Hey Guys! Anyway, I'm really sorry about not updating TIWT. I was gonna do it now but the notebook that I had with me is not the right one. Damnit! Anyway here is my new idea for my next story.

IT IS A YAOI! IF YOU DO NOT LIKE, DO NOT READ! The warning is in bold, italicized, underlined, AND in all caps…if you choose to ignore it DO NOT flame me telling me that there is something wrong with yaoi or that u hate yaoi…I will have to hurt you. If u don't like stories like this then don't read them…it's not rocket science…Good Lord! And I think I can talk for all yaoi authors when I say that. Don't flame me about it!

Anyway, I know that this is a long intro but I wanted to give you some insight cuz it can get kindda confusing (even for me and I'm the author…00). This is going to be about Radditz and Vegeta. There will be some sex but not right away. Dodges something thrown at my head by Kim It's going ton start on the night where Vegeta and Radditz were taken onto Frieza's ship.

Vegeta: Age-5

Radditz: Age-7

Now on with the story…

Broken Wing-Ch. 1

"You want my son!"

"Why yes. I can teach him to be more than what he could become here. I can put him in control of armies. Make him the strongest there ever was."

"And if we refuse?"

"I don't think you will want this situation to come to that. I would be very upset to say the least."

A guard, who had the most outrageous hairstyle ever with big black spikes pointing out in every direction and had a scar on his cheek, spoke out. He knew that there was a chance that he may be killed by doing so but he had to get his word out.

"My King and Queen! Please overlook my interruption for one minute." Bardock said, kneeling.

"Speak soldier." The Queen said.

"Thank you my Queen. I wanted to say that if the Prince where to go with Lord Frieza, we should let my eldest son go with him. It'll help the prince train better if he has a fellow Saiyan to train with."

"Good idea, Soldier." The King looked toward Frieza.

"If my son is to go with you he will have to have his bodyguard with him. I believe Bardock is right, it'll help Vegeta train if he had a Saiyan with him."

"Oh fine. I don't care. Where is the little Prince anyway?"

"He's sleeping. Please, can't this wait until morning?" The Queen asked as politely as possible. She hated the lizard with all her being and she would be damned if he got her son while she was still breathing…

Well I think that is good for an Intro. Please tell me what you think. Next chapter up soon!

Scar Light