A/N- (Weeping sounds) (Sniffle) this is the last chapter of Cagalli's Decision! After this is my new story called, "Hope." So I HOPE that you guys read that one. Here's the finale!
Disclaimer: At this rate, you should know…"Come on Cagalli! Get into that dress!" Miriallia ordered.
It was a strapless white dress with a green rose pinned to the left top of the dress. From the hip, there were 3 light green streaks from the right coming down to the left hemline of the dress. There was a pair of white gloves hanging over a chair.
"Please Cagalli, this is your special day." Lacus pleaded.
"NO!" The blonde refused. She was backed up in a corner of her room. Her so-called friends crept towards her.
"Ok then… We'll have to force you into that dress…" Luna said with a smirk.
Cagalli's eyes widened and looked for a nearby weapon. Unfortunately, the girls had expected this refusal and removed all sharp objects.
"Fine!" She finally gave up.
"We rule!" The others high-fived, which caused Cagalli to roll her eyes. The amber-eyed woman stepped into the dress voluntarily, with the help of Meyrin. She wore the dainty gloves, with a sigh. I've been waiting for this…
Luna placed a crown of yellow flowers over Cagalli's hair, with a silk cloth coming from the hoop.
Meyrin gave Cagalli a bouquet of yellow flowers and also a pair of silver evening high heels. The blonde stared blankly at it and gave Meyrin a blank look.
"You can't wear high heels?" The red head asked.
"No! They kill! How about sneakers?" Cagalli asked with puppy eyes.
"NO!" All four girls yelled.
So what DO I wear?" The bride asked. Luna pulled out low heel shoes. Cagalli shrugged, knowing that it's better then the high heels, and slipped into them. All the girls squealed at the scene in front of that.
Stellar finalized it by dabbing on some pink blush on her and used green mascara on the bride. She put some lip-gloss on Cagalli's lips and smirked.
"Voila!" The violet-eyed girl said.
Cagalli blushed when she heard a barrage of compliments.
Outside of their doors, the bodyguards stood there, ears pressed against the door. They wore dark shades and dresses/tuxedos. Being nosy was part of their job, right? Nope. They just want too listen to Cagalli's struggles.
"OW!" Athrun yelled out in pain.
"Oh come on Athrun, it's just a comb. If you want to marry my daughter, you got to have neat and settled hair." Nya said.
"My bad!"
Kira walked in with a trumpet and played it badly. "Presenting your…TUXE!"
Shinn walked in, tweaking his ear and glaring at Kira. He held up a brand new pressed tuxedo. It was a dark-blue tuxedo, with golden hemlines. There was a purple ruffle cloth that was puffing out from the V-line collar. The golden buttons counted 5. There was also a pair of dark-blue pants. (Check out my website, there's a picture of it!)
"I'm wearing that?" Athrun questioned.
"You better." Came the cold voice of Yzak. He came through the door with a scowl. Dearka followed after.
"Sorry people. Yzak's in a pissed off mood, cause he paid 2/3s of the tux." The sandy blonde said with a smirk.
"Thanks…Yzak…" Athrun thanks, quite shocked.
Dearka rolled his eyes and said, "That's his way of saying no problem." Yzak and Dearka had become great friends over the period of events.
Finally, the time has come…
Cagalli's eyes widened at the place where the marriage was taking place…the coffee shop?
"Wow, are you guys serious?" Cagalli questioned, gaping at the scene before her. They smiled.
Kira stated, "This is where you and Athrun first met, so it's better then any old church."
They entered the coffee shop that was decorated quite nicely. There were flowers hung around and many tinsels. The chairs were placed in rows. There was a stage against the wall. There was a stand where a bible was placed open. The groom was already standing in the front.
Most of the audience was their bodyguards, friends and families. There were also some of their friends' friends, doctors and other people to see the marriage. Including usual coffee customers.
Athrun was with his best man, Kira. However, he seemed to be nervous and trembling. Kira assured him that the wedding would go perfectly fine.
The organ started playing the usual wedding song. Cagalli walked down the aisle, her father by her side, arm by arm. She stopped when she reached the end of the aisle and next to Athrun.
"We are all here today to bond these two spirits in this ceremony." "Now, Athrun Zala, do you want to wed this lovely young woman and be by her side when sick and injured?"
"I do."
"Cagalli Yula Attha, do you want to wed this handsome young man and provide him with support and care?"
"Duh. I mean, I do."
"Then wear the wedding rings…" Athrun picked up a ring from Mayu and slipped it on Cagalli's finger.
Cagalli picked up another and slipped it on his finger.
"Now, you may kiss the bride."
They locked lips, which sealed their love and devotion for each other.
Cagalli threw the bouquet into the crowd.
The lucky man, Kira, had gotten it. There were cheers.
After the wedding, they had a party in the coffee shop, enjoying themselves, until Shiho grabbed up a cup of coffee and yelled, "Toast to the happy couple!"
Everyone grabbed a cup of coffee, raised it in the air and yelled, "Cheers!" They took a sip.
"Blech! BITTER!" Mayu spit out the coffee. Everyone laughed. Meyrin and Heine high-fived. Luna and Rey smiled and kissed. Miriallia and Dearka smiled. Yzak and Shiho stared emotionlessly at the scene, until they laughed it off and hugged. Kira and Lacus hugged.
Cagalli and Athrun chuckled and had one last kiss.
Then so ends, Cagalli's decision on whether or not Athrun was a friend or foe.
"Or maybe more?" Mayu asked. She grinned.
The End
Thanks to: daisukia'n'caga, asga, ovp, thousandbirds, Kazumi Kairi or Kairichan, QUEENPaul, The Jacklee, ZGMFX-19A Infinite Jusstice, PINKSISA, Childish Hentai, Cari-Akira, Zala's Asssassin, Hikaru-1989, gseedlover, Cagalli and Athrun Fan Gal, Sakura-Moonlight, Kenshinlover2002, Canadain-Girl, Amy James, AthrunCagalli Fan Girl, Amanoda, SunflowerSeeds, azncandyangel, PacificBlue, Cerise Enchantresss, chibineko192, Cagalli-Yula-Attha, Yukimi noh Daiomoru, anonymous, burnt.icecream, Hinoko-chan, seiha Maeye, KiraTatashi, Life. Love. Hate. Death, sanzo-reload, Tasaika, Besjer, asucags, Panda, Hell's Fox Princess, purple1, stuntsheep, lostsoul, lexynton, RainPure, xCagallix, Theangels'Princess, sunmao, Kate Sim, azna-azure, Crazy Izumi, Souunga, lalala, Tsukasa1155, Songtress of Victory, Miyu-Cagalli and Eternally Asuka.