us and then at the others, "It is time we let them finish. Later, we will have a proper party for you three." He walks toward us, wrapping us all in a hug before we have a chance to separate or move, and whispers to us, "I wish you the best."

Keiko comes up next and hugs us. I don't feel like letting Hiei or Yusuke go and neither of them feel so inclined at the moment, so she wraps her arms around all three of us. "I'm so happy for you," she smiles at us as she backs away, moving to stand next to John.

Genkai comes over next, standing in front of us. "Good luck, half wit," she glares at Yusuke.

"Thanks again, granny, for messing in my life," Yusuke answers her. With a "hmph" she moves away, following the path to her home.

Yukina is next in well wishing and I can feel Hiei both tense and start to fidget. "I am happy for you," she murmurs softly before bowing to us and following Genkai back to her temple.

Kuwabara is last, and looks vaguely uncomfortable. "I am happy for you guys," he says, "but…well…I thought I'd be married first," his voice is soft.

"Why don't you ask her our sometime?" I ask at the same volume so that only the four of us can hear.

"Every time I think about it, I see Hiei glaring at me," he replies. He still doesn't know about Hiei's relationship to Yukina, nor does she know, even though the reason for that secret has past.

"You can ask her, but if you hurt her…" Hiei says, letting the threat trail off. I squeeze him appreciatively.

Kuwabara bows, his discomfort leaving his face, "Thank you, Hiei. I wish you three happiness," he bows and leaves, following Yukina out of the clearing.

Keiko speaks once more, "I was surprised when you three got together. I expected Yusuke and me to be together forever. I'm glad things worked out differently. You three…I love all three of you and wish you the best."

John smiles at her and turns back to us, "May joy find a home in your hearts always." With that, he turns and wraps an arm around Keiko's waist, pulling her out of the clearing, leaving us alone, finally.

"Shall we finish what has been started?" I ask softly after a moment of just enjoying the feel of my lovers.

"Some how," Yusuke murmurs, "I…I hope you're not disappointed, but I don't feel like tying you down, fox-boy."

"Neither do I," Hiei responds, his voice softly distant.

"Then, let's just go and do whatever feels right," I reply. I agree with them. Being bound after that just doesn't feel…right. But, that doesn't change the fact that I do want to be with my lovers.

Hiei pulls away from my chest a little and looks up at both of us. "I want to love you both. That's what feels right." He turns from me, taking hold of my hand that is wrapped around his body and gently tugs, encouraging me to follow him. Yusuke lifts his head from my shoulder and we follow Hiei into the house, shucking our shoes at the door. We pass the living room silently, even the plants seem to understand something is happening and don't disturb me even though they are thirsty.

We enter the bedroom and stand in the doorway a moment. It's almost as if…as if we are entering some holy place…someplace that breathes of gods and ancient spirits. We are all holding our breath, as if waiting. The whole room has a feeling of waiting.

Hiei turns to face us, his eyes almost overflowing with emotion, "I love you, Kurama, Yusuke." His voice is soft and breaks slightly as he says our names.

Yusuke catches his hand with his free one and softly says, "I love you, Hiei, Kurama," looking at each of us, his voice breaking, too.

I squeeze their hands and reply around the lump that has formed in my throat, "I love you Yusuke, Hiei." Slowly, as if moving through thick mud, we move toward each other. The whole feel of the room is unreal as we embrace each other. I know they feel it too by the looks on their faces.

Almost as if we are in a trance, we walk to the bed, Hiei walking backwards since we are reluctant to let each other go. As we approach the bed, we turn so that I sit first.

"If you will permit it, Kurama, I'd like…I'd like you under me," Hiei says softly. He isn't often the one who is penetrated, usually taking the more dominant role in sex. Yusuke and I often switch, but Hiei is usually on top. But, when Hiei is bottom, he prefers to be on top of the one he's bottoming for…and he always asks.

"I'd be honored, my love. Anything you want, any way you want, as long as you want," I say softly, reminding him of the first time we made love, when he said the same thing to me. I'm feeling strangely nostalgic now. I smile over at Yusuke, "Will you top me, love?"

"I'd be honored," he answers me softly.

Slowly, we remove our clothing, not helping each other, just taking off our own cloths. I note, and will probably be amazed later when things feel less…suspended…that we all are fully erect even though we've not really done anything to each other. I don't even feel as if I should be hard…I don't really feel aroused or horny, but I want to be with them. When I have time, later, maybe I'll puzzle it out. Now is not the time, though.

When our clothes are off, I lay on the edge of the bed, watching as Hiei climbs on, balancing on his toes over my body. He meets my eyes as Yusuke covers my erection with lube and guides him down onto me. We both gasp at the feeling, but our eyes remain joined. I feel Yusuke moving my legs and my eyes go to his. I gasp as does he when he enters me. My heart feels as if it could burst from the emotions…from the atmosphere of the room that holds us suspended together. I struggle to meet both their eyes as they look at mine. After a long time, we begin to move, slowly at first, rocking gently against each other, enjoying the friction. Despite how many times we've made love to each other, this feels…like the first time…

I can see Hiei's lips moving, but his voice isn't emerging from his throat at first. His eyes, on mine, look…full of tears. I reach up to his face, brushing against his cheek. His voice grows louder and I hear…it sounds like sobs as he repeats over and over, "I love you." Yusuke wraps an arm around him and his lips go to his ear, echoing the statement as his other hand seeks out mine. I feel my lips moving, I hear my voice repeating the words. Our bodies move faster as our words tumble out over and over, filling the room with our declarations.

I feel the tension building in my body and I can see it in my…my mates. The end…the beginning is approaching and will not be denied. I move Yusuke's and my hand to Hiei's shaft as our bodies continue to move faster. Our chant continues, the words blending together into a continuous stream, growing louder as the tension in the room becomes unbearable. A shock passes through our bodies, suspending time, fusing our souls completely as we all find our completion, all still sobbing out our love for each other. My body surges up from the bed, my arms moving to wrap around both my lovers as the exquisite tension claims us. I feel their arms wrapping around me and feel their chests heaving within my grasp.

As the tension of climax leaves our bodes, we slide down the side of the bed, our hips somehow managing to remained joined as we come to rest on Yusuke's lap. I am leaning back against the bed as Hiei and Yusuke both lean against me. We stay that way a long time, still suspended by the eerie atmosphere, unwilling to move or talk.

The room is fully dark when we feel any need to move. It was actually not long before dawn, the plants told me when I checked with them, an unconscious habit. We had spent the whole night holding each other…the whole night suspended in that strange atmosphere that was just now beginning to dissipate…but…not really dissipate…it was still there, but…less overwhelming.

Hiei moves first, pushing slightly away from me, causing Yusuke to sit up. He stands, going to the bathroom and returning with a damp washcloth. With his customary care, he washes our bodies before urging us to stand. "Into bed. Sleep," he says softly.

A little stiffly, I move to comply, moving to the center of the bed. Yusuke crawls in and drapes a leg over me before I can turn onto my side. Hiei joins us, his head resting on my chest as Yusuke's arm drapes over both of us. We are too exhausted to deal with the blanket just now. "I love you," we all whisper as one and I feel sleep claim me.

A/N: Well...that went almost nothing like I thought it would...sigh There are times I want to strangle my muse...up until I started writing the last scene, I seriously thought it was going to be a bondage scene...I really "didn't feel right"...and I'm not sure I conveyed very well what was in my head...kind of that "supernatural" air you sometimes feel in old churches and other places like that...sometimes even in a forest or places like that...that suspension of "reality" but at the same time, being more real. Anyways...that ends this adventure. Happy whatever you celebrate at this time of year.