Sorry guys! I know I have been horrible but my life has taken a turn for the worst lately and I am just really depressing. Everyither is going down hill for me but at least I have a chapter for you guys. And I'll have one for TIWT too.

Enjoy…As always, R&R!

Brokwn Wing 9

"Why did you stop me? Why did you hold me back?!" Radditz screamed to his assailant.

"Because you would have been killed immediately. What good are you to Vegeta dead?" Zarbon staed curtly.

"More help that you have ever been…" Radditz grumbled.

"Say what you will. You know just as well as I. Before you would have even gotten to the Prince, Frieza would have killed you. Then Vegeta really would give up." Zarbon said, softly.

"Why are you helping me and Vegeta?" He questioned.

"I have my own reasons for doing what I do. Don't question me. You will know when the time comes." And with that, Zarbon got up and walked swiftly out the door.

Radditz watched him leave, thinking about what he had said. Shutting the door, he tried to concentrate on Vegeta's thoughts. Grabbing his scouter, he was able to lock onto it. 'Good, he's still alive…Hopefully they will let him go soon so I can hold him once again.' Radditz let loose a great sigh, knowing there was nothing that he could do and as much as he hated to admit it, the reptilian was right. If Zarbon did not pull him abhck he would be dead now. That would leave Vegeta all alone with the exception of Nappa.

"Nappa…Maybe if I can find him I coul get him to spar with me until Vegeta can get out." With that final thought, he went in search of the tall bald Saiyan.

Hours went by and still Vegeta was left chained to the wall, his shock collar tightly wrapped around his neck. He knew that these meetings could take anywhere from a few hours to a good long day. He was hoping that he would not have to stay there throughout the whole thing. The injuries he sistained from the rapes were starting to get to him and make him cringe and groan slightly.

"Vegeta, Dear Prince, are you in pain?" Frieza asked cutely, which almost made Vegeta vomit on the spot.

"Yes, Master." That word left a vile taste in his mouth, but he knew that things would get worse with the smallest mistake.

"Well, you have served us well. Why don't I call someone up to take you to the tanks? Then you can rest." Frieza smiled, evily.

Vegeta knew that this may be his only chance to get out of here alive. He needed to see Radditz again. "If I could, Master. I would greatly appreciate it."

"Very well." Frieza called one of his guards and hasd Vegeta carried away. "Now, where were we?" The tyrant asked, with a sick smirk on his lips.

Radditz heard that the Prince was out of the meeting room and was being taken to the regenertation tanks for his injuries.

'I swear, I'm going to kill that sick bastard for ever laying one hand on my Prince.' Radditz thought bitterly as he ran through the many halls. Upon reaching the med wing, he saw Vegeta, floating in the blueish-green fliud.

'Oh Vegeta…' Radditz walked slowly over to the glass and palced his hand on the tank. 'I'm so sorry…'

"He should be out in a hour or so…Nothing too bad." The doctor stated.

Radditz thanked the doctor and went back to longing for his Prince. He sat in a chair next to the tank and waited while his Prince healed.

Vegeta woke up in a blueish-green environment. From the slight stinging in his eyes, he knew that he was in the rengeration tanks. He felt better…meaning his backside didn't haut half as much as it did, although he knew he was already broken and damaged. Nothing could ever change that…

Bringing him out of his depressing thoughts was a slight tapping on the window. 'Radditz…' Vegeta thought happliy.

Radditz woke to Vegeta waking up. He tried to wave his hand a little in front of the Prince but he seemed so out of it. Thinking of the only logical thing to do, he tapped on the window. The Prince finally looked up, noticing him for the first time. And Radditz was sure that he saw relief in Vegeta's eyes.

Radditz pished a sequence of buttons on the keypad and the liquid preceeded to drain out slowly. Once everything ws drained and secure, the door opened and the tall Saiyan rushed in to help Vegeta up. "You ok?"

"Yeah…I think so. Frieza had me come here."

"That is suprising all in itself, but for right now let's get you in bed and some food." Radditz escorted Vegeta down the numerous halls to their rooms. "Radditz…?"


"Can I rest in your bed?"

"Sure." Radditz was surprised at the request but he was happy none the less. He laid the Prince down and went to his food stash that he kept in his room and got out some food for Vegeta. He knew that the regen tanks worked wonders but they left you feeling very tired and hungry. "Here, eat this and you should feel better." The Prince ate hungrily then rested…but he did have one request for his guard, now lover.

"Will you stay with me?"

Radditz looked to him then to the floor. Smiling, he stood up and got in behind Vegeta. Pulling him close, he whispered "I love you" that was the last thing Vegeta heard before he slipped into a deep relaxing sleep.

While our two favorite Saiyans slepy peacfully, Zarbon and Jeice were in a heated discussion.

"We cannot just go there and kidnapp Saiyans from their home and then ask for their help! That is absolutly rediculous!"

"Listen Zarbon, Frieza is getting stronger and stronger by the day. He is gaining more and more people…If we wait much longer I am not so sure we will have much to work with!"

"Radditz and Vegeta will be sent there. I will talk with them and tell them that there are other Saiyans there. I'm sure that they will be more than happy to help us take the lizard down. Trust me on this, okay?!"

"Why not just let Zarbon handle this Jeice?" A female voice sounded from the back

"Shut up, Jakel. This is none of your business!" Jeice snipped.

"Mother and Father always said that you had the worse temper…" Jakel sighed to her big brother.

"Whatever. Look, I think we need to get a move on and quit wasting valuable time. But I will let you handle this part of the plan. Me and Jakel have more shit to get ready anyway." Jeice sighed, defeated.

"Thank you, Jeice. I know you don't think I know what I am doing but I do. I have a plan to get everyone out of here and weed out the spys." A light beeping noise in his ear alerted Zarbon that someone was trying to rach him through his scouter. He knew it was the one person he hated with all his heart and soul. Zarbon put a finger to his lips to slience Jeice and Jakel.

"Yes, Master?"

"I would like to see you in my chambers, Zarbon. I have had quite a rough day." Then the connection was cut.

"Well, at least he is leaving you alone for a little bit, Jakel."

"Yea, I guess. I just sucks that he has picked you now. Be safe."

"Yea, mate. Don't need you dyin' on us now." Jeice made a small laugh.

"Really, what would you do without me?" Zarbon smiled and walked away to head to Frieza's chambers. Not really knowing if he would ever come back but knowing that he would definatly be sore in the morning.

Well that's all for now! Review ok?! Thanks!